Kiss Me Goodnight, Mrs. CEO! Novel

Chapter 1820

But looking at Yin Bei and Shi Mo's engagement, she is really not reconciled!

And a chance coincidence, she actually saw Shen Yu, the world-famous male star drug addicts!

"You mean he doesn't believe what's going on between you when he sees you and imber together?"


"How could that be possible?"

Shen Yu raises her eyes, and her cold eyes sweep to Lu Ping'er, who is very angry.

If not threatened by her, the last thing he wanted to hurt in his life was Yin Bei.

"Why not? The feelings between Shi Mo and Yin Bei can't be shaken by anyone at all. Therefore, you'd better die this heart! "

"I don't believe it!"

"Whatever you want."

Staring at Shen Yu in the sofa, Lu Ping'er suddenly narrowed her eyes. "Are you sorry, so tell Shi Mo and Yin Bei that all this is just a trick of you and me?"

Shen Yu lifted his eyes and pinched off his cigarette butt.

"Before you come here, I really intend to tell Yin Bei that all this is just your unscrupulous tactics!"

"Dare you!"

Shen Yu glanced at her.

Before it happened, he might not dare.

But after it happened, he felt that there was nothing he didn't dare to do.

Lu Ping'er said with a smile, "if you dare to tell me all this, I promise you will never be able to step into the entertainment industry."

"I believe it."

Lu Ping'er is worried and her smile disappears.

"Do you dare to do that?"

"Why not?"

"You don't want your place in the entertainment industry anymore?"

"No, so, whatever you want to do, whatever you want."

Then, ignoring Lu Ping'er, Shen Yu gets up and goes straight to the door.

After a while, Shen's back looks good!

If she ran to tell Yin Bei all this, then Mo will certainly know, absolutely not!

"Shen Yu! Stop Lu Ping'er, who responded, chased her out!

All the way down the stairs, Shen Yu never paid attention to her, but went straight out of the door.

"Shen Yu, if you dare to tell Shi Mo and Yin Bei all this, I can't spare you!"

Lu Ping'er then rushed out, and raised her eyes, but the person in front of her made her stop for a moment.

"Shi Mo...."

Looking at the man in front of him, Shen Yu seems not surprised. He stops quietly and looks at him.

Lu Ping'er, who saw Shi Mo, suddenly became very guilty and uneasy, as if there was a bloodbath waiting for her!

"I should have said that if you touch her again, you will have to bear all the consequences, not only you, but also your father and the whole Lu family."

When he said this, Shi Mo's cold eyes directly locked Lu Ping'er, and the deterrent force was enough to destroy everything.

Threatened by his words, Lu Ping'er looks as pale as snow.

"I I didn't... "

"As I said, I hate women who can't help themselves."

Lu Ping'er doesn't know what he will do next, but what she has now can't be destroyed by him!

After all, he is just a businessman. She doesn't believe that he can really win her the Lu family!

"Shi Mo, do you think too much of yourself? How can my father say that he is also the president of a country? You can win the Lu family by your real initiative? "

When ink hook lip a smile, "might as well try."

After saying this, he doesn't pay attention to Lu Ping'er any more. Instead, he turns his eyes and falls on Shen Yu's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!