Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1089

Before Xiao Hua, he faintly thought that there would be a supernatural power in the cultivation of Yuanshen, but he never thought that the supernatural power did not appear, and the physical skill just cultivated showed hegemony!

All the skills that Xiao Hua practiced before, including the hand of cause and effect, have traces to follow. Only the power that he just exerted can't be explained at all!

Xiao Hua's body swayed and flew straight for thousands of miles. The netherworld force released and collected his soul. Then, as he flew back, he thought: "just now this immortal flew away, I was going to chase him with Guangdun, but suddenly I could feel the track of his escape. This track should be the blood that he fell into the void when he was bleeding. And in his right hand, he has another feeling. He can kill him with his hand! And this year, he was killed. This This means... "

Xiao Hua hurried to check his whole body, but there was no backfire. However, when Xiao Hua wanted to do it again, he didn't know how to urge him.

"Come like the cold wind without trace, go like the fallen leaves without trace!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "it might as well be called death nightmare!"

Xiao Hua's body is flying down. Chang Yue drags the scar on her body and bows to salute, "thank you for letting me blade the enemy!"

"It's two benefits. You're welcome!" Xiao Hua lifted Chang Yue up and said with a smile, "what's the identity of that man?"

"The end will hurt badly..." Chang Yue said with a smile, "please see for yourself!"

Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows, looked at Chang Yue, nodded his head and said: "Xiao understands, you go to repair the immortal body, Xiao personally explores!"

"My lord..." Chang Yue said cautiously, "at the end, there will be no extra elixir. Can you give me the elixir?"

"Mei Tongling..." Where does Xiao Hua have this kind of elixir? He shouts to Jiang Meihua, "give Chang Xianyou some of your elixirs!"

Looking at Chang Yue taking the elixir, Xiao Hua collects Wen Wen's remains and Wen Xiao's remains. When he sees the Qingbei in Wen Xiao's empty ring, he can't help his vest bristling!

"Why is it Qingbei again This monument is so weird

However, the bottom of the monument is different from what Xiao Hua saw before. It's a dragon!

Xiao Hua hurried to explore Mo Xiantong in naxu ring, but there is no record of Qingbei.

Thinking about the spirit of Wen Wen and Xiao Xiao in the space, Xiao Hua was not worried. He carefully looked at everything in the two naxu rings. Unfortunately, except for the two trumps, there was nothing useful in the naxu ring. He thought he had made all the preparations.

Their trump card is mo Xiantong who can record things, and Xiao Hua can't see anything. So his mind a roll, with two trumps into the space.

Xiao Hua's mind turns into a jade ultimatum. He looks at the two ghosts in the void, slightly closes his eyes, thinks a little, and directly points his index fingers on the eyebrows of the spirits!

But for a moment, Xiao Hua's face suddenly appeared: "it turns out that they are Wen's disciples, one is Wen Wen, the other is Wen Xiao. Oh, those who attacked and killed Lei Ming were also Wen family disciples. One was Wen Feng, the other was Wen Ying. They were looking for something... "

"Things?" Xiao Hua suddenly thought of the thing called "empty head cloth" on the ink immortal pupil recorded by Liu Yunshu, "is it that thing?"

This kind of thing involves the Wen family and the Shen family. Xiao Hua is too lazy to think about it. When he stays there, he closes his eyes for a moment. The secret memory of Wen Wen and Wen Xiao about Wen family is broken. Xiao Hua thinks about it and waves his two souls into the space.

Looking at the two trumps, Xiao Huale waved the trump of Li Yun and Liu Yunshu, who had been buried in the mainland of Qingyan. He said with a smile: "it's useless for others to take this trump card, but I can break the ban and use my military exploits. This Is it cheating! Ha ha ha... "

Xiao Hua was laughing, but suddenly his face changed slightly. He took out Li Yun's trump card in a hurry, and his eyes flashed with clear light. He was surprised and said, "no! The military achievements recorded in this trump card before were 1.27 million, but now it's 1.15 million? What the hell! Is it possible that military contributions will decrease over time? "

With that, Xiao Hua hurriedly looked at the other two generals. Wen Wen was 8.1 million, Wen Xiao was 9 million. Xiao Hua secretly wrote down the number while sighing about the rich family background of the aristocratic disciples.

Finally, Xiao Huacai's eyes fell on the Qingbei.

This green tablet is actually a broken immortal array in and out of the demon alliance interface!

Xiao Hua knows that Qingbei can transmit, but he didn't expect that Qingbei could break the boundary!

Xiao Hua leaves the space. Looking at Chang Yue who mends her body, her eyes twinkle. Chang Yue mends her immortal body for half an hour. She flies up quickly and asks, "what's the situation, my lord?"

"You've found your way back. Don't worry about that!" Xiao Hua said, "I think you should worry about what happens after you return to the team!"

"Don't worry, my Lord!" Chang Yue had made up her mind and said, "the end general is not without foundation. It's just a small tiger education. The end general doesn't want to use the help of others."

