Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1218

Then Mei Yun waved the Tianmei order again. This time, it was still 7749 plum blossoms, but the color of the plum blossoms turned white, as if it was a place of mourning for the descendants!

When the plum blossom falls on the bronze stele, the bronze stele begins to expand, and then the whole xiaomeixin is shaking. A wave of sadness, death, and even death begins to gather towards the bronze stele. The bronze stele is so shiny that tianmeiling is forced out of Meiyun's hands and falls on the bronze stele. Xiao Hua's almost unimaginable will rolls tianmeiling into the sky!


The sky broke, and a plum shaped star sky appeared. The sky was vast, and countless stars twinkled!

There is no need for Xiao Hua and others to push their bodies, "whoosh..." A suction out of thin air, like a big hand holding three people into the starry sky!

However, just after Xiao Meixin, Xiao Hua suddenly saw that there were thousands of twisted filaments around him, each of which had its own twisted light and shadow!

"This What's the situation? "

Even Xiao Hua, who is already a real immortal, doesn't know what immortal prohibition or immortal array it is!

However, when the division of light and shadow became more and more, a slight pressure suddenly appeared, like transmission or imprisonment. Then the division of light and shadow in front of Xiao Hua began to decrease, and when the stars were shining around, Jiang Meihua and Mei Yun also appeared beside him!

"Boom..." The sky is like a thunderbolt. Ripples appear on the top of the three people's heads, as if they are coming out of the water. Xiao Hua and others fall into a starry sky!

And then, without waiting for Xiao Hua and others to see the situation around.



Countless Li Xiao's voice and indescribable murderous spirit rushed over like mountain torrents and tsunamis.

"Boom boom..." Xiao Hua, Jiang Meihua and Mei Yun all over the body, or light gold luster, or silver luster immediately out of the body!

"Help..." Mei Yun exclaimed first, and there were patches on his immortal body, as if he had been cut off by a sharp sword!

Xiao Hua does not dare to neglect, and hastens to sacrifice Kunlun mirror. Fortunately, after Kunlun mirror urges, Guangzhu brings Mei Yun into it.

"This..." Beside Xiao Hua, Jiang Meihua's whole body is shining with silver. He looks at his head inconceivably and exclaims, "is it really a fragment of the ancient fairyland?"

Xiao Hua did not dare to accept the Kunlun mirror. Instead, he raised his hand a little. The blue light of the Kunlun mirror scattered and protected them. The blue light was cool and blocked Li Xiaohe's murderous spirit!

When Xiao Hua looked at it again, there were countless lights and shadows, countless fragments in front of him. If the fragments were like broken stars, there were countless huge immortal remains all over the place.

That murderous spirit, that shriek, is born from these fragments, crazy rush to the surrounding starry sky!

"What a big hand!"

"What a place to experience!"

Xiao huayannian has been able to urge, and he has understood that this is a real starry sky, and the debris in the starry sky is also a real archaic battlefield!

It must also be the Mei family of the archaic fairy clan who gathered the fragments of the archaic battlefield here, and left the dead spirits in the fragments with a great magic power, as the training object of the Mei family's disciples!

"Big brother..." As soon as Xiao Hua was about to see it again, Jiang Meihua's figure trembled and seemed to be very excited. She said, "how about you and I look for one?"

"Good!" Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and said, "how about that?"

"Go Jiang Meihua holds a long gun and rushes to heaven.

The seemingly small pieces of light and shadow, waiting for Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua to fly in, suddenly found that this is a huge world!

Moreover, without waiting for them to stand firm, someone roared: "Yang Xian, the seven monsters of Meishan, is here. Who dares to fight!"

Xiao Hua looked at it in a hurry, but saw a sheep demon with thousands of feet tall, holding a big knife and stepping on the demon cloud flying general!

Even a sense of fear even their own murderous, as early as the rope will lock themselves!

"Damn it Xiao Hua scolds low, just about to hold out Ruyi stick, next to Jiang Meihua says, "big brother, little brother can't resist the war here, this This monster is too powerful

Xiao Hua hurried a little bit Kunlun mirror, "brush" Kunlun mirror, Jiang Meihua income among them.

"Brush..." Jiang Meihua has just disappeared. As soon as the red light of the sword has passed by, how dare Xiao Hua neglect it? The wishful stick "woo" comes out!

"Boom!" The huge roar rang out. Xiao Hua's body was like a bullet. He was not the enemy of the sheep demon!

"Up..." Xiao Hua's body was not equal to the ground. In the distance, it was almost behind the fallen hills, and there was another roar, "Yuan Hong is here, eat my stick!"

With the roar, the hill burst, and a monkey, also thousands of feet in size, flew out. The monkey, holding an iron bar, attacked Xiao Hua with the smell of destroying heaven and earth!

"My God!" Xiao Hua had never seen such a strong stick before. With a low cry, his body retreated quickly, and Ruyi did not dare to lift it out, prompting Guangdun to run away.

Xiao Hua showed his figure, looked around the empty space, and said in a secret way with lingering fear: "if it's not what the stupid Taoist said, the archaic fairyland is a fairyland with a large number of capable people. This The spirits detained here all have the power of real immortals. What about their original strength? ""Where's the thief general who dares to peek at our camp account?"

An immortal soldier in ancient bronze armour comes from the mountains in the distance!

Seeing the immortal soldier holding a long gun, his murderous spirit is far less than that of the previous two monsters. It seems that he is a detective immortal soldier. Xiao Hua is very brave and takes Ruyi stick to fight with the immortal soldier!

Even if he was an immortal soldier, Xiao Hua had to fight with others for dozens of rounds before he could kill them!

Of course, after the immortal soldiers disappeared, another exactly the same voice rang out in the mountains, "where are the thieves who dare to peek at our barracks?"

as like as two peas.

"I see!" Xiao Hua understands that there are countless spirits here, and there are also immortal soldiers with low strength!

Therefore, Xiao Hua urged his body to run away again.

"If only we could let the disciples of the gate of nature experience here!" Xiao Hua thought while flying. When he got a secluded place, Xiao Hua simply went underground.

Under the sky star array, Xiao Hua sat cross legged, his mind into the space into a jade die Xiao Hua's shape!

As soon as Xiao Hua raised his hand, another Tian Mei Ling appeared in his hand!

It's a pity that Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, had a close look for a long time and didn't see anything from the Tianmei order!

"Tianmeiling is just a way to open up the immortal prohibition. The key is the bronze stele..." Xiao Hua understood that "there must be some immortal prohibition on the bronze tablet, which can directly reach the fragments of the archaic immortal world!"

Xiao Hua took the Tianmei order and was about to get out of the space. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows again, and his face was strange. He looked at the space barrier!

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