Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 838

"Oh, of course..." Xiao Hua nodded again and said, "there are conditions to urge this ancient immortal weapon. First, the immortal power should be sufficient, which can not only urge ten thousand immortals to record, but also exert the supernatural power of arresting immortals. If one is not good, he will be attacked. Second, since he is using the spirits of other immortals, his own spirits will also be affected In a word, it's an extremely powerful ancient immortal weapon, but it's also very powerful

"Just, just, it's useless to say anything. Let's wait for real thunder to find shulinggen first!"

Just thinking of this, Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, was suddenly surprised. His body flashed like lightning and rushed into the fairyland space. However, within the space, he flew powerlessly.

"Tao Daoyou... " Looking at Yu die thunder's face turning blue, Xiao Hua said with a thump in his heart, "this What's the matter? "

"Alas..." Yu Ti sighed, "the Taoist friends know that I went into Xiaoling's heaven, but at first I went smoothly. When I got to a forbidden area called suoling, I met with great trouble. One martial uncle who escorted me lost his body, and one martial uncle lost his spirit. I couldn't break the ban, so I had to follow them away..."

"Damn it!" Yu die Xiao Hua scolded.

This is a double blessing, a double curse!

"Sorry, Daoyou..." Yudie thunderbolt arch hand way, "poor way steals empty to come over, originally leave a message to go out, since the way friend is here, that explains with the way friend! I'm going to leave xiaolingtian. Can I come next time? When can I come It's hard to say! The congenital prohibition of suoling It's too powerful. I'm afraid it's hard to open it without the power of the real immortal. "

"What a fairy Yudie Xiaohua is silly. Where can he find Zhenxian to help real thunder!

"I'm leaving now!" Yu Di thunder looked around and said anxiously, "I don't dare to stay for a long time because of the injuries on the two elders of my school!"

"Thank you, my friend!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, asked in a hurry, "I'm participating in the sea market. Do you need any elixirs?"

"Qiankun Ningyu pill and Lingyong Xianying pill..." Yudie Leiting hesitated for a moment and said, "they are all four kinds of immortal pills. By the way, remember that they are Lingyong immortal baby pills, not immortal baby pills."

"OK, Daoyou, just a moment..." Without any hesitation, Xiao Hua agreed to get out of the room in a hurry.

At this time, Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi are competing with an immortal with great interest. Xiao Hua says: "Xiao Liu, hurry up, send a message to Huiyu fairy, and ask for a bottle of Qiankun Ningyu pill and a bottle of Lingyong Xianying pill..."

"Ah?" Bai Xiaotu daling, what else do you want to ask? Li Moyi said urgently, "if you want to summon, you will summon. It must be Zhao ting and Zhou Xiaoming who have something to do!"

"Yes, yes!" Bai Xiaotu wakes up and sends a message to Huiyu fairy.

To Xiao Hua's surprise, these two kinds of elixirs are used by people who cultivate yuan immortals. Yuxian does have them, but they are not in jiangxiaoxiao's hands. The fastest way is to wait for Haishi to finish and send a message to other Yuxian's disciples. However, Huiyu fairy suggested that since it was in the sea market, it would be better to put it forward directly to see who had a bid.

As soon as Xiao Hua patted his head, he was a little regretful. He ignored the spirit of thunder.

"MOI..." Xiao Hua immediately said, "you look at the opportunity and ask for two kinds of elixirs. Xiao Liu, you send a message to rong'er and Xiao Xiao to see if they have any."

Rong'er and xiao'chuan came back soon. They didn't have these two kinds of elixirs, and as far as they know, the enlightenment mainland didn't have these two kinds of elixirs.

"Damn it Xiao Hua scolds him. He knows in his heart that there must be some elixir to cure him when he returns to his school. But as soon as they leave xiaolingtian, they want to go back again. Just like what thunder said, who knows it's a monkey year! Xiao Hua is in urgent need of shulinggen. How can he wait for real thunder to go?

It is the so-called anxiety that describes Xiao Hua's current mood.

"Huanji fairy..." Seeing someone bidding for the goods in hand, Huanji wants to talk again. Li Moyi shouts in a hurry, "I have two elixirs to buy!"

"Oh?" Huan Ji is a little surprised. Looking at Li Mo Yi's direction, she says, "is Xianyou going to buy it now? No more waiting? "

"Don't wait any longer!" Li Moyi knows that if he opens his mouth at this time, he will be asked for a high price. But since Zhou Xiaoming and Zhao Ting are involved, he knows that even if he spends more money, Xiao Hua will surely come out.

"Good..." Huan Ji pursed her lips and said with a smile, "since that's the case, Xianyou, let's give it to Qian Jing!"

Li Moyi sent out a Xuanxian crystal. Looking at xuanxun upside down and the golden liquid dripping, he said, "I want to buy a bottle of Qiankun Ningyu pill and a bottle of Lingyong Xianying pill!"

"Fairy baby pill?" Huanji said with a smile, "Xianyou's request is a little strange. Ordinary Xianying pills You don't have to be in such a hurry, do you? If you don't say anything else, there are many sixty-four ring domes. Seven or eight xuanjing can buy them... "

"Ha ha..." Jiangye said with a smile in the mist, "Huanji fairy may have misunderstood that this Lingyong immortal infant pill is not an ordinary immortal infant pill, but used by the immortal who cultivates Yuanshen..."

