Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1208

Then Xiao Hua's crystal God flew out slowly, and the golden light lit up all around!

When the golden light passes, don't say that the light golden luster is fading like the ebb tide, that is, the light white space is full of vitality! Not to mention the collapse of the causal hand rapid condensation, the annihilation of the causal river again continuous, flowing towards the depth of the pale white space!

"Buzz..." It seems that the pale gold crystal is unwilling. During the tremor, there is a lot of spear like light and shadow rushing to the crystal God, but after the light and shadow, the golden light of the pale gold crystal becomes more and more dim!

Look at the crystal God, also issued a roar, wisps of golden light not only like thunder, against the light golden spear, although the thunder obviously can not compare with the power of the spear, but in the hand of cause and effect, countless golden light like silk into the crystal God, the crystal god golden light day by day, more and more bright!

"He he..." On the festival of bones, the thirteen gods of the dragon head make obscure sounds, and the green mountain like shadows come out and smash into the light gold crystal like objects!

That light gold crystal shape thing is also arrogant, facing this attack unexpectedly regenerates the spear shape light shadow counter attack!

But in Xiao Hua's eyes, he knew that whether it was the bloody Avalokitesvara or the white bone Festival, they might not be able to hold the light gold crystal for long!

What to do?

Xiao Hua's eyes were filled with grief when he knelt down when he defeated the Buddha. The sacrifice was not terrible, and there was no shame in his failure. Even if he was forgotten, he had no regret. As long as he did it himself, for the sake of the whole world, who would care if he felt a little wronged and dirty?




Xiao Hua is bold and vigorous. Countless forces of faith gush out of the inexplicable space, and the crystal God sends out a brilliant flame, which can't even stop the light white of the space, and gradually burns!

The endless fighting spirit rushes out with the flame, turns into a thunderbolt and pours on the light gold crystal!

"Nanwu great mercy Guanyin Bodhisattva..."

In the light white space, a Buddha's trumpet rings, and all kinds of blood vanishes. The statues of the gods and lotus stands of blood Guanyin are annihilated and fall into the blood relic!

And the bloody relic swivels across the pale white space and falls into Xiao Hua's hands with the light of cause and effect The relic is broken and turned into thousands of pieces to merge into Xiao Hua's crystal God!

"Buzz..." Xiao Hua's crystal Godhead suddenly expanded in the roar, but in a moment it changed from the size of a nail to the size of a fist. The madness was that the flame was full of blood, and another Dharma of Avalokitesvara was born!

But this Guanyin is not the venerable, but the venerable!

There's compassion in the eyes, and there's a thunderbolt!

"Nanwu is merciful and merciful, Avalokitesvara Buddha..."

As soon as Avalokitesvara's Dharma phase comes out, golden light and blood color sweep the whole pale white space!

That is the cause and effect that connects the outline of Zhenkong and the outline of Dou conquering Buddha and stone monkey. The water thread suddenly shrinks and disappears, and the two contours also merge into one!

but as like as two peas, the outline of the bucket is much larger than that of Zhen Kong. Although the two outlines are exactly the same, Xiao Hua seems to be... My apprentice Rebirth again!

Yuan Tongtian!

Fight against Buddha and stone monkey!!

"Brush..." When the Avalokitesvara raises his hand, the other shore breaks through the air. Even the so-called white annihilation remains can't resist the power of reincarnation. A multicolored rainbow sweeps all the light gold sword shadows and hits the light gold crystal like object!

"Boom..." The light gold crystal vibrates, and there are many strange water lines on it, which block the other shore!

"Lotus..." Seeing that the other shore was fruitless, a sigh of bones turned into a ray of streamer and disappeared into Xiao Hua's crystal deity with blood color and flame!


Once again, the crystal God expanded, and there were cracks as thin as spider silk on it. In the golden light, the crystal God expanded to the size of watermelon!


There was another tremor, and the green light column burst out of the air. Another Dharma phase of the dragon head rushed out beside the Avalokitesvara Buddha, "Wu..." As soon as the dragon head raises his hand, Pangu axe appears in his hand!


I don't know whether it's the voice of the heaven or the sorcerer. It's from the mouth of the dragon head. Pangu's axe breaks through the air!

At last, the light gold crystal trembled, and a lot of golden light came out. The small thousand worlds full of cause and effect water silk came out, and they wanted to resist Pangu axe!


the deafening sound sounds, and the axe shadow splits all the little thousand worlds, and even splits the light gold crystal into pieces!


There's no need for Xiao Hua to think about it at all. Strands of pale gold water will pierce the pale white and fall into the tiny pieces of pale gold. There's not a single piece left behind. The cause and effect between Xiao Hua and the pale gold crystal Predestined!


The light golden water light put the fine pieces of the scene into Xiao Hua's crystal God, and the crystal God expanded again until it reached the size of Chi Xu The crack finally came out

Crystal God just broke, "brush brush brush..." In the light white space, the power of countless beliefs poured in like water. The Dharma form of the Buddha Guanyin slowly disappeared in the crystal form. At the same time, a thick water silk broke through the air and fell on the outline of Zhenkong!"He he..." The Dharma form of the dragon head makes an obscure sound and gradually breaks up. It turns into thousands of green seal characters and falls into Xiao Hua's crystal form. The dark green light and shadow are like silk to repair the inner cracks!

Xiao Hua's crystal God slowly rotated, like a star.

Within the crystal God, the light gold is shining like electricity, the dark green light and shadow are like water, and the blood light is like smoke. Outside the crystal God, countless forces of faith pour in and turn into gold to fill the cracks.

Xiao Hua's hand of cause and effect coagulates again, and the river of cause and effect runs through the pale white, gradually smooth.

Xiao Hua's consciousness is like a deep sleep. Although the former Guanyin, the thirteen gods and the nameless false gods have been annihilated, their legacy is still not easy for Xiao Hua to swallow, especially how can the nameless false gods yield? However, under the joint efforts of Guanyin, the thirteen gods and Xiao Hua, this legacy was gradually absorbed by Xiao Hua.

As for the relic of Guanyin in the previous life, as early as after the crystal fragments of the nameless false god disappeared, it was integrated with Xiao Hua's crystal God.

If we say that the relic of Guanyin is blood, the crystal fragments of the nameless false gods are flesh, and the melted thirteen God joints are the bones of the crystal gods!

I don't know how long it will take to mend the crystal Godhead, or one generation, or one universe, or one disaster, or one moment. There is no meaning in the white space!

At the moment when the crystal God was repaired, the breath of Guanyin, the thirteen gods and the nameless false gods disappeared completely. The pale white space created by the three people who didn't even know Xiao Hua's strength began to collapse, and everything in the space turned into powder!

However, in Xiao Hua's hands, all the people who cross the river of cause and effect are protected by the water silk of cause and effect!

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This story is finally finished. It's a lot of thinking!

Tanhua's new book, six-year compulsory education of Chinese runes, features Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua's son, and is serialized at the beginning https:book.qidian.cominfo1014281512 . You can have a look, help put forward an opinion, recommend tickets to the new book! New books are relaxed