Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 302

These disciples of haiyunzong began to beg for mercy from Li Mu, hoping that Li Mu could help them and let them live.

Zhang Fan heard these words just now, and some innocent people could think of it.

But there is no way. If you let them go, haiyunzong will know everything here. After all, Zhao Heng is the elder of haiyunzong's inner gate. Now that he died in the desert, someone will trace him. If so, Lu Jiuye and Yanfei will be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan turned his head and looked at Lu Jiuye. He wanted to ask him whether these people should live or not.

Lu Jiuye is always kind-hearted. He frowns and thinks that these people are innocent. After all, they are haiyunzong's disciples. Naturally, they have to listen to the elders. That's why there is such a conflict.

"Just let them go." Master Lu Jiuye waved to let these people go.

After listening to Lu Jiuye's words, the disciples of haiyunzong fell down on their knees and kowtowed to each other. They kept thanking each other. They stood up one after another and hurried to the distance. They did not dare to delay at all. They were afraid that Lu Jiuye would repent at this time.

After these people left, Lu Jiuye said to Zhang Fan, "these disciples of Haiyun sect will report the situation to the sect when they go back. I'm afraid they will retaliate against you in the future."

Zhang Fan laughed and said to Lu Jiuye, "it's OK. I'm not afraid to bite if I have more lice. Anyway, I'm in the state of being hunted down. It doesn't matter if I have more lice. Don't I live well now?"

"You're being hunted, too? What's going on? " After listening to Zhang Fan's words, Lu Jiuye was shocked and asked Zhang Fan why.

Zhang Fan laughs and tells Lu Jiuye about the killing of the elder of Tianfeng sect. Lu Jiuye is shocked and looks at Zhang Fan in front of him carefully. He doesn't know what his strength is and how he survived such a pursuit.

When Zhang Fan finished, Lu Jiuye asked Zhang Fan, "that is to say, you are still safe after so many people? Boy, you may not be able to do it in your present state. Have you mastered some special means? "

Zhang Fan shrugged his shoulders and said to Jiuye: "I don't know about this. It seems that when others break through the shackles, they only need to open the shackles of the body, and then they can be promoted successfully. However, the shackles in my body seem to be much more than ordinary people, so the realm has always been in such a state."

Listen to Zhang Fan say so, nine ye in the heart how much some curiosity, to Zhang Fan frown ask a way: "can you let me explore your meridians."

Zhang Fan nodded and stretched out his hand.

Master Lu Jiuye raised his two fingers on Zhang Fan's meridians, and a thick aura entered Zhang Fan's body to explore his physical condition.

Before long, Jiuye suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Zhang Fan, some incredible said: "it's really strange, according to the shackles in your body, you should be a top genius, but your spirit root..."

With a smile on his face, Zhang Fan said to Jiuye: "to be honest, when I was born, Linggen was robbed, but the talent was still there. Therefore, my cultivation speed was not so fast, and the realm was also stuck here."

"Is Linggen taken?" Lu Jiuye was puzzled, but he was more or less fighting for Zhang Fan. His tone was slightly angry and he said, "it's really shameful that there are such vicious means in this world. We Lu family can help you find a way to say it."

Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "don't worry. I've learned the kindness of the ninth master. As for revenge, I can do it myself. I won't bother the Lu family."

Listening to Zhang Fan's words, Lu Jiuye was more or less relieved. He understood that the reason why Zhang Fan said this was that he didn't want to implicate the Lu family.

"Well, in that case, if you need anything in the future, no matter whether I'm here or not, you can go to the Lu family for help with the jade pendant in your hand, and you will never be stopped." Lu Jiuye swore to Zhang fanxin.

The reason for this is that in the eyes of Lu Jiuye, he is predestined with Zhang Fan. At the same time, Zhang Fan is very generous. He is still willing to give it to him after knowing the magical function and precious value of lianxueteng. This really moves Lu Jiuye. Moreover, in the eyes of Lu Jiuye, it is of great help to him.

Moreover, in Jiuye's opinion, Zhang Fan is not simple. Even if Linggen is deprived, his talent is still there. In the battle just now, Jiuye also saw some problems, that is, Zhang Fan's realm is not consistent with his own ability, and even the experts in Mahayana are not his opponents.

Yan Fei stood aside, silent, has been listening to the dialogue between Lu Jiuye and Zhang Fan, quietly be a listener, always so.

Lu Jiuye took a look at Yanfei, especially the knife in Yanfei's hand. With excitement in his eyes, he asked Yanfei, "Yanfei, did you really get the inheritance just now? Is there any skill in this inheritance? "

Yan Fei nodded and told Lu Jiuye and Zhang Fan about what had just happened.It turns out that at the critical moment just now, the knife in Yanfei's hand seemed to feel that the master was threatened, so it suddenly inspired the meaning of the knife and started the inheritance.

At that time, Yan Fei only felt that his whole body was wrapped by Dao Qi, and there was no discomfort. His body seemed to become ethereal, without substance. Moreover, these Dao meanings made him feel very comfortable.

In the fog, Yan Fei's eyes suddenly appeared a painting scroll. The content of the painting scroll was very flexible, as if it was on a snow mountain, a man with white clothes and white hair, holding the knife in his hand. He could not see his face clearly. The north wind was whistling, and there were snowflakes in the wind. But such bad weather seemed to have no influence on him, as if it was all related to him Nothing to do with it.

At this time, some introductions about the owner of the sword began to appear in the painting. Through these words, Yan Fei learned that the owner of the sword was named Lynch, who was the master of Tiandao sect. He could feel the meaning of the sword when he was seven years old. Therefore, his sword technique has always been different from others, and any move of the sword in his hand seems more powerful, so to speak He's a brilliant genius.

Later, after a period of experience and growth, Lynch founded tiandaomen and established a clan with Dao. There were countless disciples in the sect. Only in more than ten years, tiandaomen has grown up.