Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1242

Even so, there are 130000 little talismans. What a long way to cultivate. If ordinary real immortals can get a little talisman, they can step into heaven. But Xiao Hua has to understand and engrave 130000!

No, no, every fairy baby needs to understand and engrave 130000, 49 fairy babies We should understand and engrave 49 hundred and thirty thousand!

Success comes from struggle!

Stupid Taoist and others only see Xiao Hua's extraordinary progress, they can't see Xiao Hua's efforts after the progress.

Of course, Xiao Hua's ligai Jinxian is different from ordinary Zhenxian. There is no way for ordinary real immortals to cast their souls. Their immortal babies certainly have spirits, but the spirits are too thin, and the spirits are strengthened through the engraving of immortal marks. Xiao Hua's immortal baby spirit is almost as rich as his physical body. After understanding the original spirit chapter, he uses the power of the spirit to cooperate with the power of Xianchen's law. This is quite different from the opposite.

It is said that Xiao Hua has such a unique condition, so he should be handy to engrave the congenital divine prohibitions, but in fact, he spends hundreds and thousands of times more energy than ordinary immortals!

not to mention that it is extremely difficult to understand the divine prohibitions themselves. Of course, the 49 immortal babies have spiritual bodies inside to communicate with heaven and earth, and Xiao Hua's body of laws outside to use the laws, which is one of the 365 talismans It takes Xianying a lot of energy and time. It is needless to say that Xiao Hua himself has 49 immortal babies. There are 49 pillars of light separated from each immortal mark, which is difficult to engrave. In this place of JieChong, the lack of Fairy Light and the disorder of interface rules add a lot of difficulties to Xiao Hua's engraving of xiantianshenban!

"Alas..." Xiao Hua couldn't help sighing, "no wonder Qin Xin and others are eager to enter the space to practice!"

While sighing, Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows and looked down at the beast swallowing the armor. The seal on the hunting base was flashing.

After Xiao Hua was inspired, Chen Jin's voice came: "Xiao lielei, you came and went in a hurry before, and you never changed your trump card. Now Su Buyao's war is fierce, and it's hard to be distracted. You should pass your trump card to me..."

"Thank you, my Lord!" Xiao Hua didn't think much about it. He passed the trump card to Chen Jin through butianxianwei.

Just at the moment when the trump card disappeared, Xiao Hua suddenly woke up: "no, this battle is Su min, Su Buyao's layout, and the previous credit is Su Buyao, and Xiao is hunting base. Why does Chen Buyao take Xiao's trump card?"

Thinking of this, where does Xiao Hua not understand that this is Chen Jin's selling?

The trump card was soon handed back. Chen Jin's voice rang out and said, "Xiao lielei, you have made great contributions in this battle. I and Su Buyao will recommend you as tunteng, so trump card I'll promote you to Fu tunteng first... "

After hearing this, Xiao Hua became more and more puzzled. He said strangely, "my Lord, you will understand what you are thinking. However, why was it promoted to Fu Tun Teng? If Tun Teng, the end will not care about this one and a half yuan day

"Ha ha..." Chen Jin laughed and said: "the war is not as simple as you think. Although the green ape has been defeated, the hundreds of millions of demon soldiers he has laid out are still there, and the defense of JieChong is still there. The war can't end in a few months. As for why he was promoted to vice tunteng first, this is a surprise from Chen and Su Buyao. You can let me sell a pass, and you will know later! "

It's good to be around, and Xiao Hua doesn't care about tunteng or vice tunteng, so Xiao Hua turns off the seal after thanking him.

When the mind enters the trump card, the space is naturally much larger, and the things that can be bought are also expanded a lot. Most of them are real immortals that can be used. Xiao Hua doesn't use them much, and his disciples don't need them at present. Xiao Hua only looks at them, but doesn't bid for anything.

However, when he saw a skill called "true immortal cultivation and true interpretation of the mending heaven team", he couldn't help but feel a move in his heart. He spent some military effort to bid for it.

The stone from other mountains can be used to attack jade, Xiao Hua thought, browsing at will.

It's called true solution. It's actually a collection of many generals' experience. It's very complicated. However, Xiao Hua is interested in it. When he first stepped on the real immortal, he didn't know much about the cultivation of the real immortal realm.

Looking at it, Xiao Hua has already raised her eyebrows.

Because there is another unique way to explain the cultivation of the true immortal in the true interpretation!

Compared with the cultivation method of Qixian, the engraving of Xianying's eyebrow is called "Zhenqi". Zhenqi means perfection and perfection. Qiqi naturally means Tianwen and Diqi.

The immortal mark is engraved by daozun, which is famous for the meaning of ascending the immortal class.

Zhenqi is engraved by heaven and earth with the help of immortal trace. It has the shape of ghost axe!

Zhenqi is sometimes called Zhenqi. Zhenxian is the truth of Zhenxian. Zhenxian can also be called Zhenxian.

In addition to the freshness of the name, the cultivation method of true interpretation is extremely simple, that is, with the help of a certain immortal tool with rules, and then with the help of some immortal objects containing rules, to speed up the engraving of Zhenqi.

As for Zhenqi, the simple one is a trace of water, a wisp of fire, a stone and so on. The complex one is the array, the immortal weapon, and the totem of Dharma. The most complex one is similar to Xiao Hua's simplest talisman.

Of course, Xiao Hua also knows that the true immortal is the soul of the law, and the road is the soul of the law. No matter how simple the outline is, it is also a way to engrave the law in the soul, and its power is not small.Xiao Hua's attention is not on Zhenqi. His Zhenqi is incomparable in the fairyland. What he needs is to record the methods, ways and auxiliary means of other generals to engrave Zhenqi in the true understanding!

But after watching for a long time, Xiao Hua gradually shook his head, thinking that ordinary generals could not get any good magic weapons, nor could they have a good chance. Most of them were ordinary arrays, ordinary magic weapons. However, in the traces of immortals, we can activate the tools and arrays of immortals, gather the silver light of Immortals' body, and then engrave them into the seal. Although the means are various, they can't be separated from their ancestors. They just enhance the light column, enhance the sense of law, and so on.

"Maybe Xiao thinks too much..." Xiao Hua sighed.

However, after the true solution, there are some more bizarre and bizarre methods.

For example, it can be engraved with the light column of the demon League, such as adding the demon bones of the special demon clan of the demon League in the light column.

When a taigeng demon crystal falls into Xiao Huayan's mind, Xiao Hua's eyelids have no reason to jump wildly.

Sure enough, this is the experience of a war general who has practiced the skills of the demon clan. He took taigeng demon crystal to stimulate the immortal body. As a result, the time of carving Zhenqi is 30% less than others.

Xiao Hua was a little disappointed after watching it, because he did not lack the power of the law, his immortal body was the beginning of light, and the law was sufficient.

With such a lesson from the past, Xiao Hua hopes again. Looking back, after a few chicken ribs, Xiao Hua's eyes are bright again. This is the one who takes the demon family crystal nucleus to increase the immortal trace light column. However, he is different from others. His immortal weapon can purify the law, filter the violent star moon power law in the demon family crystal nucleus, and increase the power of the light column!

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