Iron Dynasty

Chapter 6

Twelve craftsmen couldn't rest at a time, and in one hour they rushed out 300 pieces of Tribulus terrestris.

At this time, Lu Fei sent someone to report to Xiao Ming that the barbarian cavalry seemed to leave.

"Let Lu Xiaowei lead the cavalry to meet the enemy immediately and attract the barbarian cavalry. After feint attack, I will leave southward. I will scatter iron thistle in the Middle East Gate and ambush the soldiers to encircle the barbarian cavalry." Xiao Ming said to the soldiers.

The soldier answered the promise and drove his horse to the north city.

The instrument department is not far away from king Qi's residence, and it is the closest to the east gate.

Xiao Ming led his soldiers to the East Gate with Tribulus terrestris. The guard of the east gate was Li Kaiyuan, the commander of Qingzhou Guogan.

In Xiao Ming's memory, Li Kaiyuan has an ordinary appearance, a snout and a big mouth. He has no skills, is slippery, but he is very obedient.

Therefore, when Xiao Ming needs to deploy his troops, he would rather go to Li Kaiyuan than Lu Fei.

"Your Highness, the barbarian cavalry is just outside the city. It's too dangerous here. For your Highness's safety, you'd better go back to the palace to have a rest."

Seeing Xiao Ming at the east gate, Li Kaiyuan came forward with his usual flattering smile and said.

"Your Highness, what Li Xiaowei said is reasonable. This iron tribulus is ready. Let Li Xiaowei arrange it and bury soldiers to capture barbarians." Qian Dafu worried.

As soon as he said this, Li Kaiyuan's expression was more wonderful than Lu Fei's. Lu Fei's face changed at most. Li Kaiyuan's face turned pale and his legs trembled. He was afraid that he would be scared to urinate.

"Your Highness This... " Li Kaiyuan's voice trembled.

Xiao Ming sighs, which is why Lu Fei is a thorn. Xiao Ming still keeps Lu Fei.

This is a pig Bajie, a monkey, go out to tease the people, bully the people, this Li Kaiyuan also use.

But in the face of this real war, Li Kaiyuan is a complete counsellor.

However, Lu Fei and Li Kaiyuan are not to blame for this. It's the reputation of barbarian cavalry that goes deep into the hearts of all the people in Dayu.

At the end of the dynasty, when more than 20 countries were engaged in scuffle, there were constant internal disputes in the Central Plains, and there was no time to care about the barbarians in the northern grassland.

During this period of time, the barbarians grew up unprecedentedly, and the barbarians who migrated to Changbai Mountain settled down nearby, realized the life of half grazing and half farming, and the population began to grow steadily.

During this period, a tribe named Batur among the barbarians flourished under the leadership of zatubato, the leader, and gradually merged with other tribes to establish their own country from the vast grassland in the north to Changbai Mountain.

The powerful barbarians began to invade the state of Dayu from then on. In the past 100 years, they fought more than 100 battles.

In the state of Dayu, there are few victories and many defeats. Youzhou, Shuozhou and Lingzhou are all lost. According to today's map, all the land north of the Great Wall is basically lost.

Three years ago, the city of Cangzhou was destroyed. It was not because the city was not strong enough, but because the city guards were scared by a thousand barbarian cavalry and fled.

Otherwise, the barbarian cavalry would not have gone deep into Dengzhou.

I remember that year, Lu Fei took the remaining 3000 soldiers from five cities to fight with blood and recaptured Cangzhou City before the barbarian reinforcements arrived, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Otherwise, when he was in Chang'an, Xiao Wenxuan did not whip him, but cut off his head directly.

For Li Kaiyuan, Xiao Ming didn't expect him to be independent. It was just for the sake of disgust that Lu Fei promoted him to a resolute captain.

There are 100 soldiers stationed in the east gate, all of them are swordsmen and shield men. Unlike the soldiers in the north gate, they have a complete range of arms and are all elite.

Xiao Ming directly commanded ten soldiers to ambush on the city tower. As soon as Lu Fei's cavalry passed, they scattered Tribulus terrestris and blocked the way of the barbarian cavalry.

Then he told the rest of the swordsmen to lie in ambush behind the gate and send a signal on the wall. They immediately went out to fight the barbarians.

Staring at Xiao Ming's orderly command of the soldiers, Qian Dafu slapped himself hard, grinned in pain, and said to himself, "this is not a dream!"

Li Kaiyuan was also surprised. He was stunned. He trotted two steps to catch up with Xiao Ming, "Hey, your highness is so wise and powerful. He is the God of war. I admire him so much. This respect is like the moon shining on the river. Heaven and earth can learn from him..."

It's only ten li from the north gate to the east gate. When Li Kaiyuan was flattering, the sound of horse's hooves came from afar.

The eyes of the soldiers ambushing on the city wall immediately became fierce.

Three years ago, the barbarians slaughtered six states. These local taxi soldiers still have fresh memories, and their deep hatred never disappeared in their hearts.

But the fiefdom was poor and weak. They could not take the initiative to take revenge.

Outside the city, Lu Fei took the lead. He turned around to shoot arrows and yelled at the barbarian cavalry to greet his family.

With Lu Fei, the only 30 elite cavalry in Qingzhou were scolded.

The barbarian cavalry kept on pursuing and arched from time to time, obviously angered by the provocation of Lufei and others.

Immediately to the east gate, Lu Fei looked up at the wall. There was no one on it. He thought to himself, "the king of Qi has always resented me. He won't cheat me to go out of the city and kill people with a knife. If so, when I get rid of these barbarians, I will kill him with a knife and turn him into a bandit."Just after this thought, he suddenly saw a soldier standing up at the gate of the city. All over the sky, iron thistles were scattered like snowflakes.

The position just fell behind him.

The barbarian cavalry didn't know there was a trick, but they were still chasing after them. Before they got to the east gate, the horse of the front barbarian cavalry suddenly fell to the ground with a long hiss.

Without waiting for the cavalry behind to react, nine soldiers stood up on the wall with bamboo baskets in their hands and scattered the Tribulus terrestris to them. The retreat was completely blocked.

These barbarian cavalry couldn't control their horses and fell to the ground with their horses and men.

The barbarian soldiers who fell on the ground stepped on the Tribulus terrestris again. Their thin leather boots could not resist the sharp Tribulus terrestris at all. They screamed constantly.

"Get them!"

At this time, Xiao Ming, who was hiding behind the battlements, called out.

When the east gate opened, the city guard rushed to the barbarian cavalry.

"Your Highness, watch the battle in the city, and let me capture all these barbarians!"

When Li Kaiyuan saw that the fierce barbarian cavalry had become a duck at the foot of a hill, he immediately thought about it. If he did not get the credit, he would not get it.

With a roar, he rushed out with his knife.

At this time, Lu Fei, who was in charge of luring the enemy, turned back and saw Li Kaiyuan rushing in front of him. He rode over and kicked away.

Just then, a sharp arrow passed Li Kaiyuan's shoulder.

"Han Huo, look for death, you round shield array." Luffy yelled.

The swordsmen who rushed out immediately formed a tight shield array to force the barbarian cavalry.

Lu Fei had a bloody battle with these barbarian cavalry three years ago. He knew their ferocity very well. , the fastest update of the webnovel!