Kojiin Tamer

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The journey, I say journey, but about a few hours to go out for the first time to fit Sakuya-chan took many breaks and proceeded to put the cart and so on. There is only one race of wind dragon, it seems to have a higher physical ability than me, even if small.

I was able to see the gates of Frey\'s town when I came to walk without getting tired. I\'m glad to be back, but Sakuya seems a little nervous about it.

When we got about 200 meters from the gate, some soldiers came through the gate and stopped us.

\'\'Hey, you\'re good as an orphanage boy, right?\'\'

"? Yes, we met this morning, didn\'t we?

\'No, well, yes, but then, are the monsters around them the monk\'s followers? And those people?

By the way, I forgot to mention that the number of people in the room was significantly different from the morning.

\'\'Well, they\'re the kids who recently became followers. In case you\'re wondering, they\'re wearing red scarves, so don\'t make a mistake. Also, these people are from a hunter\'s grandfather and his family that I recently met.

How many servants do you plan to make into servants? Are you going to start doing street art?

\'\'I didn\'t mean to. The hunter\'s grandfather helped me find out what kind of monsters can be made into servants, so before I knew it, there were so many of them...

Sigh..., even though they are followers, they are monsters, so manage them well, right? So, who are these old huntsmen?

\'Well, I\'m a former adventurer, now living near the Dragon Forest, and I met him when I was hunting. So he\'s been teaching me a lot about hunting for a while now.

"You live near the dragon forest? Are you sure, Grandpa?

Yes, there are three of us living near the forest.

A soldier asks him a question and the old man replies confidently, "We live there.

We live together. Not that! It\'s not safe to live in a place like that! ........Well, that\'s why the three of you moved to this town because it\'s so dangerous, right?

\'No! The reason I came today is to go to the orphanage. The house is also warded with a special magic tool I got a long time ago, so they\'re safe.

I hurriedly fooled my grandfather before he could say anything strange.

\'Is that so? I hope it\'s safe. But how can you have such a high-grade magic tool for a ward?

I got it by accident.

Huh, that\'s a luxury item, but if you sell it, you\'ll be able to live with it... So what do you do at the orphanage?

When I told him about my grandfather\'s help with the hunt, the director wanted to thank him, but it was too hard to go to the dragon forest, so I asked him and the other grandfathers to come.

Hmm, we wanted to buy some things as well.

I see.

Speaking of which, why did you stop here today?

\'\'Why not! I knew it was a squire because I saw the monk, but if a group of monsters appeared in a group, anyone would be wary!

Speaking of which, that\'s right. I completely forgot about it. I thought I\'d be fine with the red scarf, but if there\'s a group of monsters, I\'d be surprised....


Oh, be more careful next time! Let\'s get to the gate.

So we walked with a group of soldiers to the gate.

Well, lad, but do you old men have your papers?

Mm, I have a guild card from the Merchant\'s Guild of Adventurers and my grandmother has a guild card.

What? I\'ve never heard of it!

The gatekeeper received the guild certificate from the grandfather and grandmother and was checking it.

What\'s this?

What\'s going on?

\'\'This old man, no, this old man is an adventurer rank 3! Your grandmother is also a silver grade commercial rank.

\'\'Is that great?\'\'

\'\'Oh, so the boy doesn\'t know his guild rank yet? Simply put, they\'re both top-notch people.

Is that so?

Haha, I\'m actually quite good!

Well, yes, I am, in a way.

There\'s no entry tax with your guild card. Is this your grandson? too, this time for free. He\'s a friend of the boy\'s.

"Are you sure it\'s free?

\'Oh, we don\'t take most of our kids\' entry taxes to begin with. In any other town, they\'d take it, so be careful, okay?

\'Okay, thanks!\'

That\'s how Sakuya was able to enter the town of Frey, the first human town for her.