Kiss Me Goodnight, Mrs. CEO! Novel

Chapter 1822

Later, perhaps because she didn't answer, she didn't call again. Instead, she sent a message.

When I opened the message, I saw it read: sorry, my most sincere friend.

Looking at the apologetic text message content, Yin Bei held the mobile phone, feeling a little complicated.



Early in the morning, two news sensational whole Z country!

One is under President Lu, the other is Shen Yu, the red film emperor, who quit the entertainment industry and went to the drug rehabilitation center.

"Sister in law! Look at this

Because it was the weekend, Zuo Weiyi took Yinbei to Shiyuan, and planned to take advantage of the weekend to get together.

Just after breakfast, I saw Shi love rush to Yin Bei with her mobile phone.

Yin Bei was holding a cup of warm milk, which was the only one that was specially hot for her just now.

Along with the time love handed over the mobile phone, Yin Bei looked.


"Big news! The president of state Z has stepped down, and this one! " Say, when love finger glides quickly, a twinkling of an eye changed another interface.

"Shen Yu, he actually takes drugs!"

Yinbei has already known about the drug abuse, but when she sees the news below, she is slightly stunned.

He actually quit the entertainment industry and went to the drug rehabilitation center

Two people are shocked by these two news, on the stairs, when Mo leisure walked down.

Yin Bei looked up and looked at the man walking down the stairs.

Did he do it?

From downstairs to the sofa, imber's eyes never left his face.

It wasn't until he sat down beside him that she said, "did you do it?"

Shi Mo took up the remote control and turned on the TV.

"Shen Yu's, it should be his own initiative."

"It was reported early this morning that the president of state Z stepped down due to unknown factors..."

As soon as the TV set was turned on, the news came about Lu Baiyan.

Yin Bei turned his head and looked at the TV screen. Then he turned back and looked at Shi Mo, "do you mean that Shen Yu quit the entertainment circle on his own initiative and then turned himself in to the drug rehabilitation center?"

"Well." Staring at the TV screen, he said softly.

"And the president? Why did he step down suddenly One side of the time love is to all of this sudden rush to curiosity and shock!

However, Shi Mo did not answer her question.

"But it's also very good, so that Lu Ping'er will not always look arrogant because she is the president's daughter!" Thinking of Lu Ping'er, who is usually arrogant and domineering, but does not have the status of president's daughter at the moment, should she be crying now?

"By the way, brother, Lu Ping'er was also responsible for the destruction of her aunt's stall last time?"

Smell speech, Yin Bei in sofa slightly turns head, expression tiny Leng.

"Love, what do you say?"

When love picked up an apple, just gnawed a mouthful, then surprised to look at her, "you don't know?"

Yin Bei looks at love and ink.

"She doesn't know." When Mo a look in the eyes swept over, obviously in blame her words too much!

Contact the elder brother's eyes, when love rushed to tighten the neck, silently continue to gnaw at the apple!

Yin Bei turned his head and looked at Shi Mo, "what does it mean when you love me?"

He turned his head, and his eyes were warm as jade. He lifted his hand and took her into his arms. "In the state of Y, there was something wrong with my aunt's shop, but it has passed. Except for a few chairs that were damaged, nothing else happened."

"In country y? Why didn't you tell me? " She really didn't know anything about it. She was completely in the dark. , the fastest update of the webnovel!