Iron Dynasty

Chapter 7

The barbarian cavalry who fell to the ground had not completely lost their fighting power, and their bows and arrows kept shooting at the shield array, but they were all blocked by tight shields.

Lufei is good at dealing with the barbarian cavalry. He said with a bad smile: "brothers, don't be stabbed by your own Tribulus terrestris. Pick it up and throw it."

Tribulus terrestris hindered the action of the barbarian cavalry, but also hindered the action of the soldiers guarding the city.

At Ruda's command, the soldier picked up the Tribulus under his feet and threw it at the barbarian cavalry.

The barbarian cavalry swore and still arched.

The shield array gradually completed the encirclement, like an arc to encircle all the barbarian cavalry.

The bow and arrow are powerful, and the close combat of the barbarian cavalry is also good, but the barbarian cavalry can't give full play to their combat effectiveness because they are besieged by Tribulus terrestris.

Once in a while, a barbarian cavalry jumps out of the Tribulus terrestris and is beaten to the ground.

In less than ten minutes, all the thirty barbarian cavalry were taken.

"Your Highness, you have to make the decision for the last general. Captain Lu bullies others too much. In order to get credit, he ignores the feelings of his colleagues. Look at my face."

When the barbarian soldiers were taken into the city, Li Kaiyuan was black and blue, with a runny nose and tears crying to Xiao Ming.

Lu Fei despised Li Kaiyuan and said lightly, "Your Highness Mingjian, if it wasn't for the end general's kicking, this guy's life would be gone."

Xiao Ming saw clearly that he was not the fatuous Xiao Ming before. He was wrong for the sake of his mistake. He said: "what Lu Xiaowei said is right. He saved your life. You should invite him to drink."

"Ha ha ha Your highness is wise. " Lu Fei laughs heartily, and looks down on Xiao Ming in his eyes.

Xiao Ming is proud in his heart. He is notorious in the fiefdom, and few like him.

This time he captured the barbarians, it is estimated that he can save some honor, but Luffy's attitude towards him can be seen to be effective.

"Captain Lu, these barbarians will be handed over to you. Be sure to ask where they crossed Cangzhou." Xiao Ming is right.

"Yes, yes." Luffy replied.

Then Luffy paused for a moment, seemed a little embarrassed, bowed and said: "Your Highness, can this barbarian horse, armor and bow and arrow be rewarded to the last general?"

Xiao Ming glanced at the Qingzhou cavalry behind him. They were still wearing leather armour. The horses were not strong enough compared with the barbarian horses.

When Lu Fei speaks, these cavalry also have bright eyes, waiting for Xiao Ming's answer.

"You are the elite of Qingzhou. These excellent horses and armor will not be given to you."

If he wants to survive in the fiefdom, Xiao Ming must maintain a good relationship with his generals. It's just a gift.

"Thank you, your highness." Lu Fei looks excited. The elite equipment of these barbarians is much better than their broken equipment. "

At this time, Chen bingcao, who is in charge of military equipment, said: "Your Highness, the equipment and horses have been counted clearly, but two of the barbarian horses are seriously injured and can't live. Do you see?"

Xiao Ming's eyes light up like a wolf. He hasn't touched any meat in the past three days. He's almost greedy.

He said: "Dafu, these two horses were killed by the cook in the palace, stewed and rewarded." The cook in his mouth is the cook.

"Thank you, your highness."

The soldiers of the city garrison roared in unison, one by one the Adam's apple rolled, the saliva almost came down, it's too difficult to eat meat these days.

Xiao Ming also seems to smell the smell of horse meat, he secretly said to Qian Dafu: "keep the leg for me."

"I understand." Qian Dafu laughs treacherously.

In the evening, with the news that the king of Qi was planning to capture the barbarian cavalry, the meat fragrance from the king of Qi's mansion spread throughout Qingzhou City.

While the common people were greedy for horse meat, they also wondered how the king of Qi changed his temper. Instead of being scared to hide in the palace and pee his pants, he took the initiative to capture the enemy.

Although this news is incredible, but the people doubt at the same time also expect the king of Qi can really change.

"Your Highness, I asked. This group of barbarian cavalry came in from a cave in the Qinling Mountains by mistake." Said Luffy.

Eating horse meat around the big pot, Lu Fei tells Xiao Ming the result of the interrogation. Lu Fei, a rough general, always gets a quick result.

"Cave, there are other barbarian cavalry, you know?" Xiao Ming frowned and turned over the map in the science and Technology Library.

In modern times, the Qinling refers to the Huaihe River area, but at this time, it obviously refers to a hill near Cangzhou instead of the Qinling.

Ancient times were different from modern times. Except for official roads, other places were basically dense forests and swamps, where cavalry could not pass.

Just because of this, the barbarian cavalry must attack the city and pull out the stronghold if they want to come in.

"According to them, no, your highness. If there is a cave, it must be blocked up. Otherwise, the barbarian cavalry will bypass Cangzhou City and attack Qingzhou, and we will be very passive." Said Luffy.

Xiao Ming nodded, the stability of the fiefdom is necessary, otherwise he can't develop the fiefdom at ease, which is why he risked his life to catch these barbarian cavalry.He said: "absolutely can't let the information leak out, that cave you personally go to Cangzhou to block up, hide well."

Lu Fei ate a piece of horse meat and said, "don't worry, your highness. I've killed all these barbarian cavalry, and there's no one left alive."

It's the same as killing chickens and dogs, but that's the reality.

After all, there were no human rights to speak of in such a dynasty when slaves still existed.

This is an age of barbarism!

The meat of the two horses was certainly not enough for the soldiers in Qingzhou. After they were given some meat to take part in the battle, the other soldiers had to drink some bone soup to satisfy their hunger.

Even so, they are also satisfied, this year can eat full is extravagant hope, not to mention there is broth to drink.

After a big meal, Xiao Ming had a good relationship with his subordinates.

It was very rare for the soldiers that the king of Qi was willing to share the horse meat with them. After all, everyone was short of food these days, and so was the king of Qi. Naturally, their views on the king of Qi had changed.

Of course, they didn't know that Qian Dafu had hidden two legs.

"It's a pity there's no wine."

Lu Fei secretly put the meat and bones in his arms. He still has his wife and children in his family. He wants to take them back and let them taste the meat.

Li Kaiyuan saw Lu Fei's small action, originally wanted to make a small report, but saw Lu Fei's dangerous eyes or swallowed.

However, he still took advantage of his words and said, "I think it's really beautiful. If you have a meal, how can you make wine for you?"

Xiao Ming sees the embarrassment of all the soldiers in his eyes. He sighs with a low sigh. The soldiers can't afford to eat. What about the people in the feudal areas?

Looking at the soldiers sitting on the dirt floor of the palace, wearing patched military uniforms and taking small bites of meat in their hands, Xiao Ming said, "one day, I will make you drink whenever you want and eat meat whenever you want. , the fastest update of the webnovel!