Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 947

In front of Liu Yanyu's eyes was a yellow space, with spiral cloud columns running through the space and leading to the sky. The cloud column is also black and white, but only the bottom one has a faint glow.

Liu Yanyu's figure has just been settled, "boom and boom..." At the bottom of the cloud column, there was a sound of wind and thunder. But at the place where the wind was rolling and the clouds were surging, a pair of big bloody hands came out of the cloud column. There was no room for Liu Yanyu's reaction. The big hand had taken Liu Yanyu from her hand and retracted the cloud column.

"Good!" Seeing this, old Quan was not surprised but pleased. He caressed his palm and said, "I still want to know how to cast the magic. Now I know that the color of his whole body is really related to the ancestral statue!"

Looking at the spring old turn around, the wind and snow have no good intention to pull Liu Yanyu's sleeve again, he shrunk his hand and said with a smile: "jue'er already has the blood of the wind family, and the ancestral image should care for her, but now?"

"Just go in and have a look!" The spring old says to step into cloud pillar first.

"Sister Yan Yu, let's go..." Fengxue's backhand skill was repeated, and she wanted to take the opportunity to pull Liu Yanyu's catkin. Unfortunately, Liu Yanyu didn't give him the opportunity to fly to a few footpaths, "well, let's go!"

"Ha ha..." Feng Xue laughs and shakes her head. He thinks Liu Yanyu is shy.

Inside the Yuzhu is a tawny hall with countless totems engraved on the four walls. Unfortunately, most of the totems are broken, and you can't see anything. Only on the front stone wall of the hall, a huge stone shadow is slightly clear.

However, Liu Yanyu's eyes did not look at the four walls. Her eyes immediately fell on a huge sculpture in front of the stone shadow.

Although this sculpture is a female image, it is not complete. Only the upper body floats in the air, and the lower body is an altar made of black and white thunder. The woman's face is kind, and her body is not small. The skin on her body is shining with a yellow halo. This halo is strange. Liu Yanyu's eyes are full of countless images of men and women's reproduction. Liu Yanyu is a little stunned and looks at the woman's raised arms in a hurry.

The woman's arms were not stretched flat, but raised high above her head. At this time, the unconscious Liu Yanzhen was holding on her arms. Women's arms are different from other places, some of them are very eye-catching blood color. Liu Yanyu could see clearly that the color of blood was the same as that of Liu Yanzhen. There was a shadow of Guanyin, and the color of blood was rushing towards Liu Yanzhen!

As soon as he entered the temple, his eyes swept over Liu Yanzhen. He immediately dropped his head and knelt down on the ground.

Liu Yanyu hesitates for a moment, and then falls to her knees respectfully. She finally understands why the wind family doesn't allow Liu Zhifei and stupid Taoist to enter. However, Liu Yanyu doesn't understand why her mother doesn't talk to her father about this situation.

"Yan Yu..." Spring old voice spread, "you want to make a blood oath, the situation of our wind home Temple must not reveal a word to others!"

Liu Yanyu smiles bitterly. She doesn't have any hesitation. She immediately makes a blood oath. At the same time, she also understands her mother's difficulties.

In the temple, there was no sound except a slight roar. Feng Xue didn't dare to look up. He wanted to see Liu Yanyu and talk to her, but he hesitated for a moment and gave up. It was hard for him to wait in his mind before Zuxiang.

For seven days, the roar stopped in Liu Yanyu's uneasiness. Liu Yanyu and others knelt for seven days and nights. However, when everyone looked up, Liu Yanyu did not wake up.

Old spring thought for a moment and said, "go out first!"

Then Mr. Quan kowtowed to the statue. After a few words, he took Liu Yanzhen off his arms.

At this time, the blood color of Zu Xiang's arms had disappeared, and the blood color gushing from Liu Yanyu's body had disappeared. Only the halo of blood Guanyin between the eyebrows was still flashing, but the halo was dim, and it seemed that it might disappear at any time.

Mr. Quan handed Liu Yanzhen to Liu Yanyu. After bowing to the statue again, he turned and walked to the yellow wall.

"Sister Yan Yu..." Feng Xue didn't dare to neglect him. After bowing to the statue, she said in a low voice, "don't fly, just follow my brother!"

"Good!" When Liu Yanyu saw that Liu Yanzhen's blood was fading away, she was sure. Naturally, she knew the taboo of Fengjia temple and nodded her head.

Sure enough, with the pace of the wind and snow toward the yellowish stone wall, Liu Yanyu felt a warm light and shadow all over her body, but only a few breath. As soon as her eyes lit up, she had stepped out of the light and shadow of the giant tower, standing in mid air, and Liu Zhifei and others were waiting nearby.

However, the strange thing is that the place where Liu Yanyu appears is behind Liu Zhifei and others. Liu Zhifei and others eagerly look in front of their heads and don't notice.

"My father..." Looking at the old spring and the snow, Liu Yanyu called in a low voice.

"Ah?" Liu Zhifei was stunned. He turned around and saw three people behind him. He called out, "what's the matter with you?"

Spring old tone is still light, don't see Liu Zhifei, but to Fenghua said: "the whole body blood color has faded, but she still didn't wake up, I don't know the specific reason, but..."

