Kidnapped by a Dragon Billionaire

Chapter 94 - Wine And Draw

Thorin Loong had just told Zi Mei that he only wanted to be with her and it would not matter that if they never have sex or have children. Zi Mei finds it hard to believe although he sounded genuinely honest about it.

"Look, I am no longer interested in getting heirs, I just want to be with you and I want you to come back to me," Thorin Loong said. Zi Mei finally looked up into his eyes. His eyes were gleaming and Zi Mei believed they were slightly moist too.

"I promise you, I will not do anything you don\'t like and if after three months, you don\'t want to be with me, we part ways and never see each other again," he said. "So what do you say?"

She nodded timidly. Thorin\'s face brightened into a wide smile. He gathered her into his arms in a big bear hug and she let him hold her.

"Now, that you have agreed to date me, let\'s go on a date," he murmured, still holding her close to him. Zi Mei didn\'t want him to release her. It felt so safe, warm and comfortable in his arms.

"What sort of date do you have in mind?" she asked him, resting her face on his bare chest.

The feel of his silky smooth and firm chest is not only thrilling but also comforting. She ignored her racing pulse and the desire whinging through her veins. She linked her arms around his narrow waist, blushing shyly as she did so but it felt so natural, she held on to him. She was glad that he couldn\'t see her red face at this moment.

"I don\'t really know…what do couples do on a date other than dinner and movies?" Thorin asked.

Zi Mei giggled. She looked up at him and he genuinely looked perplexed. She reluctantly released him and moved apart. She went over to pick up her phone.

"Let\'s check the internet for suggestions," she said. She sat down on the lounge and scrolled through her phone.

Thorin came over and sat next to her, casually placing an arm on her shoulders. Zi Mei ignored the thumping of her heart as she continued to scroll through the results of her search for \'date suggestions\'.

Most of it were boring. She typed a more specific search for \'fun dates for couples\' and more results came out.

"So, this website suggests that we take a class for something new, try a go-kart track, go sky diving or bungee jumping, go camping, take a dance lesson, go zip lining, do yoga together, go horseback riding, go bowling…"she rattled off the long list.

When she finished reading about 50 suggestions, she stopped and looked at Thorin.

"Well? Which do you want to do?" she asked him.

"I suppose we can take an art class together, I know of a wine and draw class that\'s quite interesting," Thorin Loong said thoughtfully. "You like to draw and it sounds interesting,"

That was a rather good idea, Zi Mei thought. She has never been to one of those classes before although she has heard of it. It was one of those things that couples usually do together so she didn\'t want to join one alone and appear pathetic.

"I would love to! Shall we find one to join now?" she replied excitedly. It should be fun! She searched for one such place nearby and found one just a short drive away. She showed him the location.

"Alright, we shall have a wine and draw date then," Thorin agreed, smiling at her unbridled excitement.

"The class starts in an hour, we better hurry, I need to change out of these clothes into something comfortable," she said. She immediately ran upstairs without waiting for his response.

Thorin took out his phone and called his driver, ordering him to come over immediately. A few minutes later, Zi Mei practically flew down the stairs wearing a simple tank top and khakis. She wants to make sure she dresses comfortably for a painting class.

"Aren\'t you going to change your clothes? You are wearing that?" she asked Thorin. He has buttoned up his crisp white shirt. He is dressed in a fashionable business suit, looking very much the businessman he is.

Thorin Loong looked down at his clothes and brushed aside imaginary lint from it.

"What\'s wrong with my attire? I am immaculately dressed," he said assuredly.

Zi Mei rolled her eyes. "You look like you are going to a business meeting, not a wine and draw class, don\'t you have anything casual?"

"Casual?" he asked, sounding highly affronted. "I don\'t do casual…ugh," he shuddered. Thorin Loong never dresses casually. Every single piece of his attire is tailored perfection to showcase his tall, lean frame to maximum advantage.

"Really? You might get splashed with paint…that white shirt might not survive it," Zi Mei warned him.

"Splashed with paint? I have gotten blood on them, it never bothers me, I have many others," he said.

Zi Mei went over to him and started peeling off his jacket for him. Surprised, Thorin Loong let her take off his jacket. She placed it carefully on the back of her chair, then she regarded him.

He looked like a dream in his spotless white shirt and navy blue dress pants. She swallowed. How does one resist a hunk like this? Telling her heart to shut up, she went over and started folding his long sleeves up.

"What are you doing Lil Zi?" he asked, surprised but he did not stop her.

"Making you look as casual as possible with what you are wearing," she told him without looking at him. She folded the sleeves up to the elbow and then worked on the other sleeve, folding it up nicely.

"There, much better," she said. She tilted her head slightly. He now looks like a CEO who is taking some time out to relax, rolling up his sleeves.

Something is still missing, she thought.

Thorin looked at what she did and then he grinned. "I see…" he murmured. He unbuttoned two buttons, showing hints of his chest. Then he reached up and ruffled his perfectly coiffed hair, tousling the gorgeous thick waves.

"Is this what you are aiming for?" he asked, striking a casual pose, with a hand in his pocket.

He looks relaxed and yes, perfect, Zi Mei thought.