Kojiin Tamer

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We were the center of attention as we entered the town.

That\'s probably true, because there are a lot of squire demons around us. There\'s a kid named me, for one thing, and I\'m wearing a red scarf, so they know I\'m an orphanage squire, but some of the adventurous-looking ones keep looking at us.

Let\'s go to the orphanage through the back roads as soon as possible, in case something happens.

\'Oh,\' the adventurers reminded me.

I forgot to tell you, but I heard that the number of bad adventurers in this town has been increasing lately, so please be careful. Sakuya-chan, please do not act alone.

Hmm, is there such a thing as an adventurer?

\'The gatekeeper told me. He said the townspeople have been tangled up with them many times.

I see. Sakuya will be careful not to be alone, won\'t he?

Uh, yeah...

Well, I\'m sure your grandmother is all right.

\'Oh, dear old man, what does that mean?\'

Just as it is. No one would bother Grandma. And if they did, Grandma was stronger than me!

My goodness, are you sure you don\'t mind?

\'Okay, okay, you two don\'t fight! Sakuya will be scared.

Oh, my God, I\'m sorry.

Uh, yeah, I\'m sorry.

We\'re exactly alike. Look, we\'re almost there!

And with that, we saw the orphanage in front of us.

When we arrived at the orphanage, a group of children noticed us and gathered around.

It\'s a good idea to make sure that you have a good idea of what you\'re looking for.

They heard our commotion and saw the director coming from home.

I asked everyone to wait for the master to come and greet him.

\'\'Abbot, these are the old men of the hunters........\'\'

Come to think of it, I didn\'t know the names of my grandfather and grandmother....

...and Grandma and Sakuya. And this is the director of this orphanage.

I did the introductions.

\'It\'s nice to meet you, I\'m the director of this orphanage. Thank you for always taking care of Shu and giving me so much meat.

Then the director bowed his head. The children who were around him also bowed to say \'thank you\' to each other.

It\'s not a problem, we have the help of Sakuya and the help of a servant. And we had some extra meat to spare.

\'My boy has made my life more lively than it has been in a long time.

I\'m glad to hear that. You must be tired after a long walk. It\'s not a pretty place, but please come inside and rest. Have you had your lunch yet? If you haven\'t already, I can get you a simple one.

Then I\'ll take you at your word! What about the boy?

\'I\'ll go eat too when you free the queens from the cart!

Okay, Shu, I\'ll be right behind you. Charu, you\'d better get ready for lunch. I\'ll show you around.

So the old man and the others were led by the director into the orphanage.

I freed the queens from the cart and asked the children of the orphanage to take care of them. I hid the cart behind the building and covered it with a cloth.

After I finished cleaning up, I followed the director into the orphanage.

After cleaning up, I followed the master into the orphanage and we had a quick lunch together.

For some reason, my sister who had been following me since I arrived at the orphanage was next to me, and I guess I shouldn\'t mind that she was talking to Sakuya on the other side....