Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 183

Five senses beast smell speech, also nodded, "seems to be the power here?"

Immediately, it jumped away from four people, keeping a distance.

And the senseless pearl on his head was released slowly.

Under the light of the senseless pearl, the mysterious chamber is full of color, just like a fairyland.

Under the gaze of Zhang Fan and others, they suddenly saw that on the wall of one place, there were colorful lights, gorgeous, just like a mysterious secret place. And this mysterious place is constantly changing its position, from east to west, but each change has several breathing times, like a gate of time and space, which is enough for several people to enter at the same time.

And the five senses beast's eyes are also floating left and right. Immediately, he took back the senseless spirit bead and said to Zhang Fan, "it should be this force, like a space force, which resonates with the force calling me, so I came out."

Zhang Fan nodded, and everyone looked at it.

"How can this be like a space of different dimensions opened by the powerful?" Caiyun said.

"Heterogeneous space?"

Almost at the same time, several people asked.

The five sense beast goes on, "yes, heterogeneous space is equivalent to your space ring or space storage bag. They can put what you need into that space, so that they won't occupy any position. In my brother's body, I am also like a different dimensional space. The ring or bag in your hand is like a key, which can open the door of this space at any time. The stronger the ability, the greater the heterogeneous space created by the powerful. If I'm not wrong. This should be a heterogeneous space similar to the storage space, and together with this, it should be convenient to store some things. "

Immediately five senses beast's eyes also looked around, saw these dead people, obviously he also understood some.

After listening to the five sense beast, several people nodded slightly.

And five senses is looked at Zhang Fan, with eyes to Zhang Fan signal, "brother, let me go first to have a look."

Zhang Fangang wanted to stop him, but he saw the beast jump and fly in.

Zhang Fan wanted to say something else, but he couldn't see the five sense beast. At the moment, he had no choice but to take Caiyun four with him. He also found an entrance and went in directly.

All of a sudden, it was like a fairyland in the world. When people opened their eyes again, they found that they were already in a beautiful world. In this world, air and spiritual power are abundant, but they are also disordered. Even stones can float in the air, and water can float in the air like wind.

All kinds of treasures are everywhere, all kinds of clothes, even some food are randomly placed.

If it wasn't for the five sense beast's prior notice that this is a storage space, people might think they are living in a dream. Because only dream is such an ethereal existence. The gap between everything and reality is too big, because in reality, it is impossible to see this scene.

Wang Xueli next to me also sighed, "I also have a storage bag. Originally, I thought I was very lucky, but when I saw this space, I just felt that my eyes were too narrow. My storage bag can only hold some things that I can use, such as food, water, and laundry. But I didn't expect that there is such a large storage space in the world. It's like a new world fabricated out of thin air. It's estimated that this space can hold the whole country. "

Zhang Fan gently smiles. He is not surprised at Wang Xueli's surprise, because he also has a barren ring. Although Zhang Fan doesn't know much about his barren ring, he is quite sure that even the barren world can't have such a huge space system. What's more, there is no problem for a few living people to come in, which the barren world can't do.

Suddenly, a figure in front of several people rushed over.

Zhang Fan looked up, but saw that the five sense beast was like a streamer. He rushed directly towards Zhang Fan's arms and became intimate with Zhang Fan. Obviously for this can come out, five sense beast is very happy, the color cloud around also want to touch five sense beast's head, but five sense beast refused.

In the eyes of the five sense beast, I'm afraid I haven't accepted the hostess Caiyun.

"Don't you feel anything?" On one side, Wang Xueli's words seemed to be a little heavy, and she also asked Zhang.

Zhang Fan put away his smile and looked back at Wang Xueli. At the same time, his huge spiritual power was released instantly. In this ethereal space, we began to search for the anomaly Wang Xueli perceived.

"What do you feel?" Little butterfly on one side is a little curious.

Wang Xueli glanced at Xiaodie, but she didn't reply. Instead, Zhang Fan said, "I feel it."

Caiyun is also a Leng, and Xiaodie also busy asked, "what do you feel?"

"There is a strong wave of soul!" They answered almost at the same time.Looking at each other, Zhang Fan and Wang Xueli walk forward at the same time.

After that, Caiyun and Xiaodie followed closely. A few people didn't go far in front, but they saw an ethereal figure wandering in the air.

Zhang Fan's eyes instantly saw the figure. He was also stunned. He never thought that he could meet this person here.

Meanwhile, Caiyun and Xiaodie all saw the figure. They couldn't help covering their mouths. They couldn't believe it. Almost at the same time, they both cried, "Taoist cloud?"

Zhang Fan and Wang Xueli stood there motionless, but Caiyun and Xiaodie met them.

Taoist cloud seems to have seen the four people and drifted slowly towards them.

At the moment, he is like wind and cloud, without any entity, erratic, just like a touch of soul.

Seeing Caiyun and Xiaodie, Taoist Yun nodded and said to them with a trace of sadness, "Why are you here? Have you also been broken by him? "

Caiyun and Xiaodie are stunned. Obviously, the words of Taoist cloud have already told them too much information.

But Zhang Fan also has some inconceivable, the mouth opened gently, does say that the cloud Taoist is really only a trace of soul still exist now?

"No, we didn't break the body. We came in from a secret room and found this mysterious space by accident. It was Zhang Fan who brought us in." With that, Caiyun pointed to Zhang Fan and Wang Xueli.

Seeing Zhang Fan, Taoist cloud's eyes are a little dignified, but there is also a surprise. He directly bypasses Caiyun and Xiaodie and floats towards Zhang Fan. On one side, Wugan beast stares at Taoist cloud warily, but he is not polite to Taoist cloud.

Zhang Fan motioned to Wugan beast not to act rashly. At the moment, Taoist Yun sighed and said to Zhang Fan, "boy, I didn't expect that the second meeting would be in this way."

Zhang Fan was also surprised and said to Taoist cloud, "your accomplishments in Mahayana will be broken, leaving only a trace of soul. Where is your golden elixir?"

Taoist Yun shook his head. "It's a long story. I didn't expect that this man would be the dark messenger of Tianfeng sect, and the spirit skill he was good at could just restrain me. There's no way. I lost