Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1243

"Crystal nucleus, crystal nucleus..." Xiao Hua's fingers moved, his eyes turned sharply, and he said in a secret way, "well, Xiao's crystal nucleus has been broken into pieces. Xiao has all collected it, but it can be used here. However, Wu Xiao is a high-level green star, whose crystal nucleus Xiao can not be purified, and there must be Wu Xiao's consciousness in its crystal nucleus. If Xiao uses it, it will disturb Xiao's law engraving, which is very bad! "

As soon as Xiao Hua was about to give up, he suddenly laughed again, caressed his hand and said, "ha ha, isn't the green ape trying to kill Xiao with taigeng Qingguang? Xiao's strategy of killing people with a knife leads Wu xiaocannian to fight with taigeng Qingguang in order to purify the star nucleus and eliminate taigeng Qingguang. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone? "

Xiao Hua's idea seems simple, but it is difficult to implement it, because how can taigeng Qingguang listen to Xiao Hua's arrangement? It's afraid it can't kill Xiao Hua!

Fortunately, on Xiao Hua's body, 13200 light spots are all independent. Xiao Hua tries to move the light spot with taigeng green light to the immortal mark. When it gets close, Xiao Hua sends the green star crystal nucleus into the immortal mark!

"Click..." As Xiao Hua expected, the green star crystal nucleus fell into the immortal mark, and was immediately excited by the law stars, turning into the shape of green stars, and the empty shadows roared out one by one!

"It's your turn to perform!" Xiao Hua did not panic, will be too Geng Qingguang to the side of the immortal trace!

"Boom..." Taigeng green light like a flame burning, bright as the sun!

But under Xiao Hua's heart, the flame rolled to Wu Xiao's shadow!

"Roar, roar..." Wu Xiao's virtual shadow is broken under the blue light like a sword, and the power of the stars is also cast in the blue light!

Xiao Hua, who is confident, hides behind him. When the green star crystal nucleus and taigeng Qingguang are both defeated, his whole body is full of silver light. The body of the law rolls a small amount of immortal dark light into the immortal trace. In the immortal trace, the stars of the law shine brightly, and the thick light column condenses the law, which rushes in like the Milky way, rolling in the pure Star Law and taigeng Qingguang Geng Qingguang gushed out, and stayed in the air, again divided into 49, like ink fell on the eyebrows of 49 fairy babies!

"Ah?" When the light column falls, Xiao Hua feels that the immortal baby's eyebrow is hot. The unspeakable feeling directly penetrates into the immortal baby's spirit. A small talisman is born on the spirit!

And with the appearance of this little talisman, the immortal baby is the cultivation of the yuan nature God chapter suddenly accelerated!!

"My God!" Xiao Hua didn't have a reason to exclaim. He knew in his heart that the green light of taigeng was too sharp, and the law of the stars was too overbearing. He directly projected the so-called Zhenqi onto the immortal baby.

In this way, the spirit of Xianying does not need the help of the light column to engrave Zhenqi, but can improve the speed of casting soul with the help of Zhenqi's engraving!

"It's really hard to say that the elder of the fairyland is so powerful. I can think of such a strange method of casting spirits. Xiao just wants to use Zhenqi to perfectly mobilize the power of various laws. In that case, it's common to use Zhenqi to cast spirits first!"

Green ape didn't expect that he wanted to kill Xiao Hua and leave a maggot of tarsal bone for Xiao Hua. If he knew that his black hand had cast a soul for Xiao Hua, would he vomit blood and die?

With the help of green ape and Wu Xiao, Xiao Hua's cultivation is unusually fast, and what makes Xiao Hua more happy is that Wu Xiao's crystal nucleus is enough, and green ape's taigeng green light is more than enough, which seems to be enough to carve out the framework of Zhenqi!

It's rare to practice leisurely. It's a lifetime in a twinkling of an eye!

The 16 million immortal soldiers in the fairyland space are basically in good condition. Under Xiao Hua's arrangement, a part of them will come out on duty every once in a while.

Qin Xin and other five dragon riders, as well as hundreds of tiger teachers, are also common.

But Xiao Hua can clearly see that these immortal soldiers still like the fairyland space and are not willing to take turns.

Xiao Hua is happy in his heart!

On the first day of this year, Xiao Hua was engraving a second talisman. He was muttering, "my God, how can this talisman be engraved so hard? It took taigeng Qingguang I years to realize and engrave one. Wouldn't it take 133225 years for a congenital divine prohibition? Moreover, the more difficult it is to be forbidden by the gods, the more difficult it will be. It will take more than 130000 years! No, we have to find a way... "

If the stupid Taoist is here, he can't beat Xiao Hua's teeth off with one fist. A small talisman of Xiao Hua is comparable to the practice of an ordinary immortal. He can complete it in a lifetime. This speed is absolutely unique in the fairyland! This kind of speed, Xiao Hua has to dislike it. What is it if it's not a smoke?

Just as he thought about it, the seal of hunting base around Xiao Hua's waist was moving. Xiao Hua's cultivation was so smooth that he didn't want to pay any attention to it. However, the seal flashed rapidly, and then there was a red light. Xiao Hua had to sigh and say, "if you eat people's salaries and share their worries, you don't deceive me!"

With that, Xiao Hua stopped to practice and inspired the seal. As expected, Su min's voice came from the seal: "Xiao hunted the base. Was his injury ever good?"

"Oh, thank you for your concern!" Xiao Hua said in a hurry, "in the middle of this lifetime, I will practice hard and try to refine taigeng Qingguang of green ape, but the effect is very little. I am trying to find another way."

"Hehe, you'd better refine it yourself!" Su Min said with a smile, "taigeng Qingguang is the most harmful to the immortal spirit. Since it falls into your immortal body, it will contaminate your spirit. If someone else does it, it may hurt you!""Spirit?" Xiao Hua pretended to be surprised and said, "is this green ape too insidious?"

"The green ape wanted to kill you, but when he saw something, he left taigeng Qingguang. I'm afraid he wanted to stop the opening up of xuanyuantian and set foot in Tianxian. He only stayed in the real fairyland in this life..." Su Min said, "if you have the chance to refine the green light of taigeng, you will be able to open the mysterious yuan and step on the immortals!"

"Xuanyuantian" Xiao Hua was so confused that he said, "what do you mean? How to open up? "

"Oh?" Su min also Leng, strange way, "don't you know Xuan Yuan day?"

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "the last general has just set foot in the real immortal. First he is looking for the team, then he is here to recuperate. How can he have time to practice?"

"Actually..." Su min hesitated for a moment and said, "it doesn't matter if you don't know now. After all, it's not too late for you to think about the cultivation of ordinary real immortals, whether it's a hundred years or even more generations. Your priority now is to find a congenital thing with rules. If there is no congenital thing, you may stop at the immortals.... "

"Where can I find the congenital things?" Xiao Hua's voice sounded bitter and said, "there is no way to mend the fairyland..."

"How is it possible to mend the fairyland?" Su Min said with a smile, "it depends on chance! You can't get much military service! "

"Mr. Su, can you tell me what xuanyuantian is first?"

Zhenqi, xuanyuantian -- a new system of Guangxian cultivation!