Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 834

Bai Xiaotu didn't speak all the time. He seemed to be a bit out of his mind. Xiao Hua slapped Bai Xiaotu's back head and scolded: "no promise, isn't that Xiao Qi? After Haishi, I'll find you a little eight! "

Bai Xiaotu's face turned red and said, "master, I don't mean that. I think this little seven is very strange. She How could she also have the innate ability to explore the immortals? "

"That's why you're made for each other Li Moyi also took the opportunity to say, "it's a pity not to be a family member!"

"No, no..." Bai Xiaotu waved his hand in a hurry and said, "brother Li, I don't mean that. How can this kind of inborn talent be possible? Oh, forget it. If you don't say it, everyone is gone!"

Xiao Hua smiles. He knows Bai Xiaotu's shyness. He doesn't want to say more about it. Now, whether he comes to business alliance, Zaohua gate, or Bai Xiaotu himself, he is still naive. Xiao Qi is obviously a disciple of the aristocratic family. The spirit is more eccentric than the king Yuebai and Sisi. Without absolute strength, all his feelings are just the splendor of the sky Blow.

“…… You must have known the rules. I don't need to say anything more. If you have any objection, please put forward it in time. I'll answer at any time. Xianwei will start now... " Originally standing in the purple light and shadow, Huanji falls to the ground with the sound and suddenly breaks away from the light and shadow. With the sound of "Hoo", her figure almost looks like standing on the earth. Then there is a wave of light all around, and her figure gradually shrinks. Finally, she condenses into a thousand feet and stands in the middle of the space. I don't know whether it's magic power or spatial vision. Whether it's the immortal of ziyanhai, or the immortal of jinlunhai and yinjinghai, Huanji seems to be standing in front of them.

Huanji stood still, the hanging Xun on her side had been turned upside down again, and the golden liquid was not falling.

"I'll come first..." An immortal in Yinjing sea said boldly, "I'll give you a xuanjing first. When I buy a Xun, it's like throwing a brick to attract jade!"

"Gege..." Huanji covered her mouth and smirked, her eyes streaming, and said, "thank you for your support, immortal friend. I thank you in advance, but it's your first time to participate in the fairyland of Zihuan island. The first transaction of fairyland of Zihuan Island doesn't accept xuanjing..."

"Great, great..." The immortal was overjoyed and cried, "thank you so much, Huanji fairy!"

"You are worried again!" Huanji put her finger between her lips and said in a soft voice, "it's the first time for Zihuan island to trade It's for Princess purple... "

With the disappearance of Huanji's voice, the purple light in the space suddenly flickered, and countless beads of light, like broken fireflies, oozed from the purple light and flew down towards Huanji. However, in the blink of an eye, they had gathered into a graceful fairy in palace clothes and wearing a pearl crown. Although the fairy was very beautiful, her hair was white as snow. She stood still, her eyes did not look at the immortals around her, but looked straight at them Void, though his eyes were empty, his voice was full of sorrow: "qian'er, where have you been? Why not? Father and mother have begun to decline, still can't see you, you don't mean the palace is boring, you want to go your own way, but You can't forget the worries of your father and mother... "

With the voice of the fairy, some light and shadow reflected from her eyes, or chuiyao children, or Sassou teenagers, from time to time there are a few immortals swimming in the sea, crisscross the sky like, but gradually, these light and shadow began to blur, like the memory of time, or like the voice of the fairy!

"Lady purple..." Looking at the scattered light and shadow, Huanji gently reminded, "your business has been explained, you Let's have a rest first. "

"Alas..." Purple imperial concubine closed eyes, a pair of autumn water more God color, she wandered around, sighed, "even if it's a rest, and can adhere to several disciplines, I'm afraid the palace will not last long, can't wait for qian'er to come back. Dear immortal friends, I hope you can understand our mother's heart. If you see qian'er, please tell him that his mother and his father think of him every first day and let him Turn around earlier... "

Hearing this, Xiao Hua's heart trembled and tears filled his eyes. In front of him, there was the head of Guozhuang village, his mother's white hair and eyes that could see through time and space!

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Just when Xiao Hua was homesick, the immortal who just wanted to be the first one in yinjinghai to bid for Xun laughed and said, "the three clans of chenxiaohai have a good plan. It's really surprising that they make such a stunt. However, dragon clan leader, if you want to attract the enlightenment mainland immortal, don't make these so-called family relationships, and it's even more miserable to make a life and death relationship..."

"Damn it Xiao Hua can't help clenching his fist. As soon as he's about to open his mouth to denounce him angrily, Huanji's eyes are cold, and he looks at the immortal: "get out of here!"

Say, don't see how to make a gesture at all, "boom" mid air that dragon mutually suddenly open mouth, one mouthful like fire dragon breath pours into immortal's cloud!

