Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 837

"Boom..." With Huanji's voice, the purple sword flashed above the sky, which made Xiaoqi afraid to speak. However, when Xiaohua flew back to the clouds, Xiaoqi's voice came again: "Xiaoliu, I remember you!"

"Master..." Bai Xiaotu, who was covered by Li Mo Yi, said with a sad face, "can I have a word?"

"To be remembered by a beautiful fairy is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world!" Xiao Hua was in a good mood and said, "now that you have picked two of the most beautiful flowers in the world, what else do you want to say? Enjoy yourself... "

"Ha ha ha..." Next to Li Moyi, he fell down laughing and almost broke his belly!

Xiao Hua was in a good mood. Looking at Bai Xiaotu's shriveled appearance, he rubbed his head and said, "it's a blessing to suffer losses."

Bai Xiaotu was very helpful. He said with a smile, "I'm happy to be a shield for the master."

"Shield?" Xiao Hua didn't look at Li Moyi angrily and said, "this is Moyi's religion, isn't it?"

What else does Li Moyi want to say? Xiao Hua orders: "I suddenly have a secret skill to understand. You can wait and see for yourself. If you like, you can bid..."

With that, Xiao Hua ignores them and sits with five hearts in the sky. His mind goes straight into the space. He can't help but feel hot in his heart. He wants to see the true face of wanxianlu for the first time.

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, falls into the void and raises his hand to take out the ten thousand immortals record. However, the almost intact Book suddenly appears in the void. On the book, a series of straight purple textures are engraved on it like knife carving. Between the purple textures, there are gold wires connecting the purple like fog. The gold wires are a little dim, but they flash golden light from time to time. When the golden light comes out, all the gold wires are like clouds The fog gushed out, and the nameless rune that Xiao Hua was familiar with immediately appeared.

In the texture of purple and gold, the three characters of purple and gold "wanxianlu" flashed, and the incomparable dignity came out from the tadpole text. Even Xiao Hua could not help but tremble in his eyes.

"What will happen?" Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, and the last bloody iron appeared in the void.

As soon as this piece of iron appeared, although it was imprisoned by Xiao Hua, wanxianlu still opened with a "bang", in which the evil spirit gushed out, and in the direct purple and golden light, there were huge waves of blood rushing towards the piece of iron.

"Ouch, ouch..." A howl and roar roared out of the sea of blood. Even if there were purple stripes turned into Zhenhai pillars, they couldn't stop the blood shadows from surging in Naizhong.

Seeing this, Xiao Hua hesitated. These fierce weather are magic weapons!

With a wave of the jade ultimatum, Xiao Hua blocks the blood wave rushing at the iron.

"Roar..." Without the breath of iron, there was another roaring sound in the immortal record. The empty shadows of big hands came out from the forbidden system of immortals and grasped the void helplessly!

"Oh..." All of a sudden, Xiao Hua turned his mind and said, "I understand. This In this last piece of iron, there may be these suppressed souls, right? Do they want to make the soul complete when they roar like this? "

Think of, jade die Xiao Hua blew a tone, that layer of confinement disappear, blood wave "Wu" of a will iron piece engulf!

"Boom boom..." The whole book vibrates again when the iron pieces fall into several feet. The 108 pages vibrate out like 108 cages. The blood light in the cages surges, and countless immortals condense at the bottom of the blood light like rocks. At this time, although the layers of bloodstain were still suppressed by the beautiful pillars, Xiao Hua could see clearly. Under each pillar, there was an immortal shadow. These immortals were fat or thin, tall or short, but their faces were ferocious.

As if we could see Xiao Hua, the jade die, where Xiao Hua had seen, "roar" the suppressed immortals would roar madly, as if they were showing their unyielding and struggling!

The purple light column shakes, and the golden light condenses the chains to bind these immortals. Every time the immortals struggle, the golden light penetrates into their bodies.

"This These immortals... " Xiao Hua can clearly perceive the power of these immortals. This power is not only the power of soul, but also the power of blood and law. Xiao Hua almost lost his voice Are they all real fairies? "

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, looked around in a hurry to find the real immortal with the highest strength, but he didn't wait for him to investigate, "boom..." The sound of a loud, a golden light from the depths of the sea of blood, like thousands of swords pierce the blood light. Where the golden light passed, the shaking purple column was still, and the gold chains that bound the immortal soul were solidified, just like ice knot fairy formula. As for those immortal souls who were imprisoned in the sea of blood, the rebellious breath was also frozen like splashing ink.

"Oh, no!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized something and quickly raised his hand to grasp it. But just as he reached out for it, the huge Rune condensed by golden light and purple appeared again, and the more oppressive intention than before sealed 108 books!

When Xiao Hua's hand came down, the rune was just a little stagnant, and immediately penetrated into wanxianlu. All the empty shadows, all the roars, all the blood lights disappeared, just like a Book closed. Wanxianlu closed gently in front of Xiao Hua. On the cover, the purple and gold "wanxianlu" flickers light and shadow, as if three eyes were looking at Xiaohua, and waiting for the light and shadow to disappear, the eyes seem to be closed!When the light and shadow disappeared, "brush" a heavy purple gold light and shadow into Xiaohua's eyes.

"Damn it When the light and shadow disappeared, Xiao Hua immediately realized that he couldn't help cursing, "I know it's a secret skill of sacrificing and refining ten thousand immortals, but But I don't have essence and blood. How can I sacrifice and refine? "

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, looks at the ten thousand immortals record flashing in the precious light. He really has the feeling of entering the treasure mountain and coming back empty! After a lot of hard work, I finally got all the immortal records together, but I couldn't sacrifice them. Since I couldn't sacrifice them, I couldn't urge them!

Xiao Hua took a few deep breaths and calmed down his remorse. After closing his eyes for a moment, a strange look appeared on his face. He almost said to himself, "I'll go. This immortal record is really powerful. It's not only a cage to suppress real immortals, but also a magic power to suppress real immortals. That is to say, if I suppress Jiang Meihua in the wanxianlu, when I urge wanxianlu, I can use Jiang Meihua's supernatural power, and no cultivation is allowed at all. Is this ancient immortal tool too rebellious? "

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Wanxianlu is too powerful. It's a pity that it can only be refined after Xiao Hua coagulates. Otherwise, it's definitely a big weapon to deal with Erqi immortal!