Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 831

Ning Xun also apologized to Lu Miao with a smile, and then said: "I've made it clear before. I don't know what grade these two immortal wares are without the identification of the ancient Xuanjin list. I don't know if it's the immortal ware of Zihuan island. I need to take the three elders of Xiaohai to answer... "

With that, Ning Xun turned and flew into the tripod like clouds, but the ancient xuanjinbang remained in mid air!

"Ha ha..." Zhao Chong came out laughing and said, "I can guarantee that these two pieces of fairy ware are not the last ones to be sold in Zihuan island. Of course, we can't rule out which fairy friend brought them to Zihuan island and wanted to sell them. It's only when the fairy friend takes out the artifact that we can know. At that time, I'll have to compete! OK, let's welcome the immortal friends of Dan Dao League... "

As Zhao Chong's voice fell to the ground, a three color elixir "dribbled" out of the cloud and fell next to the cauldron stove. However, nine patterns of elixir on it whirled out, and Ding Yilong of Dan Dao League flew out from the inside. Ding Yilong arched his hand and said, "I'm the Sanpin Dan master of lower Dan Dao League. I'm ordered by the League to join the sea market of Zihuan island with the Dan stele made in the league At the invitation of the head of the dragon clan, I will try my best to adjudicate the dispute involving Dan Dao... "

Ding Yilong said something about the scene. As soon as the Taoist robe was raised, a red glow flew out. A stele shaped immortal fell on one side of the ancient xuanjinbang. The stele rose when it saw the wind, but in the blink of an eye, it had become clear from the sky!

"Zaohua Dan stele? Why haven't you heard from Mr. Yuan? " Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and looked at the red stele, but he saw that the red stele was red with blood. A red pattern on it swam like a spirit snake. In the red pattern, words with the same golden flash appeared. Xiao Hua immediately saw the first immortal Pill on the stele: "the second grade soul star kills the magic pill!"

"I'll go..." Xiao Hua could not help groaning and said in secret, "the elixir recorded in Jingsheng's Mo immortal pupil Is it true? "

Xiao Hua entered the fairyland at the beginning of that year and killed the dust immortal named Jingsheng in yunmengze. Xiao Hua got a Mo Xiantong from Jingsheng's Baina bag, which recorded the elixir and immortal utensils. However, the contents recorded in the Mo Xiantong are mostly counted by "years". Xiao Hua thinks that the contents may not be true. But now, it seems that the contents are boastful, but the grades and names of the elixir and immortal utensils It's true.

Xiao Huashun looked down at the name of the elixir, and the elixir, the elixir, the elixir, and so on, were in sight!

"Why is there no elixir?" Xiao Hua said to himself, "is it the same as the ancient xuanjinbang that this stele of Zaohua Dan only records the elixirs that appear nearby?"

Sure enough, after the magnificent appearance of Zaohua Dan stele, Ding Yilong said: "immortal friends, the Zaohua Dan stele of our Dan Dao alliance is slightly different from the ancient Xuanjin list of Qi Dao alliance. It records thousands of immortals that can be listed in the list of immortals. In order to appreciate the immortals that can be traded in Zihuan Island, I will cover most of them, leaving only those that Huang Zengtian may appear ……”

Ding Yilong said that Xiao Hua was very interested, and every word fell in his ears. However, the atmosphere of the whole scene was different from that of the previous Qidao League showing the ancient Xuanjin list, and no immortal asked.

When Ding Yilong finished with a little embarrassment, he said at last: -- If you find that you can't distinguish the quality of the elixir in the delivery, I can help you with the stele of Zaohua elixir... "

"Da Dan Shi..." Fortunately, someone finally asked, "I have a question to ask..."

Ding Yilong was overjoyed and said with a smile, "please speak!"

"I don't know if I need Qian Jing to borrow the Zaohua Dan tablet of your league?"

Ding Yilong was even more embarrassed. He opened his mouth just as he was about to open his mouth. Zhao Chong beside him said with a smile: "this should be mentioned after the Fourth Avenue alliance. Since this fairy friend asked, the old man answered on behalf of the Fourth Avenue alliance fairy friend. Whether it's the ancient xuanjinbang of Qi Dao League, the Zaohua Dan tablet of Dan Dao League, or the Tongtian Fu carving of Fu Dao League, the Miaozhen Xian flag of array Dao League, or even asking Yu Xian to make a ruling, you need a xuanjing! Only one xuanxianjing can help Xianyou identify goods worth hundreds or thousands of xuanxianjing! "

"It's so expensive..." Although Zhao Chong said so, the immortal just now still murmured.

"Hey, hey..." Long Xiao opened his mouth and said, "if Xianyou feels confident, of course, you don't have to ask the master of utensils or Dan to do it. The immortal friends of Dan Dao League, if the division is over, we'll invite the immortal friends of Fu Dao League... "

"Ha ha, I'm finished. Let's welcome Fu daomeng Xianyou!" Ding Yilong laughs and flies back to the clouds like elixir, leaving the monument of Zaohua elixir in its original place!

"Welcome to Fu daomeng fairy friend..." Long Xiao shouts, but it's different from Long Xiao's loud voice. A piece of three color cloud slowly flies out, and it doesn't have any special shape. In addition, a cold voice says, "I'm following the order of Fu Dao alliance, and I'll bring the Zhen Meng Fu Lu Tong Tian Fu Ke to the sea market. If you have any disputes, please come to me!"

