Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1193

"You You go on and say... " Liu Yanyu turned her head in a hurry. Her voice was a little trembling. She urged, "are you Met my sweetheart? "

"Alas..." Meimei took a long breath and said, "what you have said is that I never thought that I would fall into the whirlpool of emotion. I not only told him all the secrets of the family, but also brought him to xiaomeixin!"

“…… But at that time, xiaomeixin was just a mountain forest. It was also a sea of flowers. There were colorful birds flying and fairy Orioles Singing. My younger generation sat with him in the sea of flowers, watching the change of Liuyang and March, and the gorgeous morning and dusk. I was so happy... "

“…… Then one day, suddenly there was an earthquake deep in the earth, like a war drum, like a tsunami. We woke up from the retreat. He took the younger generation to explore the earth and found the real Xiao Meixin... "

“…… The younger generation is only an immortal, so it's hard for them to have any means to explore. He sacrificed his immortal utensils and went into the room alone. It took a month for them to come out. The younger generation knows that he has powerful means, but they are still worried. When he comes out, I feel that the fairyland is the fairyland with him. Without him, the fairyland will be dull again... "

"Alas, poor child..." Liu Yanyu sighs in the soul of Xiao Hua. Although there is nothing behind, Xiao Hua knows the ending of the story by looking at Mei Mei.

“…… After he came out, he told me about the situation under the immortal ban and asked me what I meant. After all, he can't break the ban with his ability. If you want the Huangmei palace under the immortal ban to return to the sky, you must rely on other people's strength... "

“…… This matter has a lot to do with me. I dare not make my own decision, so I have to go back to my family and consult with the family leader... "

Hearing this, Xiao Hua raised his hand and said, "Mei Xianyou, this matter It sounds like the secret of the Mei family is involved. Does it sound right for me to wait? "

"Alas..." Mei Mei didn't answer. Instead, she sighed. She picked up the bottle, drank a cup, looked at Mei Yun, and said, "of course, it's a little secret in the family, but it's more about the past of the younger generation. Yun'er's experience is similar to that of the younger generation, and the younger generation has never talked about it before. It is obvious that yun'er trusted the two adults to come here today. If you don't talk about the past, I'm afraid no one will know about it in the future. Let me tell you the whole story so that you can rest assured. I just want to use the power of the two adults to open up the second floor of xiaomeixin, so that my Mei family can have the hope of rejuvenation... "

Xiao Hua felt unreliable when he heard it. After all, tianmeiling was in his hands. As soon as he was about to speak, Liu Yanyu nodded and said, "Mei Xiaoyou, don't worry. If it's possible, I'll try my best to do it..."

"Thank you, sir..." Meimei got up to salute, raised her glass and said, "I'll give you a toast again!"

Xiao Hua didn't speak any more, knowing that Mei Mei's words also aroused Liu Yanyu's pain.

"Just..." Xiao Hua said in secret, "if it's possible, Xiao has used Tianmei's order, and he's here. Maybe it's the meaning of Tiandao!"

After a drink, Mei Mei continued to say, but Mei Yun's face gradually began to look bad.

“…… The master is also very happy to hear the news. He brought some disciples here. I don't know how to communicate with the master. I just want the master to be able to Can you agree to be with him... "

“…… After that, the master and his disciples stayed at xiaomeixin, and the younger generation and some disciples accompanied him around looking for help. The immortal prohibition in Huangmei palace is very mysterious. Although we spent more than a hundred years and invited a lot of talented people to come here, we failed to break the immortal prohibition Some of them are depressed and ready to give up. He also looks ugly. In fact, I have known for a long time that the owner of the family promised to marry me on the condition that Break the ban

"Your master has gone too far!" Liu Yanyu frowned and said, "this This is obviously a threat... "

"Yes, but he did! He's still a little silly! "

“…… I know that it was for me that he prayed to the immortal xingqiong to find a dangerous way to break the ban and make a final attempt... "

Speaking of this, Mei Mei looked at Mei Yun and said, "yun'er, when you hear this, you must think of the truth that the master of the family and dozens of people died overnight, right?"

"Yes, Meizu..." Mei Yun nibbled his lips and nodded, "there has been no record of the fall of the master of the family in biqiongyuan. The ancestor of Cuilu doesn't know what happened. The fall of dozens of people has made the fall of Mei's family worse."

"The master is afraid to attract other people's attention, so he has sealed off the news very tightly. Although the last blood print formation has made great contributions, it has really broken the ban on immortals in Huangmei palace, but The master of the family and other people, as well as the immortal he invited, were engulfed by the blood print array! Yun'er, the blood guide you use to cultivate the secret arts of the clan They also have their blood essence

"Yes..." Mei Yun bowed his head slightly. "I'm sure you'll keep this matter in mind and pass it down from generation to generation, so that the people can remember the efforts of our ancestors!"

"Mei Mei..." Liu Yanyu asked in a low voice, "you survived. This The hidden danger in the immortal body It must be when Yuanri stayed, then he Must have fallen? "

"Alas..." Mei Mei sighed and nodded, "yes! After all, he died for me, and all his spirits died. After all, he didn't marry me away, leaving me lonely all my life. ""Good!" Liu Yanyu almost rose up in response and said, "Meimei, where are the ruins of Taichu? Take me there... "

"My Lord, my lord..." Xiao Hua was in a hurry. He quickly stopped him and said, "don't worry, old man. We've already known the cause of the matter. Let's listen to the Taichu relics again. We can be prepared, right?"

"Good All right Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "I'm a little reckless. I'd better listen to Xiao HuJiao..."

In fact, Mei Mei's face, which had no muscles, could not see anything. Only her eyes, which had a faint luster, showed the change of her mood. Of course, Xiao Hua didn't see any disappointment in it.

"Please sit down, my lord..." Meimei raised her hand and asked Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu to sit down. She still said calmly, "you've been waiting for a lot of time. It's OK to wait a few more hours!"

“…… The formation of blood imprint is still successful. When he provokes blood imprint, I feel that blood imprint is like a mountain, and it seems to fill the sky. Then the earth roars, and a huge force that I can resist is overwhelming. I faint before I have time to defend... "

“…… It has been several months since I woke up, and my immortal body has almost disappeared, but my immortal baby has long disappeared. I struggle to find his trace, and the trace of my master and others, but I can find nothing. Alas, xiaomeixin finally came out of the immortal ban, and has become like today's Yuanri, but my Mei family, and what I have lost Can Xiao Meixin make up for it? "

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Liu Yanyu feels the same way

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