Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1211

Not to mention Xiao Hua's surprise, Ananda himself was equally surprised. The fusion of Zhenkong's fight against Buddha and stone monkey is the process of the melting and ending of several generations of cause and effect. Ananda can't control it, and even he doesn't have any feeling. Besides cause and effect, even light can't escape from the space of white annihilation.

Ananda is different from Xiao Hua. He does not have the hand of cause and effect, nor does he have the crystal form. Ever since he was taken into space by the blood lotus petals of the previous Guanyin Bodhisattva, he has been in a state of obscurity.

The moment Xiao Hua rushed out of the space, Ananda woke up, but countless messages drowned him like the tide, and he found himself so small, unprecedented fear and loss. Once again, he was wrapped in unspeakable power and fell into the space of the Buddha kingdom. This process was seen as counting breath in Xiao Hua's eyes, but for Ananda, it was comparable to several generations. Several generations of causality merged into one in this process.

Ananda knew the origin of Zhenkong and liuer macaque, their love and hatred, and their loyalty, courage and responsibility in fighting against Buddha and stone monkey.

True, good, evil

Love, hate, affection, hatred

Can simple cause and effect end?

Reincarnation of several generations, how many causes and effects, is just a small realm in the long practice, a little harvest!

Ananda suddenly opened his eyes and found himself in a beautiful new world! The world is so pure. Apart from the Buddha's light, the world is so fresh. Ananda's body falls, the Buddha's light all over his body rises, and the voice of the Buddha sounds like water. The obstinacy of several generations of cause and effect entanglement disappears in the voice of the Buddha!

However, when Ananda stood firm, the light of this beautiful Buddha Kingdom suddenly changed its direction and converged towards him!

When the first ray of Buddha's light fell on Ananda, a Buddha's name that Ananda had never thought of suddenly appeared: "namo aydo Bodhisattva mahasa..."

Immediately, a voice of "nanyuduo Bodhisattva mahasa..." It began to ring from Ananda's mind. At first, it was like a wooden fish drum. A moment later, it became a storm. At last, it rang through the whole Buddhist kingdom.

Ananda's body shape gradually increased with the sound. There was no need to use the Buddha's knowledge, let alone the supernatural power. The state of the Buddha was imprinted in Ananda's mind like a shadow!

"Nanyuduo Bodhisattva mahasa..."

Ananda put his hands together, and a Buddha's name came out of his heart The bright Buddha light gathered behind his head is like the Tianhe river rushing back to the Buddhist space.

But Ananda knew in his heart that the previous Buddha's light had its root, the present, but no future. His arrival made the Buddha's light have a future. At this time, the Buddha's kingdom is complete, and he should be the future Buddha master!!

"Namo Amitabha..."

As the Buddha of Sakyamuni, the river shows its figure. With a chant of the Buddha's name, it immediately resounds through the space of the Buddha Kingdom, blowing Ananda's chant away like the wind.

"Sakyamuni Buddha"

When Ananda saw the river flow, he almost exclaimed in a low voice. He even forgot to see the ceremony. He saw that the Buddha light condensed around him had a sign of collapse!

"Nanwuding Buddha, Guangming Buddha..."

On the right side of Sakyamuni Buddha, the past Buddha revealed his figure. He declared with a smile, "my Buddha has a great wish, and my Buddha country has a great future. Why are you surprised?"

In the past, the Buddha's name seemed to connect the past and the future. For example, Huang LV bell sounded in Ananda's heart. Ananda's Buddha light was stable immediately. Ananda's face was shocked, and he changed his smile. He put his hands together and said: "namo aydo Bodhisattva mahasa, I have seen two Buddha..."

Ananda did not get up yet, but a compassionate Buddha's trumpet rang out: "Nanwu is merciful, Guanyin Buddha..."

"Ah?" Ananda's body swayed again when he heard it. He looked at the Buddha's bright place with great compassion. The Buddha Guanyin stepped on the lotus platform.

"Why How could it be... "

Ananda looked at the face of the great merciful Avalokitesvara Buddha and whispered. Then he picked his eyebrows and said, "isn't it evil that steals the fruit of our Buddha?"

The whole body of Ananda is full of fighting spirit. Isn't it the fighting spirit of fighting to defeat Buddha?

"My Buddha's fruit is the Buddha's fruit of the Buddha Kingdom, and it is also the mercy of heaven and earth. Which evil can rob it?" The great mercy Avalokitesvara Buddha asked with a smile, "it's your Buddha's fruit. Should it belong to Ananda, fight against the Buddha, Zhenkong, or six eared macaque?"

Ananda was stunned on the spot. He looked suspiciously at the great mercy Avalokitesvara Buddha and said, "whether it's fighting against the Buddha, or Zhenkong, or six eared macaque, aren't they all disciples?"

Sakyamuni Buddha does not speak with a smile. The bright Buddha of dingguang Buddha frowns slightly, showing great mercy. The smile on the face of Guanyin Bodhisattva converges and shows mercy.

In the light behind Ananda's head, the Dharma bodies of Dou conquering Buddha and stone monkey, Ananda, Zhenkong and six eared macaque were born at the same time, and Pang Da, Dou conquering Buddha and stone monkey, pressed the other three Dharma bodies almost invisible.

"Namo Amitabha..."

Sakyamuni took a look at it and declared, "it's from Ananda. It's from Miedou. Zhenkong and liuer macaque are just your good and evil. Who are you?""Ha ha..." Ananda's whole body is full of Buddha's light again. This time his Dharma form has changed again, and he even looks like fighting against Buddha and stone monkey. He laughs and says, "thank you for waking up. From the heart of the disciple, he developed the obsession of cause and effect. From the mouth of Guanyin Bodhisattva, he obtained the secret skill of cutting three corpses, and then he had the cause and effect of this life. The disciple is not Ananda, the disciple is not Zhenkong and liuer macaque, the disciple is not fighting to defeat the Buddha, the disciple is Ah Yiduo Bodhisattva, mahasa


"Namo Amitabha..."

"Nanwuding Buddha, Guangming Buddha..."

"Nanwu is merciful and merciful, Avalokitesvara Buddha..."

In an instant, the voice of the Buddha once again flourished in the Buddhist kingdom, and Sakyamuni Buddha said with a smile: "please the Buddha mahasa, the Bodhisattva of aido, ascend the lotus terrace..."

"I dare not!" He looked at Sakyamuni Buddha respectfully and said, "I still have some doubts that I can't let go. I hope the Buddha can solve them!"

"Namo Amitabha..."

Sakyamuni Buddha nodded with a smile.

"I didn't cut three corpses. What's the problem?" A Yiduo Bodhisattva, mahasa Buddha, frowned and said, "I think it's safe..."

"Your cause and effect is not only related to Ananda, but also to Zhenkong, and it is not only you who interfere in the cause and effect, but also others?"

"Who? Is it to harm the disciples? "

"It's not harm, it's a mistake of yin and Yang..." Sakyamuni Buddha smiles and raises his hand in the air, "brush..." In the light of Buddha, a Leiyin Temple appears. On the Leiyin temple, the Buddha light of Dali Tathagata is annihilated. There are doubts and expectations in his eyes. He is looking at a colorful stone in his hand, and inside the stone, a spirit is moistening

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Ananda is gone, there is only fight to defeat Buddha! In the future, when the Buddha kingdom is in danger, our fight against the Buddha will step down the lotus terrace and take the iron bar again!

Tanhua's new book, six-year compulsory education of Chinese runes, features Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua's son, and is serialized at the beginning https:book.qidian.cominfo1014281512 . You can have a look, help put forward an opinion, recommend tickets to the new book! New books are relaxed