Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1209

Xiao Hua opens his eyes and feels the irresistible annihilation. He quickly waves the hand of cause and effect. The extremely thick water silk of cause and effect, with blood color, still rushes into the end of the void. Xiao Hua knows that it is the cause and effect of Guanyin in the previous life. He can't help it, and there are so many water silk of cause and effect in his hand that he can't examine it carefully for a moment.

Xiao Hua just wants to distract himself and explore the cause and effect between Liu Yanyu and stupid Taoist, "brush..." A bronze luster with the destruction of heaven and earth of the killing machine down!

But see a flashing bronze flame of the book slowly unfolded, that flame, a sharp arrow revealed!

"This What kind of weapon is this? "

Xiao Hua's soul flies out of the sky!

Panic, Xiao Hua suddenly Leng, because this too early sharp weapon has a thick water light fall, is connected with the outline of Lu Shu together! Needless to say, it must belong to the Lu family of the Archaean fairy family!

Xiao Hua's heart was moving, and Lu Shu's colorful heart flew out!

The multicolored light heart is nothing in the annihilation space, but as soon as the light and shadow come out of the bronze scroll, it immediately takes up the edge and slowly rolls up.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and urged the colorful light heart to take back the bronze scroll, and the water threads of cause and effect floated from behind the bronze scroll!

At this time, the white space is still there, and Xiao Hua is still unable to recover his body. He urges the hand of cause and effect and roars "go..."

Cause and effect big hand photographed the crowd with the big hand rushed to the bronze scroll where it was blocked before!

But Xiao Hua said in his heart: "the sky is bright and the earth is bright. Can sister Yu Er open the door?"

Besides, the stupid Taoist, seeing the arrogance of the golden light and annihilating the bronze chains, locks and even the color of blood, was shocked. As soon as he caught Liu Yanyu and Mei Yun, he was about to run away. But before he could fly out, the golden light suddenly came back and disappeared, and the color of blood disappeared. The bronze chains and locks began to reorganize again!

"Strange!" Stupid Taoist Yannian swept the lock, even his breath blocked his exploration!

"Fourth uncle..." Liu Yanyu's face changed dramatically. Looking at the stupid Taoist, she said in a low voice, "if If yu'er is in it... "

"Don't say it's Yu Er..." Stupid Taoist's face is also extremely ugly, "even if it's your parents, I'm afraid they will die!"

"Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua..." Liu Yanyu's heart was like a knife. She was biting her teeth. Suddenly, a strange voice came out in her heart. "The sky is bright and the earth is bright. Can sister Yu Er open the door?"

"Ah?" Liu Yanyu was stunned on the spot. Tears ran down her cheeks. These were tears of joy!

Stupid Taoist naturally saw Liu Yanyu's gaffe, but he thought Liu Yanyu was sad for Liu Yanyu, so he sighed and said: "wait a minute..."

When Xiao Hua said for the second time, "the sky is bright and the earth is bright. Can sister yu'er open the door?" When Liu Yanyu heard it in her mind, she woke up like a dream and cried out: "fourth uncle, hurry up, Xiao Hua is coming out!"

"Open the immortal's gate quickly!"

"Ah?" Stupid Taoist startled, "white annihilation Xuan skeleton just happened violent explosion, how can..."

"She's coming out!" Liu Yanyu quickly lied, "I feel her call! Quick, quick, white annihilation is going to be annihilated... "

"Good All right If it's someone else, how can stupid Taoist agree? But Liu Yanyu's words, stupid Taoist has to consider. Stupid Taoist glances at Mei Yun's side, but Mei Yun is not afraid. He also grits his teeth to stand beside him, which makes stupid Taoist treat Mei Yun differently.

Stupid Taoist urged Tianmei to open the lock, "boom..." A breath of destruction, which made the stupid Taoist face change dramatically, rose to the sky. The previous bronze light and shadow disappeared, and only the smell of chaos rolled wildly under the ancient copper chain!

"Jue'er, jue'er..." Liu Yanyu yelled at the breath of destruction!

Stupid road is very urgent, quickly wave a hand to imprison Liu Yanyu!

"Brush..." At this time, a light and shadow flew out of the breath, wasn't it Xiao Hua?

"Xiao Hua?" Stupid Taoist's eyes are about to fall off, how can it be! How could Xiao Hua escape from the white and mysterious remains that even he would fall?

"Master, master..." Xiao Hua's figure stood firm, and he didn't even want to shout under him, "you You... "

"Boom..." A burst into the sky, almost drag Xiao Hua in again.

"Damn it Xiao Hua, in a hurry, flew away from the spot and said to himself, "Xiao, don't overdo it and make it self defeating..."

Then Xiao Hua rushed to stupid and said, "master, quickly, quickly seal..."

"Where are you?" Cried Liu Yanyu.

"Here!" Xiao Hua didn't want to raise a naxu ring and said, "the elder sent them all here. They are all alive!"

"Fourth uncle..." Liu Yanyu was overjoyed and cried, "hurry up, stir up the immortal prohibition!"

There is no need for Liu Yanyu to remind him. The stupid Taoist urges Tianmei to close the immortal ban.

"Go..." The stupid Taoist grabbed Xiao Hua, Liu Yanyu and Mei Yun and flew out of Huangmei palace.

Xiao Meixin's survival had nothing to do with stupid Taoist. Stupid Taoist escaped far away. Then he released the three and asked Xiao Hua, "give it to me!""Yes, master!" Xiao Hua quickly hands naxu ring to stupid Taoist. He is not nervous at all. The stone monkey flies into Xiao Hua's Buddhist space as early as stupid Taoist opened the immortal forbidden.

But when the stupid Taoist threw the tianmeiling to Xiao Hua, Yannian swept the empty ring and shook his hand to send some of the immortals out, Xiao Hua stayed on the spot. He looked at a fairy and exclaimed: "Huang mengxiang?"

"You Do you know her? " Liu Yanyu was worried. She watched a group of female immortals fly out and saw that Liu Yanyu was in good condition and looked around as if she had just awakened from a dream. She could not help whispering when she heard that.

"Yes He is a fairy friend in the world... "

"Hum..." Liu Yanyu put her hand on Xiao Hua's arm and said, "sister yu'er, can you open the door? What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua is baffled. It's a pity that Liu Yanyu no longer cares about him. When Liu Yanyu appears, Liu Yanyu's concern for Xiao Hua has been deeply buried in her heart.

"Long er..." Liu Yanyu flew over and cried, "you Are you all right? "

Liu Yanyu was overjoyed. The flying general came to take Liu Yanyu's hand and said with a smile, "sister, you Why are you here... "

Liu Yanyu didn't answer, but Liu Yanzhen saw Xiao Hua again and was surprised and said, "eh, Xiao Hua, why are you here too..."

"I Can I not answer? " Xiao Hua touched his nose and laughed bitterly.

However, Xiao Hua's eyes still look at Huang mengxiang.

"Hee hee..." Huang mengxiang looked at Xiao Hua's twinkling eyes and couldn't help laughing. The flying general came to bow and said, "brother Xiao, do you know me?"

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