It's Lonely to Be Invincible

Chapter 747

"But there's something wrong with your friend." Hua Niang has seen through Lin Fan for a long time. When she met for the first time, she had already seen through it. Although she is a friend of little baby, she has to take a closer look.

"What's wrong?"

Chaos, what are you talking about? He's not good? Unless the sky falls.

Lady Hua was lying in the chaos and smiling, "you friend, you practice hard skills, and all of them are hard skills. I have been thinking, can his Qi and blood keep up with the consumption of hard skills?"

"There are many people who practice hard skills in this world, but few of them have a good end. Either Qi and blood are declining, or there are hidden diseases that accumulate in the body, and finally burst out. Even if it's a magic pill, it can't go back to heaven."

She was surprised that the other side's hard work had reached such a level, but she was even more surprised that she didn't feel very uncomfortable when she practiced hard skills to such a level?

He didn't pay any attention to the chaos. There was a fart situation. He wanted to say that before the integration of the outside world, the guy directly pressed the door of the whole ancestral land on the ground and exploded.

They're breaking down.

And also did not see that the other side has any discomfort, but every other period of time, found that the other side is more fierce.

The next day, early morning.

Lin fan had a night's sleep in Daoqing wuliangzong, but he wanted to do something in this sect, such as quietly removing all the wealth in the sect and sending it to Yanhua sect.

By then, yanhuazong will definitely become stronger.

"Oh, damn it, it's too hard to defend." Lin fan has a headache, but he can only think about it. If he really wants to start, the strong man who appears here is absolutely terrible.

Dong Dong!

"Master Lin Feng." Chaos is knocking outside the house.

"What's the matter?" Yesterday, fan's body was not as hard as before. It seemed that Lin's nutrition was not as good as Lin's.

"Everyone is here. Daoqing wuliangzong meeting is about to start." Chaos stands outside the door, then looks into the distance, where the lady Hua stands, her back imprinted into the eyes of chaos.

He could not help sighing, looking at the beautiful back, but seeing his face, he wanted to die instantly.

Lin Fan came here, just want to see what things are discussed, otherwise the neuropathy came here.

Elder Hu appeared with a smile on his face and stood beside the lady Hua. At the same time, his eyes looked at Lin fan. His eyes were somewhat meaningful, as if yesterday's things had been known.

"Let's go."

The three followed Hu Changlao and headed for the main hall of zongmen.

"Master Lin Feng, elder Hu said," did you do something to their disciples yesterday? " Madame Hua asked, but she looked at it more. "Master Lin Feng is fierce. All the disciples of Daoqing wuliangzong have been beaten."

Lin Fan laughed. "I made a deal with others, it's nothing."

He has not said that he is just a disciple. If conditions permit, even the leader of the wuliangzong of Daoqing would like to beat him up.

The hall is magnificent, and there are disciples standing upright on both sides. Their breath is extraordinary and reaches the peak, and the momentum of the large amount is completely burst out.

"Chaos, every disciple here is much stronger than you." Lin Fan said with a smile.

The disciples standing here are all great holy land accomplishments.

It is worthy of being in charge of a region.

"Lady Hua, please follow me." With a smile, elder Hu led the people to the high platform.

For the strong on the most powerful ladder, Daoqing wuliangzong did not underestimate, but gave the highest treatment, and the seats were equal to the leader of Daoqing wuliangzong.

Flower Niang's seat is available, but Lin Fan and chaos have no seat.

But elder Hu laughed, but led Lin Fan and chaos to both sides, "two sit here."

Lin Fan didn't care. He sat down at will, but he was a little upset. He was discriminated against by his status and strength.

"Master Lin Feng, you should sit on it." Said confusion.

Lin Fan squinted and found that chaos would flatter people, which made him very surprised, but also felt some terror. Is this still the confusion he knew before?

"What you said is very reasonable. This peak Lord also thinks so, but chaos, even if you speak well, this peak Lord will not promise you anything."

At this time, the sky and earth in the distance were shaking, and the rays of the sky were shrouded, and all kinds of astonishing visions occurred frequently.

"It's all the strong." Lin Fan felt a strong momentum coming from afar.

Daoqing wuliangzong invited the world's strong, presumably also came.

"Here comes the people from Jue Shen palace." Chaos said, looking at the distant situation.

"You know?" Lin fan is stunned. Unexpectedly, the chaos knows Jue Shengong. It seems that he is following the lady Hua and his knowledge is rising.

"Well, I have been there not long ago, and I have met people in Jue Shen palace."

Confused and helpless, he followed the lady flower, naturally saw a lot of levels that had been impossible to contact, but his identity was not very good.Sometimes he felt that there was something wrong with the way people looked at him.