"Gege..." Huan Ji chuckled and covered her mouth. "It turns out that I'm ignorant. I'll make you laugh. In that case, who has these two kinds of elixirs? What about the price? This fairy friend is so anxious to make a request. It seems that he is in urgent need! ""What do you use to cultivate Yuanshen?" Li Moyi was a little bit surprised, but he didn't ask much.

It's a pity that Huan Ji yelled a few times, but when she saw a Xunshi general pass, no one said anything. It's obvious that all the immortals don't have the elixir to practice Yuanshen skill.

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighs. He knows in his heart that people are sometimes poor. He can't decide things in the world by himself.

But just as the last drop of liquid dropped, a familiar voice of Xiao Hua rang out: "cough, I have..."

Isn't it just Xiao Qi?

"What do you have?" Xiao Hua is in a hurry.

"That..." Small seven slow way, "Huan Ji fairy, a Xun time past?"

"Gege..." Huanji understood and said with a smile, "of course it's over. This fairy friend, please pay a xuanxianjing first..."

Li Mo Yi also in the heart laughs, send out a Xuan fairy crystal, ask a way: "do you have these two kinds of fairy pills?"

Looking at the golden liquid dripping, Xiao Qi said: "I don't have it naturally..."

Li Mo Yi cried out: "you don't have the elixir. What's the trouble?"

"What do you mean?" "Small seven displeasure way," since so, I don't say

"Tell me..." Restraining his anger, Xiao Hua said, "you've already paid a xuanjing. You can say anything in a Xun time..."

"Hey hey, Xiao Liu understands me!"

"I..." Xiao Liuda was in a hurry. Just as he was about to speak, Li Moyi quickly covered his mouth again.

"This What does that have to do with me! " Small six is really want to cry without tears, mouth can only falter of cry.

"I don't have these two kinds of elixirs, but I..." Seven light said, "there are two other similar elixirs, do not know if you want to ah?"

Xiao Qi's last voice is extremely up, obviously showing off!

"What elixir?" Asked Li MOI.

"Hee hee, I can't tell you the name of Xiandan!" Xiaoqi said with a smile, "if you believe me, ouch, it's a Xun time. Sister Huanji, please accept their money..."

"Master..." Li Moyi was a little embarrassed. Looking at Xiao Hua, he asked, "what should I do?"

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "Xiao Liu, send a message to Yu Xian and Xiao Xiao, and ask the enlightenment Mainland..."

Before Xiao Hua could finish speaking, Bai Xiaotu's two teleportation immortal utensils flashed at the same time. Bai Xiaotu hastened to activate the immortal utensils. A moment later, he said happily, "master, Huiyu fairy and little elder have said that Xieyu palace in the east of enlightenment mainland may have similar elixirs, but they don't know exactly what elixirs are..."

"Little sample..." Xiao Hua laughs and says, "it turns out that the disciples of Xieyu palace came to visit. No wonder they don't want to show their whereabouts."

Since he knew it was reliable, Li Moyi didn't have to ask Xiao Hua to give xuanxianjing to Huanji, and said to Xiao Qi, "how can we believe that you don't say the name of Xiandan?"

"It doesn't matter..." Although Xiaoqi can't be seen, Xiao Hua can imagine Xiaoqi's naughty look of shrugging his shoulders. "I'm not worried about it. I only have two bottles of similar elixirs here. You don't want them now. I'll throw them away soon!"

"All right, all right..." Li Mo Yi also couldn't help laughing, as if she saw a practical joke, and replied, "I want it! How much is it? "

"It's not about Qian Jing!" Xiaoqi said, "I have two conditions..."

"Yes, you can. I'll give you my consent." Li MOI replied, "even if I give Xiao Liu to you as my senior brother!"

"Well, let him die!" Xiao Qi answered without hesitation.

"Master..." The bitterness of the white soil should be accumulated into the sea.

"The first condition..." Xiaoqi then said, "two bottles of elixir, one bottle of two hundred xuanxianjing!"

"Boom..." Before Li Moyi opened his mouth, other immortals just laughed. They had never heard that a bottle of elixir could sell 200 xuanxianjing.

Li Mo Yi didn't look at Xiao Hua at all. He knew that it was Xiao Qi's revenge, so he answered without hesitation: "no problem, I'll give it to you now!"

With that, Li Moyi waved out the four hundred xuanxianjing and asked, "what's the second condition?"

"Cough..." Xiaoqi coughed softly and said, "sister Huanji, it's time for a Xun!"

"Gege..." Lian Huanji couldn't help laughing and said to Li Moyi, "please send another xuanjing to Xianyou!"

Looking at Li Moyi taking out another xuanjing, Xiao Qi said: "second condition, do you want to tell me that what you just got is useful? What is it

"This..." Li Mo Yi didn't dare to make up his mind and turned to Xiao Hua

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Xiaoqi, a strange spirit, is actually a disciple of Xieyu palace. I didn't expect that