Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 830

"Master, master..." Bai Xiaotu's reaction was slow. At this time, he woke up. He cried in a hurry, "Xiao Qi has run! What shall we do? "

"What to do?" Li Mo Yi sneered and asked, "do you still want to get her back?"

"But But... " It's a small dialect.

Li Mo Yi said with a smile: "don't think about it. You are just a handsome little six. There is a handsome little six in people's heart."

Xiao Hua looked at the red faced Bai Xiaotu and said with a smile, "we don't know her. Is it suitable for her to be here? I just saw her pestering you before. I can't help but bring her in. Now she's gone by herself. Isn't that right? "

"Yes, sir..." Bai Xiaotu quickly bowed to him and said, "it's my disciple who is making trouble for you. I dare not do it any more!"

"Bullshit!" Xiao Hua is not happy, scold a way, "have what dare not, should so punish her! If there were not too many immortals outside the circle, I would not care about her! "

"Old Master... " Bai Xiaotu is tongue tied. He has never seen Xiao Hua say so.

"Hee hee..." Li Mo Yi beside said with a smile, "Xiao Liu, if there is no accident, Xiao Qi should be similar to Wang Yue Bai. She is a disciple of a certain sect or a certain aristocratic family. She wants to take part in the sea market by virtue of her talent, but she doesn't want to be preempted by you. Why can't we offend her if she can? It's easy for you to get angry once. The master is very happy. Why did you wilt first? "

"Yes, yes, I understand!" Bai Xiaotu nodded again in a hurry. Seeing that he was somewhat submissive, Xiao Hua really wanted to kick him.

But at this time, Long Xiao's voice was not high or low The noumenon of Ziyan Ling and Jinlun Ling can be transformed again, but the transformed Keepsake can only enter the next level of space... "

"Oh, I see!" Xiao Hua understands that the keepsake Jiang Ye gives himself must be the one in his hand. It's normal for Yu Xian to have a purple face shared by the three ethnic groups.

Long Xiao's voice is not fast, and the clouds are less and less in the sea waves around. After a bag of smoke, Long Xiao finally said: "it seems that all the fairy friends who participated in the sea market have come in. We can close the three seas of Zihuan island! Chief Lu, chief Zhao, please... "

"Please..." Lu Miao and Zhao Chong both fly up. As they talk, the two immortals and long Xiaoqi clap their eyebrows together. "Brush" the three green and red halos. After flashing, three pieces like eight trigrams fly out. The pieces fall in the air and condense to make a good eight trigrams immortal tool. Under them, the three immortals pinch the immortal formula at the same time, "hum, hum..." Eight trigrams fairy Ware set off the sky in the sound of the glow, it is purple gold and silver!

"Go..." At the same time, the three immortals denounced the truth, and the three colored rays poured directly into the sky.

"Boom" a loud sound, the whole space is in shock, and then you can see the three color glow illusion, countless hexagrams poured down along the sea where the blue fall!

The hexagram image passes the place, the space seal, the sea wave solidifies, one by one strange pattern flickers, the blue color engraves.

When the hexagrams converge at the bottom of the space, another loud bang will turn into another light column and rush into huixiaofan at the foot of Sanxian mountain!

The immortal voice rises suddenly, and huixiaofan blooms again. A body shape like a female immortal stretches out in huixiaofan like a dream. The whole space is shrouded in a hazy, fresh and beautiful way.

"How beautiful Even those who don't know how to appreciate it, such as Xiao Hua, can't help admiring it.

In the twinkling of light and shadow, the eight trigrams fairy ware still broke into three pieces. Long Xiao, Lu Miao and Zhao Chong raised their hands and took it respectively.

Looking at them, Lu Miao's figure soared, and her moving wings were stained with Hui Xiaofan's light and shadow, which made her beautiful add three points!

"You Fairy Friends..." Lu Miao's voice rang out, "welcome to our chenxiaohai sea market! As is known to all, Haishi is divided into two parts: Xianwei in the 64th ring dome and zihuandao Xianwei. In order to welcome you, the three tribes of chenxiaohai have prepared a large number of goods in the 64th ring dome. I believe you have returned with a full load. However, in addition to the three clans of chenxiaohai, there are also other fairies selling goods in the 64 ring dome. The good and the bad are intermingled. The three clans of chenxiaohai can not guarantee the quality. Moreover, the sixty-four ring dome sells all the scattered goods, and the immortals of all fairies are not required for their training. Therefore, the essence of the fairs in the sea market is still on purple island. I hope all of you can get your wish in the purple Hon Island fairy fairs, and the realm of practice is even higher.

"Xianmen disciples, aristocratic disciples, Business League disciples..." Lu Miao's voice fell to the ground, and Zhao Chong's voice rose again. "You can choose to reveal your name and surname. Of course, you can also choose to hide it. No matter what you choose, it will not affect the transaction you are waiting for in Xianwei!"

