Kiss Me Goodnight, Mrs. CEO! Novel

Chapter 1821

"Shen Ying emperor, who has been burning all over the world, has a habit of taking drugs."

One word is enough to make Shen Yu understand what he is going to do.

It's just that before all this comes, he wants to see imby and apologize to her.

"I want to see imby."

"Do you think I'll agree?"

"I just want to apologize."

"She doesn't need it."

Drop words, as if do not want to see two people one more eye, when Mo turns to leave.

Looking at his back, Shen Yu tightly clenched his fists.

Lu Ping'er, who has been silent for a long time, seems to have thought of something and left in a hurry!

All morning, imber was a little lazy.

Sitting on the sofa, I want to lie on my stomach. I can't lift my spirit at all.

"Have you been too tired lately?" Looking at her daughter, read Yu Qing's concern.

Yin Bei thought for a while. He was really tired recently.

"Maybe, I want to sleep."

"Then go to sleep." Read rain clear gentle mouth.

Yinbei got up, got up from the sofa and went to the bedroom for a nap.

It was not until the afternoon that she awoke leisurely because she was a little hungry.

Just ready to get up to find something to eat, a burst of cell phone rings.

Turning around, I glanced at the caller ID on my mobile phone. It was Shen Yu

Seeing the familiar name, Yin Bei didn't want to take it.

She got up and left the bedroom, directly ignoring the call from Shen Yu.

Just opened the door, saw is planning to enter the door when Mo, "wake up."

"You're back."


"And my mother?"

"My aunt went back first."

He took her slender waist, and naturally noticed that her mobile phone was still ringing.

"Who, why not?"

"Shen Yu." Looking down, she looked gloomy.

"I went to see him today."

Yin Bei raised his eyes and looked at his beautiful side face in surprise.

"You go to him?"


"Why did he do it?"

"Well, that phone call, should be to apologize to you."


Yin Bei was stunned.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?" Holding her and sitting down on the sofa, he turned his head and suddenly asked.

Yin Bei was slightly stunned for a few seconds, and then turned to his dark eyes.

"I don't know, but it seems that Asthma? "

He turned his head and glared at her clear eyes. "He's taking drugs."

“……” Drug!?

"Lu Ping'er seems to know about his drug use." Shi Mo turned his eyes and continued, "so last night, he should have been threatened by Lu Ping'er, so he did that."

Hearing what he said, imber was shocked.

She always thought that Shen Yu had something wrong, but she never thought that it was not a disease, but Shen Yu was taking drugs!

But because of this to her to do such a thing, she still felt unforgivable!

After all, all along, she always treats him as if he is the best friend!

The most hateful thing is that the damned Lu Ping'er is so sinister!

She must be threatening Shen Yu. If she doesn't, she will expose his drug taking behavior. Once this incident is exposed, Shen Yu's career in the entertainment industry will be over.

Thinking of this, Yin Bei felt a little sympathy for Shen Yu.

If he had not been threatened, he would not have done so.

Looking at the master bedroom, Yin Bei suddenly got up and went to the room to take his mobile phone.

The two missed calls were from Shen Yu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!