"So Chang Xianyou gave the remains of those two generals to Xiao?"

"Well!" Chang Yue didn't have anything to hide and said, "these two are powerful. With Kou Chen, the more you know, the worse it will be for you. And the end will not say, who knows adults kill two people? The end general only said that the LORD saved the end general, and the end general went to Longqi to seek justice from Kou Chen. It's good for both the Lord and the end general... ""As soon as Chang Xianyou returns to the team alive, Kou Chen will be in danger. He There may not be a chance to meet Chang Xianyou! "

"When Mo Jiang was trapped in a strange sky, he thought carefully that he didn't know Kou Chen. He plotted against him that what he wanted was nothing more than tiger education. He didn't want the tiger education, and he didn't know what was wrong. I don't think there will be any more trouble!"

"All right!" Xiao Hua nodded and said with a smile, "since Chang Xianyou has made up his mind, Xiao doesn't say much!"

"Don't worry Chang Yue said, "my Lord saved the last general and helped him revenge. The last general will never forget it!"

"OK..." Xiao Hua said, "I'll leave the demon League first!"

Waving the flag, Xiao Hua brought all the disciples of Zaohua sect and Jiang Meihua into the space. Then he sacrificed the immortal boat and flew with Chang Yue to the place where Wen Wen and Xiao Wen came from.

Seeing that the sky was far away, Xiao Hua asked casually, "by the way, Chang Xianyou, ask a simple question..."

"Tell me..."

"Can't the military achievements in the trump card be used after the immortal generals fall?"

"Yes Chang Yue nodded, "the trump card was originally made by immortal generals. Since the immortal generals have fallen, the trump card can't be activated. Of course, the military merit in it can't be used."

"Where is the division of immortal generals?"

"neither!" Chang Yue replied without hesitation.


Chang Yue hesitated for a moment and explained: "it is said that there is the spirit mark of the immortal generals in the Bunian fairyland, and the military merit is originally in the seal. The immortal generals urge the seal generals to send the military merit to the generals, and the military merit has the spirit mark, which cannot be used by the immortal generals themselves."

"Will the military contributions decrease with the increase of the number of soldiers?"

"The adult's question is quite special!" Chang Yue shook her head. "I don't know about the end generals. After all, after the fall of the immortal generals, their military achievements have been closed. Who knows if they will be reduced?"

Xiao Hua wanted to ask more questions, but he thought that more questions would reveal some secrets, so he simply shut up.

The immortal boat soared over a million miles, but he had never seen the mark of Pan Long used in the Qingbei tablet. Suddenly, something bad came out of Xiao Hua's heart!

Looking at Yan Nian, Chang Yue said, "what are you looking for

"If Xiao is lost, do you believe it?"

"Letter The frost faced Chang Yue could not help laughing. She just said, "boom, boom..." In the sky not far away, a nebula burst out. The nebula caused the moonbeam of the stars in the sky to fall, quickly covering most of the starry sky in front of Xiao Hua's head!

"Damn it Seeing this, Chang Yue scolded, "this is the demon clan going to JieChong 167!"

Xiao Hua wanted to use the technique of light escape to escape, but after hearing Chang Yue's words, he laughed and said, "do you want to take some military exploits?"

"Do you want to shake these demon soldiers?" Chang Yue also narrowed her eyes, looking at the distant demon soldiers, such as cloudless light asked.

"Yes, Xiao wants to see how powerful the demon soldiers are!"

"In fact, ordinary demon soldiers are nothing. Most of them are in the realm of star spinning, but they are better than quantity. Our immortal soldiers can't resist it."

"I'm afraid you can't use a lot of Yanxian under your 1000 troops, but those private soldiers don't want to try them out. They have strength, but they don't have enough experience..."

"Private soldiers?" Xiao Hua's eyes twinkle and he looks at Chang Yue with profound meaning.

"Hee hee..." Chang Yue laughed and said, "my Lord may not know that every general has some private soldiers. After all, the flag can be folded and released freely with a roll. Why not let these private soldiers earn military merit for themselves?"

"Good..." Xiao Hua nodded, "since Chang Xianyou has suggested, how can we let them see?"

In other words, Xiao Hua raised the flag and the disciples of the gate of fortune flew out slowly

Xuanji is not only a fire demon, but also a great general of xihuomo. Recently, he suddenly feels enlightened and understands a lot. He knows that "Mo" is similar to "kingdom" of human fairyland, and his great general is the leader of fairyland.

Of course, he also knew why he was enlightened, because xihuomo was involved in the battle between demon alliance and fairyland, and he swallowed a lot of human immortal soldiers by chance.

In fact, xihuomo is an extremely remote territory where fire demons gather, just like the territory of other demons in the demon League. I don't know when it will come into being or when it will be annihilated

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Even if the way back, it seems not so smooth!

, the creation of the world's official account of WeChat's public address is "the first chapter of witch Wang Ming": the first and the six year system of education. The new book is in a relaxed style, not a traditional Xianxia style