It's Lonely to Be Invincible

Chapter 748

"Ouch, who has such a bad mouth? It's also the leader of the elixir world. I think it must be the smelly pill. It's overdue and has worms."

The star ancestor is Yin Yang strange, and he doesn't have any ancestor's demeanor.

Even the disciples who followed him bowed their heads. They felt that the ancestor was a little bit of that. They couldn't agree with him.

Chaos saw Lin Feng Lord licking his tongue, trembling all over, some fear, "Lin Feng Lord, what do you do?"

He felt that his side, how so many abnormal, even good master Lin Feng, all licked his tongue, and this licking action is very evil, let him panic.

"Dry mouth, no licking?" Lin Fan stares at him, then keeps his eyes on the old man with black beard in the distance. If he is old, even his hair and beard are black.

How much ascetic value can you lick if you lick it?

Think about it, I feel my heart is beating fast.

At this time, the voice of the master of the Dan Kingdom, such as the vast thunder, transmitted the void, "in the future, there are spiritual elixirs in the world, all resist the star Pavilion."

When this word comes out, the star ancestor can't sit still, "joking, is it necessary to be so serious?"

When he heard this, he couldn't sit still. The leader of the Dan world said that there would be spiritual elixir in the future, and it would be a big trouble to resist the star Pavilion.

If the disciples want to swallow the pills, they have to subdue the pills. Even if they do, the efficacy of the pills will be greatly reduced. There is no need to do this for a word.

"Why are you so excited? I'm also joking. Why take it seriously?" Dan world old ancestor said with a smile.

"All right, master star and ancestor Jiuse, forget about it. Why hurt the harmony?" The boundless ancestor is fighting for the end.



The nine color ancestors of the Dan world and the stars looked at each other and then sat there.

At this moment, the void was shining brightly, and there was a very cold breath.


The weapons in the hands of the disciples around them began to tremble, and then with a sound of wheezing, they soared into the air and flew far away.

"My weapon..."

A disciple exclaimed, trying to grasp the weapon, but was blocked back by a force and returned empty handed.

Mu Feng was staring at Zhou Diwu all the time, and his sword was shaking. Even if he suppressed it again, he felt the terrible attraction coming from the distance.

He was so blue and even red that he could suppress the sword.

"The Lord of the military."

Mu Feng knows who is here. Besides the leader of the army, who can have such prestige.

"Daoqing wuliangzong is polite. When I come, thousands of soldiers will come to meet me. The scene is grand." In the distance, an old man's body glows. These lights are sharp and bright. When they shine on those weapons, they buzz.

Immeasurable ancestor looked up, pointed out, the void hummed, produced extremely terrible waves, thousands of soldiers were suppressed, and flew toward the disciples.

"Soldier master, why not? It's not easy for the disciples to have the right weapons."


When weapons are returned to each disciple's hands, those disciples are afraid and sweat falls from their foreheads. This is especially terrible. If they fight, I'm afraid it will be just the case and there is no room for them to fight back.

"Chaos, how does this peak Lord feel? These strong people here like to pretend to be forced?" Lin fan is very unhappy. He doesn't like to be forced by others because it is a kind of harm to others.

He thought that these strong people would be indifferent to fame and wealth, but now it seems that it is not the case at all, but one by one will pretend to be better than the other.

"Master Lin Feng, just get used to it. Have you seen the sister over there?" Chaos asked, pointing to the figure in the distance.

"Sister?" Lin Fan looked and found that there was a woman sitting there, dressed in white, spotless, peerless and expressionless, sitting there.

"Yes, she is the goddess of the Dan kingdom. She ranks fifth on the list of flowers. Many people are pursuing her. If you can be with her and practice double cultivation, then her accomplishments will soar to the sky and have many magical effects."

"But that's not the point. The point is, how much do you think the woman can charge?" There is light in the eyes of chaos, without any evil eyes, but more like a kind of trade.

"If you want a price, it's just a woman." Lin Fan said.

Confused shaking his head, "master Lin Feng, you don't understand. It's priceless. Even I can't afford the price. At least it's not enough to use life as the price."

"How do you know without asking? Just go and ask. " Lin Fan felt confused monarch, some not strong, as if lost the momentum.

Confused monarch helpless, Yu Guang looked at the flower lady on the high platform, "the price of my life has been opened out, and I can only wait for the next life to make a price."