Yes, that's right. It's a jealous look.

"Jue Shengong, you're really slow enough. I'm the first one to come. It seems that I'm the least valuable." Said the lady who sat there.

"Ha ha ha, lady Hua, what you said is wrong. If you didn't know that lady Hua had arrived in advance, I would have come back tomorrow." In the distance, those figures have not yet arrived, but the voice has come.

An old man with extraordinary momentum stepped on the air. In a blink of an eye, he had already appeared on the high platform, and then sat beside the lady Hua.

Those who followed the old man were on the other side, just like Lin fan, sitting there.

"Chaos, No.1 in Tianjiao list, is it coming?" Lin fan asked.

Chaos took a look, pointing to a young man in the distance, "that's the first place in Tianjiao list, the elder martial brother of star Pavilion, Zhou Diwu."

When the chaos points to each other, the young man sitting there in the distance turns his eyes away. Suddenly, the essence of his eyes shines from his eyes. Obviously, he is pointing at the chaos and is very unhappy.

However, when seeing the confusion, I quickly closed my eyes, which was a rare smile.

Almost hurt the wrong person.

Zhou Diwu was glad that when others pointed out to him, he sensed it at the first time. For his existence, could it be someone else's existence?

Therefore, without hesitation, he countered with momentum, but when he saw the man, he stopped immediately.

I'm kidding. That's the husband of Lady Hua. If he's hurt, he'll have a hard time.

With the temperament of Lady Hua, I'm afraid even he has to suffer a little.

"Chaos, you can. People just want to start with you. When they see you, they stop immediately. You have a big face." Lin Fan laughs and sighs in his heart. What's special is the benefits of less struggle for hundreds of years. He not only has what he wants, but also is polite even when others see it.

"Master Lin Feng, don't laugh at me, or change it?" Chaos even want to die of the heart have, even a little can't be happy, don't think he doesn't know, many people behind the back said that he ate a soft meal.

But he wanted to reply that he had to be able to eat soft food.

You can eat all you want.

Envy, jealousy and hatred eventually turned into sarcasm.

"Forget it, you'd better wear it by yourself. I think you're a perfect match for lady Hua." Lin Fan admires, chaos this guy, that is body in blessing do not know blessing, if others, I am afraid all would like to take off their clothes, arch into the flower lady's arms.

If you have an ugly face, just put your eyes in.

At this point, what else can eyes do? It's no longer needed.

At this time, the distant world was red.

A huge bright point of light, cut through the void, toward the Dao Qing Wuliang Zong.

Even if it's so far away, there are shockwaves sweeping through here.

Lin Fan gazed intently, but he was shocked that someone was standing on a burning star.

"That's the people from the star Pavilion." Chaos said, "Tianjiao list is made by the old ancestor of the star Pavilion. Master Lin Feng, you can't be the first. I don't think it's possible. There must be a black box operation in it."

"Great, this massive appearance way, one by one is stronger than the other, which is really shocking." Lin Fan thinks that he is really not satisfied with the list of Tianjiao. Can he row? A man of his own strength even doesn't count in the top 500. He really doesn't say

"I didn't expect that Madame Hua and the leader of Jue Shengong have already arrived, but they haven't come yet, so it's not too late for Laozu to come."

Just when the stars were about to crash into Daoqing wuliangzong, the stars suddenly merged into the body of the ancestors, disappeared, and then a group of people fell.

The people of Daoqing wuliangzong are not happy with the people in Xingchen Pavilion. It's really drag.

Moreover, they will always remember that in the integration of the outside world, the founder of the star Pavilion set three grand wishes to seize the opportunity, which is really cheap and terrible.

"Why! Why are you two, Mr. Wuliang? Ask us to come over, do not show up, like what words, or simply did not pay attention to us Asked the ancestor of the star Pavilion.

"Founder of the stars, don't try to stir up the relationship between my family and others." Just then, a voice came from the distance, and an old man came with a smile.

Lin Fan looked at a group of people above, wondering, are these the strongest fighting forces in the outside world?

Just when he was surprised, something came from afar.

A breath of amazing fragrance swept across the world, everyone sniffed the tip of their nose, smelled a refreshing fragrance, and the spirit was also improved.

"Pills?" Lin Fan looked up and saw a bright pill flying in the distance. Under the light of the light, all the plants were moistened, revived and grew abundantly.

The ancient trees close to each other are also growing fast, at least twice as high as before."I didn't expect that the leader of the Dan Kingdom also came, and he came alone. If someone catches him and swallows it into his stomach, it will be a great tonic." The star ancestor smiles.

But the voice just fell, but ushered in the Lord of Dan's fury.

"Old man, close your stinky anus."

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