Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 95 - Let Me Help You

Zi Mei and Thorin have agreed on going for a date by joining a wine and draw class. They reached the wine and draw class early, with just five minutes to spare, and made their way up to the first floor of the old building where it was located.

Several other couples were already there early and there were a few groups of girls who signed up together too. It was a rather large class of about 30 participants. The teacher, a nice elderly lady by the name of Joyce, showed them to two easels placed next to each other at the corner of the class.

A few of the group of single girls were also placed near them and they were giggling as they eyed Thorin Loong. He barely even looked at them while they tried to catch his attention. Instead, Thorin was looking at Zi Mei as she check out the easel, the canvas and paint they gave. After everyone has settled down, Joyce called the class to attention.

"We did not expect such a large crowd today what with it being a Wednesday, nevertheless, let\'s have fun tonight!" Joyce said.

She begin by explaining the rules for the class which is rather simple. They were supposed to paint the bouquet of flowers placed on the table up front but they can paint it in any way they like, whether it is watercolour, gouache or plain charcoal.

"There are no rules to art, just let the creativity flow," she said.

There will be free flow of wine for all participants but she warned that rowdiness due to drunken behaviour is forbidden.

"You can drink as much as you want but remember, if you feel tipsy and if you are a rowdy drunk, please know when to stop, we will not hesitate to kick you out if you become a nuisance," she said.

She introduced the choice of wine for the night, which will be a shiraz. There will also be simple snacks to go with the wine.

"So, now, let\'s begin," she said. She begin by explaining the basics to sketching the flowers that Zi Mei has already learnt in college. She immediately started sketching out the flowers while Thorin looked confused and slightly loss.

"Do you need help?" one of the girls near them asked him when he has not started drawing while Zi Mei is fully concentrating on her sketch. Thorin Loong shook his head and then turn to frown at the canvas before him.

Surely it can\'t be that hard, he thought. He took a sip of the wine. Alcohol doesn\'t really affect dragon shapeshifters but he occasionally likes to drink wine. It tasted quite good so he finished his glass of wine and poured more for himself.

He looked at Zi Mei. She is frowning in concentration as she looked at the flowers on display and then draw it on her canvas. She seemed to be enjoying this, he thought.

He picked up the pencil they provided and placed it on his canvas. He started to draw but no matter how he tried, it came out in squiggly lines. He stared at his sketching and then looked at Zi Mei\'s. Hers looked exactly like the real flowers while his…he tore his paper off, crumpled it and threw it in the wastepaper bin.

Zi Mei turned to look at him. Thorin was frowning at his blank paper.

"Do you need help?" she asked him. He looked annoyed. He shook his head.

"I am sure I can do this," he mumbled. He tried again. This time, Zi Mei watch him and this made him even more nervous. He tore it up again and threw it away.

He looked so adorable when he\'s annoyed and frustrated as he gritted his teeth and tried to force his hands to draw the flowers, Zi Mei thought. She hid her smile and went over to him.

"Here, let me help you," she said. She placed her hand over his and she remembered this was exactly what Damon King did to her earlier in college but she shoved the thought of that annoying new boy out of her mind. She needs to focus on Thorin Loong, her boyfriend, right now.

"I can do it," Thorin had insisted and wanted to remove her hand but she glared at him.

"Don\'t be so stubborn! Let me help you," she hissed at him. He turned back and let her guide his hand. The flowers began to take shape under their linked hands and a smile tug the corners of Thorin\'s lips.

"You are a genius, Lil Zi," he murmured, impressed by what she has helped him draw.

"What do we have here? Oh, that\'s what we call couple\'s art," Joyce was walking towards them. She looked at what they had drawn together approvingly.

"That looks great, continue on," she said, smiling at them before moving on to the other participants. At that moment, Zi Mei caught a few jealous glares from the single girls near them but she ignored them.

It felt good to have a boyfriend at such classes. Especially a highly attractive one, she thought. She continued to guide Thorin\'s hand till they completed the sketch.

Then she stepped back to go back to her easel but Thorin held on to her hand. He pulled her to him and kissed her hand gently.

"Beautiful," he said, looking at her and Zi Mei blushed, knowing very well that he did not mean the drawing.

"Ahem…puh-lez..we are here to paint not make out, go get a room," one of the girls complained loudly. Zi Mei pulled her hand from Thorin and went back to her easel.

"Hmmm…maybe we should, right after this," Thorin Loong murmured. He sauntered over to Zi Mei, picked up a cube of cheese and placed it against her lips. "Here, eat this before you drink," he told her.

Zi Mei reached up to take it but he moved it away. "No, let me feed you while you paint, my darling artist," he said.

The girls nearby gasped and sighed while Zi Mei blushed as she took the cheese from his hands with her mouth. Thorin Loong winked at her and went back to his easel. The girls were all staring at Zi Mei jealously but she ignored them. She stared at her drawing blindly as she tried to slow down her racing heart.

How will she ever stop getting all excited whenever he is near her?