"Ah..." But listen to the fairy a scream, the clouds dissipated, a body was beaten only immortal traces, still immortal baby panic fly out.

Without waiting for the fairy baby to speak, "whoosh" the sea waves on the four walls of the space suddenly gave birth to a spray of hundreds of feet, which rolled the naked fairy baby into the sea and disappeared.

"Alas..." The purple imperial concubine sighs again, the immortal body still turns into thousands of broken fireflies and disappears in the purple light."Well, the unpleasant things are over..." Wait for purple imperial concubine to go, Huan Ji just opens a way again, "which fairy friend begins to bid?"

Xiao Hua will not be the first to start. His white hair remains like snow in his mind, and he is still worried about Guo Zhuang.

"Master..." White small soil suddenly opened a mouth, "small have subpoena come over!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua collected his thoughts and asked, "what did he say?"

Bai Xiaotu replied, "he wants to ask what happened to the Purple Princess?"

"I also want to know!" Xiao Hua's face was as heavy as water, and said, "I was careless. I was reminded by the red night that day that this sea market of Zihuan island has its origin. There is a sad legend that I didn't explore carefully."

"Ask Huiyu fairy?" Li Moyi explores a way.

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded.

Bai Xiaotu sent a message to Huiyu fairy in a hurry, but after a long time Huiyu fairy's message was sent back, Bai Xiaotu bit his lip and said, "master, you'd better see for yourself, disciple I'm afraid I can't finish it... "

Xiao Hua took the message, and Yannian swept it away. His face was as deep as water, and his eyes showed melancholy.

"Master..." Although Li Mo Yi had already guessed one or two, he still couldn't help reaching out his hand and said, "let the disciples have a look!"

After watching it, Li Moyi was silent. Looking at Xiao Hua, he said in a low voice: "originally, Zihuan island There is also such a history. No wonder the 64 ring dome, the three clans trading on Zihuan Island don't accept money... "

Xiao Hua didn't open his mouth. He looked at the purple light. In the light, Xiao Hua seemed to see the heart of the purple concubine's return.

The reason is very simple. Before the prosperity of the three ethnic groups, there was a Zihuan kingdom in chenxiaohai. The size of Zihuan kingdom is not recorded. Maybe it is smaller than that of Mo Qingguo. However, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that the LORD had a son named qian'er. He jumped out of his childhood and couldn't bear the rules. When he was an adult, he suddenly left Mo Xiantong to escape from the palace. He said that he would go out to see him and come back soon. Shizi is the heart and soul of the Lord. Naturally, the Lord will not let him go out alone. When he finds out, he immediately sends immortal generals out to look for him. However, oddly enough, there is no news from Shizi as soon as he leaves!

No one knows the fate of Zihuan state, and no one knows when it will perish. All they know is that when the three clans of chenxiaohai never rose up, the three clansmen got three pieces of Zhenzu immortal utensils on Zihuan island and the eight trigrams immortal utensils that opened Zihuan island.

The three patriarchs thought Zihuan island was a treasure, so they almost made a conflagration. Fortunately, they opened Zihuan island when they sacrificed and refined their immortals. To their surprise, apart from the treasure left by Zihuan Kingdom, Zihuan island is the ghost of Zifei!

The ghost of Zifei stays in Zihuan Island, waiting for her qianer's return! She didn't want to go to Jiuyou, and she didn't dare to go to Jiuyou. She was afraid that she would forget her child, and she was afraid that she would not see her parents when her child came back!

The condition of inheriting Zihuan's national legacy is not harsh, that is to help Zifei find qianer! Naturally, the power of the three clans could not be compared with the power of the whole nation of Zihuan. Zihuan could not find qian'er, and the patriarchs of the three clans did not feel that they could find him. So the patriarchs of the three clans negotiated a contract with Zifei. Every once in a while, they held fairs on Zihuan island to attract the enlightenment mainland. It was the other seven immortals who came and spread the news of looking for qian'er. Who could find qian'er would get the conditions promised by Zifei. As for what the conditions were, only Zifei knew.

This is the reason why the three ethnic groups did not take the lead in the bidding of Zihuan Island, and it is also the reason why the first round of bidding must be the appearance of Zifei. Unfortunately, I don't know how many years ago, the three clans of chenxiaohai have risen in the end, and the sea market of Zihuan island has a certain scale, but qian'er still has no news. Since Zihuan island was opened, Zifei's soul has become increasingly weak day by day

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed. If he hadn't seen the story written by Huiyu fairy, how could he know that there was a kind of sincere and touching kinship in the fairyland!

"Master..." Li Moyi suddenly opened his mouth out of time and reminded, "this legend is moving, but..."

Xiao Hua glared at Li Moyi and said, "no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!"

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Zifei's story is very sad. It's heartbreaking to worry about her mother. What happened to qianer? Can't even find a fairy kingdom?