Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 301

"I don't know. His swordsmanship seems to have no rules, no routines, and his movements are so natural. It's really unpredictable."

"It's beyond my understanding that a shackle state can have such ability. If this person keeps in front of us, we can't break through his defense or get the knife."

"Don't lose heart. I believe that any sword technique has weakness, but we didn't find it. Moreover, elder Zhao has given a death order. If we don't get the sword back, I'm afraid we will be punished after we go back."

These disciples of Haiyun sect are also very helpless. Now they are in a dilemma. If they don't get the knife back, elder Zhao Heng will not let them go after they return to the sect.

But even if they went to rob Zhang Fan, they didn't have any way to do it. The other side's sword technique was strange and inexplicable. Moreover, Zhang Fan didn't use all his strength. That is to say, if Zhang Fan really wanted to kill them, then they really didn't have any power to fight back.

At this time, there was a scream in the distance. It turned out that the battle between Lu Jiuye and Zhao Heng had been divided. With his spatial skill, Jiu Ye directly killed Zhao Heng.

The disciples of haiyunzong immediately stopped their actions and looked into the distance. They were even more frightened. Zhao Heng is the most powerful one here. Now, he is dead in other people's hands, so they are not the opponents of Jiuye at all.

At this time, Yanfei's Dao Qi has dissipated, and he opens his eyes slightly. It is obvious that he has accepted the inheritance of Dao Yi, and his whole body's momentum has become more aggressive.

Zhang Fan turned and looked in the direction of Yanfei. With his strong mental observation, Zhang Fan could clearly feel that the momentum of Yanfei was different, especially his aura fluctuation. Although there was no change in his realm, his overall strength improved a lot.

Yan Fei took a cold look at the Haiyun sect disciples in front of him. The long sword in his hand was bright and he waved it forward immediately.


A sharp blade was strong in the wind. In a flash, it rushed towards the people in front of it. The speed was just a flash of white light.


In an instant, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and there was a huge crack on the ground. All the plants were destroyed and disappeared in this knife.

And all the disciples of Haiyun sect in front of them were forced to retreat by this Dao mang. They dodged one after another. When they looked at the ground, there was sweat on everyone's forehead.

"No, isn't that the Dao will he inherited? It's incredible! Fortunately, I dodged, otherwise, I would be killed by this Dao Qi. "

"Yes, the power of this knife is really extraordinary. If it's tough, we're not his opponent at all. I didn't expect that after a short period of time, he has grown up so much. It's incredible!"

"The material of this Dao is not ordinary. In addition, the Dao will in the Dao has a kind of domineering dignity. That's why his strength has been improved so much, and it's a long way away from us."

"I think we'd better go. Now elder Zhao Heng is dead. One of the two young people in front of us has inherited the will of Dao Dao and the other is unpredictable. If we don't leave again, we may not be able to leave."

Therefore, the eyes of haiyunzong's disciples were full of fear, and they had no intention of fighting. For them, Zhang Fan was like death, and their lives were in their hands.

Zhang Fan took a look at the disciples of Haiyun sect. He thought to himself whether to kill them or not. If he kept them, they would tell the elders of the sect what happened here after they went out. Haiyun sect would never give up and would come to seek revenge.

For Zhang Fan, it doesn't matter. Not only haiyunzong, but also Tianfeng sect are chasing him. Anyway, there are more lice, and they are not afraid to bite. Therefore, whether these people die or not will not have a great impact on Zhang Fan.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan asked Lu Jiuye: "Jiuye, how to deal with these people, you decide."

Yanfei stands beside Jiuye with a long knife in his hand, looking at the haiyunzong disciples in front of him coldly and observing their every move.

At this time, a disciple of haiyunzong was scared to the limit. He had only one idea in his heart, that is, he didn't want to die here.

The next moment, the haiyunzong disciple immediately yelled, rushed to the distance, desperately escaped, and the speed had soared to the limit.

Yan Fei snorted coldly. He had noticed this man for a long time. He immediately caught up with him and waved the long knife in his hand. Between the flashes of the knife light, he instantly hit the body protecting aura of this man.

With a bang, the haiyunzong disciple was immediately cut off and flew out. He vomited blood and looked pale. At first sight, he knew that he had suffered a serious internal injury.Yan Fei didn't kill him just now, so he was alive. Otherwise, the haiyunzong disciple would have been split in two by Dao Qi.

See this scene. The other disciples of haiyunzong were shocked. They looked at Zhang Fan and others in horror, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. They completely lost their resistance. Their faces were as pale as ashes. They looked frightened and said nothing.

Zhang Fan held his shoulder and looked at the haiyunzong disciples in front of him. He said coldly, "do you want to go? It doesn't seem that easy. "

After listening to Zhang Fan's words, all haiyunzong disciples fell to their knees and began to beg for mercy.

"Young Xia! It's all because we have no eyes. We shouldn't rob things from you. However, we are forced to do so. Otherwise, elder Zhao will not let us go after we return to the clan! Please forgive me, young Xia, and let us live

"Yes, young Xia, it was elder Zhao's idea at that time. We can only do it according to what he said. If we don't mean to offend you, please forgive me!"

"We also have difficulties. We have to do what the elder told us. Now, elder Zhao is dead, and we don't have to listen to his orders. Please rest assured, young Xia. After we go out, we will keep our mouth shut. We will never tell anything happened here. As long as you can let us go, we will do what we say!"