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's not for something else, but for something important." Immeasurable ancestor said: "all the people who come here are the large amount of people who have been inherited for a long time. The great forces must also understand what will happen after the integration of the outside world.""Now, I know that the immeasurable sect does not hide, and is willing to disclose the secret. After the integration of the external world and the domain, there will be the upper bound. But what will happen when they come? I don't know. My ancestors, who knows the follow-up, might as well say it. "

"There are records in ancient books that only we can own, and there are still some large ones that we have not come here. Obviously, we know the most important secret. But with our ability, we may be able to..."

Infinite ancestor's words, has not finished, was interrupted by the star ancestor.

"You're not right. How many times have you integrated with the outside world since ancient times? I have checked ancient books for eight times, but there is no detailed record of what happened after each fusion. However, according to the limited records, we can see that the outside world of our territory is crushed by the other party, and there is no chance to fight back. "

"However, I remember one thing, which I found in some ancient books when I was a child. The former puppet ancestor was the top strong man in our field, and even the man against the heaven. But when the eighth fusion happened, it disappeared without a trace. Where do you think people have gone?"

Father Wuliang frowned, "father star, I mean to gather our clues together, not to discuss the fate of the puppet ancestor. What does this have to do with what I said?"

The people around, did not speak, looked at the two people confrontation, for them, this matter, or temporarily do not speak, to see how to say.

It's better to leave this kind of wrangle to the eloquent.

"It doesn't matter? Ha ha, infinite ancestor, others don't know what you are, don't you become an old man? Now that you say that, then, take out the ancient books left by the wuliangzong of Daoqing, and let's look at the real objects, and we won't listen. " The star ancestor squinted, and he would not believe that Daoqing wuliangzong had nothing to ask them to come here, just to look for things after the integration of the outside world.

Is there such a kind one?

"It's a pity that the ancient books of my family have been lost for a long time. These are the clues handed down by mouth from generation to generation."

"You fart, immeasurable ancestor. I'm not talking about you. You're just like farting. If you hold back, you'll come. Who will believe you The star old ancestor silk does not give infinite ancestor face.

The disciples of Daoqing wuliangzong were so angry that they were so disgusted that they said so about their ancestors.

"Star old man, don't make a false accusation at will." Immeasurable Laozu was angry, but he resisted.

Yes, he hides the truth, but he controls the most important clues and doesn't want to share them with others. All this is what they say about the infinite.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm a boundless man. You should all understand him. But he's a star old man. He's full of nonsense. Who do you believe in?" Immeasurable ancestor got up and said, "Lady flower, you say it."

"Flower Niang smile," infinite ancestor's words I believe, star ancestor's words, I also believe. "

It doesn't make any difference.

Wuliang Laozu also has nothing to say. How can a woman have no opinion.

Of course, he can't say this. If the relationship with the flower lady gets stiff, it will be bad.

"Soldier, say it." Wuliang Laozu didn't believe in evil and looked at the main way of soldiers.

The soldier master laughed, "I don't understand the twists and turns. I don't know who to believe what you said. Who knows, whether you say is true or false. However, you can continue to provide more information. Maybe I can distinguish it later."

Looking at the master, Wuliang was convinced.

"They are all the masters of large amount of money. They can't use such trouble. It's OK to swear to the sky. It's good to have someone who tells lies and turns the sky into ashes."

At this time, there was a voice from the crowd, resounding through the hall. In an instant, everyone was quiet.

Even in order to prove their innocence of the immeasurable ancestors also quiet.

The confused monarch was sluggish, pulling Lin Fan tightly, "Lord Lin Feng, don't join in. These are not easy to provoke."

Lin Fan got rid of the chaotic monarch's hand, what is not easy to provoke. Now he breaks through to Tongtian realm. He is very irritable. Regardless of what he does, he gets up directly and stares around.

"What am I doing? Is there a problem with this peak master

Immeasurable ancestor stares at Lin fan, this guy disrupts his rhythm, here, no one will swear.

"Amitabha, this is my husband's friend." Hua Niang smiles, but her eyes twinkle and stares at Lin fan. Unexpectedly, her husband's friend is so brave that she can still say these words in front of so many powerful people.

"Ha ha ha ha, I think what this little friend said is very reasonable." The star ancestor laughs, and then looks at Lin fan, "little friend, you are very clever, I admire those who have courage."

But at this time, Lin Fan raised his hand, "shut up, I haven't found you yet."

In an instant, the scene was quiet.

Everyone's eyes are on Lin fan.Where does this kid come from? Is he so irascible?

Or are you afraid of death?

Even the star ancestor is dull. , the fastest update of the webnovel!