"My Zihuan Island fairway is slightly different from other fairways..." Long Xiao continued, "I, Chen Xiaohai, don't seek profits from the transaction, and I don't have the right to give priority to the transaction. All the goods traded and Qian Jing's delivery are completed on site. Of course, if any Xianyou has any objection to the transaction, you can ask Yuxian's Xianyou to adjudicate! Let's welcome Yuxian's Fairy Friends... "

"Boom..." As long Xiao's voice falls to the ground, in the three color clouds of purple, gold and silver, a cloud like a flying feather emerges. The cloud is full of signs of Yuxian, and the word "Yuxian" is also glowing!"You Fairy Friends..." A three color figure stepped out of the clouds, and the voice of the dark night sounded, "thank you for the trust of the three clans of chenxiaohai, and also for the trust of the immortals, their families and their alliance. On behalf of Yuxian, I hereby declare that although Yuxian participates in the fairyland, there are also delivery of goods, we must adhere to the consistent principle of fairness to complete the transaction, and we must complete the verdict with a fair attitude 。”

"Thanks to Yuxian's Fairy Friends..." Lu Miao smiles. Jiang Ye's figure returns to the flying clouds, which are hanging near Hui Xiaofan.

"In addition to Yu Xian's ruling on the deal..." Lu Miao then said, "I, the three clans of chenxiaohai, also invite the fairies of Qi Dao League, Dan Dao League, array Dao League and Fu Dao League to bring the fairies of each Dao League to ensure the purity of all the goods in Zihuan Island fairyland. Let's invite the fairies of four Dao leagues..."

"Keng..." A clear sound, a shape like tripod furnace of three color clouds fly out, it is with the flying feather relative, the clouds settled, "whoosh" dazzling golden light into the sky, will condense the side of the sea shine!

"Gu Xuan Jin Bang, Gu Xuan Jin Bang!" Xiao Hua next to the cactus, there is a way, "this thing out, the immortals are not afraid to go away!"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua turns to see Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu.

Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu both shake their heads. Obviously they don't know what the ancient xuanjinbang is.

When the golden light stagnated, a book was pinned in the air, and in the cauldron furnace, the three colored human figures condensed by Ning Xun flew out and said with a smile: "thank you for inviting the three clans of chenxiaohai to participate in Zihuan Island fairyland. Although I'm a waste level craftsman of Qidao League, I dare not read all the fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland. I'm ordered by the League to bring the ancient Xuanjin list, the treasure of Zhenmeng, but there are fairyland fairylands whose rank can't be determined by all the fairylands It can be distinguished from the ancient Xuanjin list. "

With that, Ning Xun raised his hand a little, and the book slowly unfolded, and lines of golden characters appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

"Tengjiao scissors? "Five elements Ruyi Tongtian staff" Xiao Hua saw two lines of big characters on the ancient Xuanjin list, and his face changed greatly! He said in horror, "he How do they know these two magic weapons? "

However, Xiao Hua's eyes started with the golden list, and he was secretly relieved. After all, Kunlun mirror, Haotian mirror, Zhuling Yuanguang and other killers have not been recorded on them!

"Damn it Even so, Xiao Hua's eyes fell on the top of the gold list. Looking at the two "unclear grades and unknown names", he could not help cursing, "are these two Kunlun mirrors and Haotian mirrors?"

"Master, master..." There is no need for Xiao Hua to ask. Some immortal shouts, "what are the two immortals on the ancient Xuanjin list? Is it the first-class immortal tool that was exiled to the enlightenment continent

Xiao Hua listened attentively, and knew that from the space of yinjinghai, it was obvious that he was the same immortal who took part in the fairyland of Zihuan island for the first time.

"Qi Dao Meng Xian You..." Lu Miao didn't show Ning Xun's identity at this time. Instead, he called himself immortal friends and said, "many immortal friends are participating in chenxiaohai city for the first time, and even some of them may not know the origin of the ancient xuanjinbang. Immortal friends might as well tell us in detail!"

"But at the command of Lu clan leader..." Ning Xun smiles a little, raises his hand and points to the ancient Xuanjin list, saying, "this ancient Xuanjin list is the virtual shadow of the ancient Xuanjin list, which can explore and record the ancient Xuanjin list..."

Listening to Ning Xun's explanation, Xiao Hua slowly woke up and said in secret: "it turns out that this ancient xuanjinbang is the source of the immortal utensils in the immortal world. These immortal utensils connect nine heavens and nine seclusions, and contain the supreme law. What's more, they can be transformed into illusory forms. If so, it is normal to record the famous immortal utensils in the immortal world. Although the Gu Xuan Jin Bang is a virtual shadow, it also has one to three effects... "

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua was suddenly surprised again, and looked into the three color clouds: "since there are ancient xuanjinbang in Qidao League, of course there are similar immortal wares in Fudao League, chendao League and Dandao League, but I don't know what their Zhenmeng immortal wares are?"

When Ning Xun finished talking about the origin and function of the ancient Xuanjin list, he pointed out the two lines of writing on it and said: "if there is no accident, these two immortals should be near the Chenxiao sea..."

"Ah..." Without waiting for Ning Xun to say anything more, the audience was filled with surprised cries. The immortals began to whisper, and even the immortals cried, "where is it? How much money can I buy? "

"These must be the last two Fairies in Zihuan island..."

"Even if it is, you should leave a name and rank..."

"Bullshit, the top two are the top two. Maybe another one is the source of channeling!"

Lu Miao smiles a little. When his long sleeves are waving, silver light is shining all over the place, covering the sound of drum noise.

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Before the sea market of Zihuan island began, all kinds of fairy wares attracted the attention of the immortals