Liu Zhifei said anxiously, "what's the good plan of old spring?"

How did you know that Mr. Quan glanced at Liu Zhifei and replied, "but I only send him to the temple as ordered by the master. I can't do anything else!"Finish saying, spring old a throw hemp clothes sleeve, turn round to go!

As the old spring flies away, a black-and-white thunder appears under the people's feet. The thunder pushes them away from the huge tower. With the light and shadow rolling around, the outline of the Pavilion appears in front of the people's eyes.

Feng Xue was embarrassed and whispered: "uncle, don't care, old spring..."

Without waiting for Feng Xue to finish, Liu Zhifei said hastily, "it's all right, Mr. Quan is the elder, and we are the younger. How dare we be disrespectful? It's just a little bit... "

"Don't worry, Uncle..." Feng Xue pondered for a moment and said, "I've just thought about it, but I'm not conscious. I'm afraid it's because my spirit is different. I don't want to go to the Yingtian que of the Huang family to have a look!"

Fenghua was overjoyed and said: "what Xueer said is true, husband, let's go quickly..."

"Aunt Hua..." Feng Xue said with a smile, "don't worry. My nephew heard from Mr. Quan that the master was discussing with the Huang family. I just don't know if it's over now. My nephew will go to inquire. If it's OK, please ask the master's order, and my nephew will send my sister to chaotianque. It's better to go back to chaotianque before you go to meet tianque."

"Exactly, exactly!" Fenghua said with great joy, "thank you for your help!" Feng Xue said with a smile, "my son is also my nephew's sister."

With that, Feng Xue raised her hand and wanted to sacrifice the immortals. But just as she raised her hand, he let out a "ouch", sweat oozing from his forehead, his left hand covering his chest and his body plummeting.

"Good nephew..." Liu Zhifei hurriedly put his hand on the wind and snow, and cried, "what's the matter with you?"

Liu Yanyu didn't know whether Fengxue pretended, but she said quickly: "he He just opened the temple with the blood of his heart.... "

"Ouch..." Liu Zhifei accepted the empty ring a little, and a crystal bottle flew out. Before Liu Zhifei could say anything, Feng Xue struggled to get out and waved, "uncle, what are you doing? What should I do for my sister

"No, no..." Liu Zhifei just wanted to explain something. With a wave of Fengxue's right hand, the light of the sword fell like flowers. There were two light falls in the light and shadow of the pavilion. Fengxue stepped on a light fall and flew into the light and shadow, shouting, "uncle, take a rest, and see what's going on with you. My nephew will come right away!"

"Thank you, thank you..." Liu Zhifei answered with a bitter smile, and everyone's figure was rolled by the light waterfall, and they had already arrived at the location of a pavilion.

"How about yu'er..." Stupid Taoist didn't speak all the time. At this time, he asked Liu Yanyu.

Liu Yanyu said in a hurry, "fourth uncle, I've checked it. Except for being in a coma, everything is OK!"

"That's troublesome!" Liu Zhifei raised his hand in the center of Liu Yan's eyebrows, watched a light golden spot fall, and then disappeared. He frowned and said, "I could have gone back to you old man to ask, but now there is Fengxue going to find the master of Feng's family. We really go to yingtianque."

"Better go!" The stupid Taoist let out Yan Nian to have a look, and said, "you Lao went to forget Sichuan, and the life essence was damaged a lot. The elder of Huang family is proficient in the art of spirit. Let them have a look!"

Said, stupid Taoist intentionally or unintentionally look at Liu Yanyu, the front of the words a turn way: "around is also the flattery of others, do not white do not."

Fenghua also said with a smile: "it's true that Xueer has a heart. The price of opening the temple is not small!"

Liu Zhifei opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say it after all.

Liu Yanyu "bears the humiliation" and tries to wake up Liu Yanyu, but Xiao Hua doesn't know the grievance of the woman who is going to accompany her for the rest of her life. At this time, he is flying in the blood and sweat desert.

There is no rain in the bloody desert, and even no cloud in the sky. The silver sunlight of the snake day shines on the earth, and the red gravel flickers with silver light. There are strong winds, but they can't blow away the high temperature of the desert, and the sunlight is distorted at the transpiration of the heat wave. Xiao Hua didn't relax his vigilance, and occasionally let out Yan Nian to explore. It's just that xuehanmo is the same as Che Xiong. There is no immortal, no fierce beast, and nothing else but silence and high temperature.

Silence and high temperature are fatal to mortals, but they are nothing to immortals. Xiao Hua flies with Xiaojin and Xiaoyin for more than half an hour, and finally sees the end of the red color. He frowns slightly, stops, turns to look at the boundless red color behind him, pinches his chin and says: "it's Xiao's bad luck, and Or is it not good for other fairies who normally cross the bloody desert? "

Listening to Xiao Hua's whisper, Xiao Huang said strangely, "what's the matter, mother?"

"It's all right, it's all right!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "it's just flying over the desert, which makes her mother encounter some strange things, so she regrets her fortune."

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Liu Yanzhen's affairs are really troublesome. They even disturb the Liu family, the Feng family and the Huang family