Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 833

However, for a moment, Xi Long's face was shocked, and he whispered, "how can it be? Xiao Xiao Hua already has the strength of the five element immortal? "

It seems to be pondering for a moment. Xilong gritted his teeth and said, "this guy has broken through to Yanxian in such a short time, and he has the strength of the five element immortal. He must have some secret skill or immortal weapon. Hehe, if someone kills him, he can not only fulfill the orders of his grandmaster, but also get benefits. Why not?"

With that, the greedy Xilong receives the dark cherry and puts his hand in the center of the eyebrows of the two female immortals Yi Cheng and Yi Bilian. The body shape disappears!

A moment later, Yi Cheng's eyes suddenly opened and looked around with some doubts. Yi Bilian then echoed: "I listen to ice..."

"Stay!" Yi orange quickly stopped Yi Bilian and said, "it seems strange!"

"What's weird?" Yi Bilian naturally can't find the magic power of Xi long. She asks strangely.

Yi Cheng didn't answer Yi Bilian, and quickly let out Yan Nian to look around. Unfortunately, the torrential rain outside the immortal boat was so heavy that it couldn't simply detect the time of disappearance.

"Strange..." The second orange pinches the eyebrow center with the hand, is quite puzzled, immediately she urges the fairy boat to fly quickly a way, "here strange, leave to say again first!"

"Yes, orange!" Yi Bilian agrees that she's gone with Yi Cheng. They can't think of it in any case. It's just a chance encounter, which brings endless killing and robbery to Xiao Hua!

After a burst of excitement, more than half of the clouds and fog in ziyanhai and jinlunhai all showed their identities.

Finally, Long Xiao said: "in addition to our respected Xianmen and aristocratic families, zihuandao Xianwei has also invited major business leagues active in the enlightenment mainland. They are zhongtianxian League, enlightenment fairy League, Sanjie Business League, juxianlou, qichonglou, yeyuntian, zongzongheng Business League, Xinyi business League, chongqige..."

Long Xiao lists some names of business leagues. Whenever the name of business leagues appears, the fairies of business leagues will urge their own clouds to mark the business leagues.

Xiao Hua heard clearly that most of these immortal leagues had been seen in Lingyun pool, and the Yaozhen business community to which Bai Shou belonged was not among them, which greatly relieved Xiao Hua.

It seems that most of the business alliance's status is in jinlunhai. When long Xiao's voice falls, jinlunhai will shine.

"Of course..." Long Xiao finally looked at the overlapping clouds of yinjinghai and said with a smile, "we also welcome other immortal friends from all over the enlightenment mainland. You get the keepsake of the three clans of chenxiaohai, who are the distinguished guests of Xianwei on Zihuan island! I announce that the fairyland of Zihuan island has officially begun... "

"Boom boom..." With three loud noises, Hui xiaofannei, the patriarch of the three ethnic groups, has three lights and shadows of different colors rushing up to the sky. Three immortal weapons with the power of destroying the sky and the earth show their ferocity in the light and shadow!

But see that the silver is a pair of wings, wings engraved with thousands of water texture, nothing is not allowed to gush out of the water between the wings, the water looks clear, but the silver refers to the whole space cover, as if the water can fly out at any time to kill everything!

There is a dragon phase swaying in the flashing golden light. The Dragon phase is a five clawed Golden Dragon. The Dragon horn has the power to suppress all animals. In the mouth of the dragon, there is a dragon breath that makes the immortals tremble. Even Xiao Hua's eyes fall into the cold light of the Dragon eyes, and his heart can't help trembling.

The place where the purple light blooms is naturally a huge purple sword. The sword has no edge, but the sword light is so sharp that it can pierce the void. The pressure that can't be covered is pressed on the immortal mark through the purple light. No one can deny it. If the sword is shot down, the immortal mark can't be complete!

The three chieftains of the chenxiaohai clan sacrifice the three fairies of the Zhen clan. Where the purple light, golden light and silver light fall, there is a sound of "whining" in the light and shadow of huixiaofan. However, a female fairy's shadow slowly sits up from the inside. It looks like a lazy Awakening. It's really lucky that it appears from her gradually solidified body and eyes.

Look at Long Xiao and the other three patriarchs. There are three jade chairs under them. They sit down. The figure slowly falls to the light and shadow of Zihuan island and gives up the female fairy.

The female immortal's body becomes more and more clear, and finally turns into the national color and fragrance!

The fairy looked around with her bright eyes. Even Xiao Hua couldn't help but feel hot in her heart, as if the eyes were penetrating his desire!

"I've met you guys..." Fairy voice also with unspeakable lazy, just like the afternoon sun, quietly shining into the hearts of the immortals, "unconsciously, there is another session of the sea market, I am very happy to see you fairy friends, I hope I preside over this Zihuan island sea market can make you satisfied!"

"This is from Zihuan island Fairy puppet? Or the spirit of the three immortals? " Xiao Hua couldn't understand it. He turned his head and asked Li Moyi in a low voice.

Li Moyi shook his head and replied, "master, I haven't heard from any other immortal in the 64 ring dome with Xiao Liu."

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded, "if Zhou Xiaoming or Zhao Ting is here, they should know."

It's a pity that when Xiao Hua looked at the ancient xuanjinbang hanging in the sky, he still put out the idea of taking out the Kunlun mirror. He didn't want to have more details here!

"OK..." Huan Ji then said, "since master long has announced the beginning of the sea market, I dare not take it lightly, so I will explain the rules of the sea market. Zihuan Island fairway is slightly different from other fairways. Every fairfriend can trade goods. The delivery value of goods is nothing to do with me. But each fairy friend wants to trade, but he needs to pay his concubine xuanjing. Each xuanjing can buy one Xunshi. If one Xunshi is not enough, he can pay xuanjing again. But each fairy friend can't buy more than 100 Xunshi... "With these words, Huanji raised her hand and gracefully flew out of the void. A gourd shaped immortal vessel flew out of the void. The xuanxun was transparent and filled with golden liquid. With Huanji's wrist turning, xuanxun turned upside down, and the golden liquid slowly fell from the inside.

Huanji once again explained: "this is the immortal instrument of timing. It's called xuanxun. Once xuanxun empties, it counts as one Xun time."

"I'll go..." Xiao Hua couldn't help praising him secretly and cried, "I heard that the three clans in chenxiaohai city didn't take Qianjing or the preemptive bidding right, and I still thought about how they could earn Qianjing. Now it seems that they are more calculating than anyone else! Take xuanjing for time, they are doing business without capital! "

Li Moyi also sighed, echoed: "what the master said is that a Xun hour seems to be a cup of tea, how can there be 20 or 30 cups of tea in an hour? One day You can earn more than 1000 xuanxianjing. If this market lasts for one month, it will be 600000 xuanxianjing! "

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Hwangi? It looks like an interesting character. Is she a spirit?