With the sound, "whoosh..." A purple talisman flew out of the clouds and landed on the side of the heaven and earth penetrating Zaohua Dan tablet in the middle of the sky. The purple Qi of the talisman suddenly pounced down, just like a dragon entering the sea. With the purple Qi spreading, a GUI like talisman appeared. But we can see thousands of runes surging above the GUI shape, colorful rays shining between the runes, and lines of tadpole like characters engraved in the center of the rays."This must be the language of that Green Sandalwood Fu Shiwei!" Listening to the cold voice, Xiao Hua immediately understood.

Xiao Hua, like all the immortals, wanted to hear the supernatural power engraved in the sky and the name of the talisman on it. But Wei Yuhan immediately shut up and didn't speak again.

"Master fu..." Some people have already asked in a loud voice, "what kind of talismans are engraved on the inscriptions of Tongtian?"

"With your strength, it's impossible to know these talismans!" Wei Yuhan's voice is still cold, "and you wait for the bidding talisman It can't appear in the inscription of the whole sky. Why do you need to know? "

"Ha ha, ha ha..." When Wei Yuhan's voice fell to the ground, someone immediately laughed and yelled, "master Fu, don't say a word. If you want to know, take a xuanxianjing first!"

Wei Yuhan doesn't pay attention to others' laughter at all, turns around and flies back to the clouds.

"Cough..." Long Xiao coughed twice and flew out again, saying, "Tongtian Rune carving is actually similar to Zaohua Dan tablet. I don't know how many times the runes on it have never changed. In fact, there's no need for Fu master to say more. You can wait until you know what the runes on it are!"

Xiao Hua is a little depressed. Others know that he doesn't know! Of course, it can't be ruled out that other people don't know how to pretend to understand. As soon as Xiao Hua was about to speak, he suddenly remembered what he was looking for. In case there was a magistrate in charge of the law palace in Zihuan Island, wouldn't he expose himself?

Xiao Hua doesn't ask, and other immortals won't ask any more. Long Xiao takes the opportunity to say: "finally, let's invite the alliance of four main roads and the alliance of immortals..."

"Boom boom..." As long Xiao's voice fell to the ground, the roar came out from a piece of three color clouds. With the roar, the three color clouds turned into 7749 pieces. These 49 pieces of clouds have different shapes, and there are clear talisman textures in them. With the roar, the 49 pieces of clouds flew out together and fell to huixiaofan. With the flashing light and shadow, another slightly smaller one came together Huixiaofan flowers show!

"Ha ha, the Fairy Friends of the Taoist league are naughty!" Lu Miao said with a light smile.

With Lu Miao's smile, huixiao's flowers bloom, "Kaka, Kaka..." A sound of gold and iron came out, and then a puppet flew out riding an immortal beast. The immortal beast was not a real immortal beast. It seemed that the animal was hard and had no eyes. And the puppet made a golden voice: "you Xianyou, the high-level array master of Xiazhen daomeng, just like the previous Xianyou, I am ordered by Xiazhen daomeng to come to chenxiaohai to participate in the sea market. Although the previous several fairy friends did not introduce their respective Taoist alliance, their words and deeds all showed the characteristics of their respective Taoist alliance. I've just thought about how to reveal the characteristics of our Taoist alliance without falling into the stereotype. I've really racked my brains! "

"Ha ha, indeed, indeed..." The voice of the crimson night came from the purple sea. It sounded very refreshing, "the array master is bothering!"

The puppet shrugged his shoulders, looked bitter and said, "it's a pity that I don't know what immortal array is suitable for me! The famous immortal array recorded on the alliance array flag of daomeng town of our array will not be next... "

"Ha ha ha..." Some of the immortals laughed and seemed to like the humor of Longzheng very much. They said, "if the array master understood, he would not come to Zihuan island!"

Puppet hands empty lift, a helpless appearance, replied: "can not, by your fairy friends at a glance, so I have to make a stunt, to huixiaofan flower shape, and fairy puppet image to meet you! On the one hand, it can be explained to you that our Taoist alliance array master can set up an immortal array that is as strong as an immortal puppet and as weak as a flower. On the other hand, it also shows that the immortal array is not limited to attack and defense, and many times You can also enjoy it! Immortal array Everywhere in the fairyland

"Pa pa pa..." Whether it's ziyanhai, jinlunhai or yinjinghai, all the immortals applaud and look very enthusiastic.

Seeing this, the puppet stood up on the immortal beast and bowed around.

So the applause became more intense.

It's so easy to wait for the applause to fall. As soon as the puppet patted his forehead, the talisman broke down. With a yellow light and shadow, an apricot yellow flag rose to the sky.

The flag almost covered the sky, the apricot yellow light and shadow gradually converged, and countless tadpoles appeared on the flag!

"You Fairy Friends..." The puppet said, "this is miaozhenxian flag. I don't need to explain it. It's also a virtual shadow. With my strength, it's impossible to hold the real flag, even if I see one side of it. So don't ask any more questions!"

"Ha ha..." Another fairy laughs

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The fairyland of Zihuan island will finally begin