Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 182

Although Wang Xueli doesn't believe what Zhang Fan said, what he said is not unreasonable.

During the conversation, several people had already started to clean up and prepare to find their way back. The secret room where the corpse was stored had been made a mess, and they had no intention to look for Chen Dong's corpse again. After a glance, there was no medicine at all.

And from that person's body, no drugs were found.

Although Zhang Fan's ability is still limited, since there is no way, he has to quit first.

But at this time, in Zhang Fan's mind, came a sigh, this is the voice of Shixian.

At the moment, Shi Xian said to Zhang Fan, "boy, look for it carefully. Don't hurry to go. There are other rooms in it

Zhang Fan a listen to, originally go back to the pace suddenly stopped.

On one side, Wang Xueli was stunned and said to Zhang Fan, "why don't you go back?"

Zhang Fan scratched his head, pretended to be thinking for a long time, and immediately said to the three, "I think we'd better look for it again. Maybe there's something we haven't found in it? And I think we may not be able to open this iron gate. Maybe there's some other mechanism here. Let's have a look. "

After listening to Zhang Fan's words, it makes sense to think about it, especially the iron door behind him. If you want to open it by force, it will cost a lot of spiritual power. Even a few people don't open it so easily.

So a person holding a torch, around began to feel up.

It's a pity that there are no other walls found except a few caves.

After about a dozen steps, we have already seen the bottom, and there is no so-called next door. It seems that there should be no sealed chamber here. Zhang Fangang wants to ask Shi Xian, where is the secret room?

But in the morning, I accidentally bumped into a dark gate. With a slight turn, the whole secret room suddenly became bright with the fire. And it turns out that at the top of the chamber, there are fluorite stones all around. However, before Zhang Fan came in, the man in black closed these dark gates. And with all the corners here brightened up, Zhang Fan could see clearly that there was another dark gate in front of him. He hesitated for a while, walked slowly, and pushed the dark gate open with his hand. At the moment, there was only a loud bang. The stone gate that they came in was opened slowly.

Outside the stone gate, a heat wave swept in, and the noise came.

The blacksmiths did not go far either. They seemed to be standing not far from the stone gate, looking inside.

When Zhang Fan saw the situation, he immediately closed the stone gate.

Just opened a crack in the stone gate, in an instant was closed.

A few people a Leng, at the moment really listen to Zhang Fan said, "I know there must be some organs here, we look again, since we have found the exit, don't rush out, right?"

Caiyun nodded, his hand is constantly groping around, trying to find something else.

And Zhang Fan is also close to the wall, began to feel up, suddenly, a finger stroke, directly grasped a dark groove. There was a button in the dark groove. The button was opened. A sealed stone chamber appeared beside them. It seems that Shi Xian didn't lie.

Several people quickly gathered around in the past, and inside, there was a strong smell of medicine.

A few people crowded in, which was actually full of all kinds of pills, looking a little dizzy.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan saw a few familiar words, "Mei Chun!"

Immediately grabbed past with the hand, look, estimate is the kind that uses for color cloud.

Other people did not pay attention, eyes are constantly moving, and only Caiyun saw Zhang Fan's action. I saw Zhang Fan put the medicine bottle into the barren ring. Caiyun blushed and didn't know what he wanted to do. Zhang Fan pretended to be nothing and felt other pills. Look at it and throw it all in.

Unfortunately, Zhang Fan has not seen any medicine about the recovery of Lingli.

Several people looked around, but they didn't see it.

In Zhang Fan's barren precepts, there is even a strong medicine, rejuvenation medicine, but there is no medicine that can make the spiritual power recover.

There was no way. Several people came back after they had cleaned it up.

Although some satisfied, but still some regret.

"Since we've all looked for it, we'd better go back." Wang Xueli takes the lead in saying that she probably wants to go back to see the safety of the Wang family.

Zhang Fan just wanted to nod, but suddenly he just felt that there was a surge of spiritual power in his body.

He was very happy. Although he broke through the shackles of the medicine power and released his spiritual power by virtue of the strength of his invincible blood, the spiritual power was extremely strange and even he couldn't control it. But now this spiritual force gives him a very gentle feeling, just like growing out of his own heart. With the gradual rise of spiritual power, Zhang Fan only felt that his power seemed to come back. But his surprise was only for a moment. In a moment, this spiritual power actually broke away from his body and came out. A faint halo condensed in front of everyone.His eyes were fixed on this power, and he didn't know what happened.

Caiyun and others also quickly gathered around, a few pairs of eyes staring at here, some at a loss.

"What is this?" Wang Xueli has drawn out her sword and wants to attack.

Zhang Fan quickly stopped Wang Xueli and said to her, "don't worry, I feel this spiritual power is familiar."

And in the blink of an eye, this spirit power actually gradually condensed into the appearance of a monster. After the monster appeared, it even blinked at Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan a Xi, mouth two words is blurted out, "little demon!"

Xiaoyao saw Zhang Fan and was even more overjoyed. She called out, "brother!" Towards Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan never thought that he would be able to see Wugan beast under such circumstances. It seems that his spiritual power is sealed, but it makes his response to the five sense beast more delicate. But why did the five sense beast appear on his own? Just like before, he didn't feel it at all.

All of them have seen Wugan beast, so they will not be surprised.

They all know that this is Zhang Fan's spirit beast.

"How did you get out?" Zhang Fan asked.

At the moment, the five senses beast said, "I don't know. Ever since I came out of the ivory tower, I feel that I have been bound by some powerful force. I couldn't move. That is to say, last time, the force relaxed a little, and I was able to release it. It's just that when your game is over, that force will call me back immediately, and I can't help it

Zhang Fan was stunned and asked, "what about this time?"

Five senses beast some doubts, to Zhang Fan asked, "is not you let me out of it?"? I just feel that there is a force that has been pulling me to the outside. I thought you had learned how to call me out? "

Zhang Fan was a little embarrassed. He touched the back of his head and said to the five sense beast, "it's not yet there. I didn't learn how to summon it. Instead, my spiritual power has disappeared."

Smell speech, five senses beast some can't believe of stare at Zhang Fan, but he also didn't continue to ask. On the contrary, he sniffed his nose and looked at the three women beside him. Immediately, his eyes were on Caiyun again, and then he showed a look of horror. The eyes of Wugan beast also quickly drew back and came to Zhang Fan's ear to say to him, "why does she have your breath?"

Zhang Fan's face turned red. He didn't know how to answer this question.

Although the voice of Wu Gan beast was very low, Zhang Fan was sure that the three women also heard it.

Zhang Fan patted his head and said to him, "don't ask such gossip questions any more. By the way, you said there was a force to call you out, not me. What was that time?"