Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1194

“…… I have a little rest, that is to say, I have explored the whole Huangmei palace and found many things left by the ancestors of the Mei family. The traces of the immortals of the younger generation still exist. With the help of the secret skills of the clan and the blood guide of Xiao Meixin's ancestors, I have cultivated from Yan Xian to Er Qi Xian at a speed I can't believe... "

“…… However, just when I wanted to go to biqiongyuan, I found that I couldn't leave Huangmei palace. As soon as I flew away, there would be signs of uncontrollable blood and the collapse of Xianli. I knew that the method of using blood to guide people had great defects... "

“…… The younger generation searched the incomplete ancient books and found that the method of blood drawing in the clan was obtained from the ruins of Taichu, and the ruins of Taichu It's under the second immortal prohibition of Huangmei palace.... "

“…… Before yun'er came, I visited the second immortal forbidden area of Huangmei palace many times. I found that the immortal forbidden area had been loosened when the blood print array attacked. Then I wanted to break the forbidden area with my own strength, but I couldn't break it anyway. I can't stay away from Xiao Meixin, so this matter is put on hold... "

“…… When yun'er came over, I was very happy. In addition, his experience was similar to that of the younger generation, so I taught him my improved secret skills. He didn't live up to the expectations of the younger generation

“…… As for my younger generation, I suffered too much trauma in my life, and I have never been able to recover. Seeing that time is running out, I think of the second immortal prohibition in Huangmei palace. I have asked yun'er that Mei Cuilu, the most powerful of Mei's family in Biqiong garden, is just a five element immortal. According to my opinion, if there is no Juyuan immortal strength, there is no need to touch the second immortal ban in Huangmei palace. So I let yun'er know a little bit about it, to see if I can find the predecessors who have Juyuan immortal strength... "

“…… Where would Huang Zengtian have juyuanxian? Among the ancient books left in Huangmei palace, the only one who can go is yuwantian. Yuner went to jingchenyin of yuwantian on the first day in order to find something for me to maintain the immortal body. Then he met two adults. When he learned that, he prayed day and night, hoping that the adults would come. Fortunately, or the younger generation moved the way of heaven sincerely, and the adults came as expected... "

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Mei Xianyou, can you tell me more about the second fairy prohibition in Huangmei palace and Is this Taichu thing flying out of the immortal forbidden area? "

"To teach adults to know..." Meimei took another sip of the wine and said, "the second fairy prohibition in Huangmei palace has been broken. Later, some strange things often fly out of it. These two things are just happened to be obtained by the younger generation. Oh, although I have put a ban on the second immortal ban, the original objects are so strange that even Huangmei palace can't resist them. There are still many flying out of Xiaomei NEW! "

Liu Yanyu had some doubts about the bronze petals Xiao Hua got from Yunyi. At this time, her doubts were dispelled.

See Mei Mei no longer say, Xiao Hua strange way: "no?"

"No more!" Meimei said with a smile, "it's just a kind of fairy prohibition. The younger generation is weak and can't explore much. Just go and have a look."

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and looked at Liu Yanyu, who was eager to try.

Xiao Hua frowned and asked, "Mei Xianyou, when was the last time that the ban on immortality was loosened and something from Taichu flew out?"

"It should be..." Meimei seemed to be thinking about it. After a while, she said, "should it be more than a hundred years ago? At that time, yun'er didn't come, did he? "

"Yes Mei Yun nodded and said, "I've come to Xiaomei new, and I haven't seen Xianjin loose!"

"Xiao Hua..." Liu Yanyu whispered, "I don't think there's anything to ask. This poor Meimei is just a two Qi immortal. Even if xiaomeixin has any changes, it's a space storm that even Hualing fairy can't resist. How can she know? I can't wait to go to the fairy Forbidden City. Maybe I can find out something strange... "

"Mei Xianyou..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said to Mei Mei, "how about you and Mei Yun go to prepare some first, and I'll discuss with my adults before making a decision?"

"Of course Mei Mei got up and said, "after all, there will be risks in breaking the ban. The two adults have to discuss it carefully. The younger generation can make a blood oath again and enter the ruins of Taichu. Except for some of the martial arts related to my Mei family, the adults will choose everything first..."

Speaking of this, Mei Mei hesitated for a moment, and then said: "in fact, it's meaningless to say that at this time. The adult is a Juyuan immortal who is superior. Entering the ruins of Taichu, it's entirely up to the adult. The younger generation has no ability to resist. Now I can still sit here safely, and I'm relieved of the character of the two adults! "

"Can Mei Xiaoyou withdraw from the layout on the side of the copper pillar?" Liu Yanyu asked with a smile.

"Of course, of course..." Mei Mei smiles awkwardly. She can see her blood lines swimming slightly. On the copper pillars, totems like clouds turn into ancient copper lines, flowing down from the copper pillars like water and disappearing on the floor of the hall.

Looking at Mei Chong and Mei Yun nodding to fly out of the hall, Liu Yanyu said again, "do you have any doubts?"

"What Meimei said from beginning to end..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I don't doubt most of them, and I would rather believe that they are true!""Most of them?" Liu Yanyu's expression remained unchanged, but her tone was puzzled, "is there still a small part that you don't believe?"

"Only one word, I'm sure she's lying!"

"Which sentence?"

"The color of her body..." Xiao Hua replied firmly, "it's not the blood of Xiao Meixin, not the blood of her ancestors! Therefore, it is possible that her injury was not caused by the blood print formation... "

"How do you know?"

"Because of the color of her blood, I know it, and I know it very well!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "there is another word, when jingchenyin was annihilated, there was blood color. Whether it was xiaomeixin's blood color, or her blood color, more than 50 years ago, xiaomeixin must have some changes. Since she can't leave xiaomeixin, how could she not know?"

"Even so, so what?" Liu Yanyu stared at Xiao Hua with bright eyes and said with a smile, "do you think I care?"

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Everyone has his own abacus

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