Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1195

"Ha ha, that's right!" Xiao Hua caressed his hand and said, "all intrigues are paper tigers under absolute strength. There are two elders here. What are you afraid of? Go, go, go... "

Xiao Hua really thinks too much. Not to mention that stupid Taoist and Liu Yanyu are so powerful that they may not be able to see the ruins of Taichu that Meimei can explore. Just say that Xiao Hua is a real immortal and absolutely invincible in Huang Zengtian. Are you afraid that Meimei has any pitfalls?

Not to mention the disappearance of cho'er and Zhou Xiaoming, they should explore every hope they have!

"Two adults..." Mei Yun flew out from behind a fallen copper pillar in the main hall and said respectfully, "Meizu has gone to decorate it. Please come here with me."

Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu follow Mei Yun to turn around a worn-out ancient bronze screen wall, and the mottled and broken Xianjin begins to appear. This Xianjin is different from what Xiao Hua usually sees. It falls on Xiao Hua, which not only imprisons Yannian, but also solidifies Xianli.

"This is the common immortal prohibition of archaic fairies..." Liu Yanyu hastily voiced, "you can resist if you urge Yuanqi, the original chapter!"

Xiao Hua urged him to do so. Sure enough, Xianjin was like a cobweb.

"Where's the stupid Taoist master?" Xiao Hua looked around and found no trace of the stupid Taoist. He asked in a low voice.

"He's already gone down with Mei Mei!" Liu Yanyu chuckled and said, "just when you look forward and backward, hee hee..."

"All right!" Xiao Hua had no choice but to say, "I'm too worried!"

"No, no..." Liu Yanyu was a little flustered for no reason. She said in a hurry, "I didn't mean that. It's normal for you to worry. After all, it's the ruins of Taichu. And when you summon me, his old man also happens to summon me... "

Then Liu Yanyu paid unreasonable attention to Xiao Hua's expression and found that there was nothing wrong with Xiao Hua. She was relieved.

"Mei Xiaoyou..." Xiao Hua looked around at the ruins and asked, "how good is the Huangmei palace?"

"Oh, I can teach you..." Xiao Hua has saved Mei Yun. Mei Yun is very close to Xiao Hua and answers without hesitation, "there are not many places that the younger generation of Huangmei palace can go. There are inexplicable prohibitions in other places, and what the younger generation sees It should be 80% damaged! "

"Well, then!" Xiao Hua sighed, "even if the so-called Taichu ruins are opened, the Huangmei palace will not be of great use. Your Mei family still needs to open branches and leaves elsewhere!"

"Master..." Mei Yun grinned and said, "my Mei family is in biqiongyuan now. If you can open it here, it can be used as a secret place for my Mei family to practice!"

"My lord..." Xiao Hua nodded, looked at Liu Yanyu again, but did not avoid Mei Yun. He said, "based on my previous experience, I feel that Huangmei palace It seems that it was suppressed on the ruins of Taichu. When you break the ban for a while, you should be careful. "

"Actually, when Meimei just said it, I was already thinking about it..." Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "the master of the Mei family broke through the battle with blood and attracted the Huangmei palace. If there is something strange under the Huangmei palace, the Huangmei palace is certainly used for suppression. However, there is another possibility. As far as I know, the secret place where the Taigu fairy people train their disciples is reasonable if it comes from the ruins of Taichu and is suppressed by Huangmei palace! "

"My Lord is wise!" Mei Yun immediately put up his thumb and said, "my Meizu also said that the owner of my family was so sure! It's a pity that I didn't open the forbidden token... "

"Master..." At this time, Xiao Hua couldn't hide it any more. He whispered, "what Meiyun said is the tianmeiling of the Mei family. It's in the hands of the younger generation!"

"Ah?" Liu Yanyu almost called low, her face changed slightly, "how can Tianmei Ling be in your hands?"

Fortunately, Mei Yun walked in front of them and didn't notice Liu Yanyu's surprise!

Liu Yanyu, also aware of her gaffe, spat out her tongue and whispered again: "I just heard the fourth uncle talk about tianmeiling. I knew it was the Mei family that had lost something for a long time. How did you get it? Is it because of Tianmei Ling that you came to xiaomeixin? "

"Tianmeiling was obtained by the younger generation in the world!" Xiao Hua explained, "at that time, the younger generation didn't know what the use was. They only knew that it was very important. Moreover, the Mei family disciple plotted against the younger generation. Naturally, the younger generation couldn't give it back to them. As for Xiao Meixin, I've heard from Mei Yun for a long time, and I don't know whether tianmeiling is used in this immortal prohibition. But anyway, if tianmeiling is useful, don't we have the upper hand? "

"Great!" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "fourth uncle suspects that he was involved in the ruins of Taichu. If there is a Tianmei order, he will appear easily! You What a lucky star

"Hee hee, I hope so!" Xiao Hua also laughed.

"Alas, it's a pity..." Liu Yanyu's heart sounds again for no reason.

"What a pity for her..." Xiao Hua is really at a loss.

Mei Yun passes through several halls, and the blood lines begin to thicken. Xiao Hua suddenly thinks of Zhong Xiao! Isn't the animal blood that Yingwei fights with Meiyun in yuwantian jingchenyin dedicated to baoqiong?

So Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect, and hastened to urge the immortal to investigate. Xiao Hua's action couldn't hide Liu Yanyu. If someone else, Liu Yanyu couldn't even look at it. But when he saw the silver light in Xiao Hua's eyes, he quickly asked, "what's the matter?"Xiao Hua talked about Zhong Xiao and Bao Qiong, and Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "don't worry, my fourth uncle has already explored. Mei Mei and Mei Yun are human race."

"NND, there is an old man in the family, as there is a treasure..." Xiao Hua couldn't bear to murmur.

"What did you say?" Liu Yanyu suddenly looked at Xiao Hua and said, "louder?"

Xiao Hua was stunned and blurted out: "I I didn't say anything

"My lord..." Fortunately, without waiting for Liu Yanyu to talk about it, Mei Yun turned his head and said with a smile, "it's coming soon. Look, the screen made of ancient copper It's the passage to the hall. "

Liu Yanyu gave Xiao Hua a white look and obviously heard the saying that "an old man in a family is like a treasure".

"My God, this What's the matter! " Xiao Hua was a little frightened, and his arms were all covered with goose bumps.

Mei Yun took a few steps, turned a half covered gauze, and came to a screen. The screen was huge, but the upper left corner of the screen was smashed to pieces by a thick copper pillar, and the striking cracks fell like earthworms, tearing the peaks cast on the screen to pieces.

"My Lord, please..." Mei Yun stopped a little in front of the screen and immediately urged his body to fly in. He was obviously very familiar with it. He also said, "there's no magic formula here, just fly in."

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Can Liu Yanyu also hear Xiao Hua's voice?

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