International Purple-White Plate


After a while, the woman cried again, "I haven't died in these few years, why have I? What was he looking forward to? You know what? I just want to have a day when we meet and go home to reunite. "It's a pity that it's better not to meet each other. Both of us are in pain and heartache."

Hearing these words, the man immediately said with hatred, "This hateful world! This hateful boss! So I wasn't allowed to use it. "Since that's the case, why don't I go and fight him!"

The woman also gritted her teeth and said, "If we can't live together, then we will die together and reunite in the Underworld. so that we don't have to suffer any more. "

The man wiped away his tears for the woman, caressing her as he said, "You and I have neither age nor age, so it's fine to hang on. We die together is happiness, is joy! We are swimming hand in hand in the sea towards the Bohai Sea! " Both of them decided to shed tears. They decided to throw themselves into the river and walk toward the river with their hands together.

It turned out that the brothel bodyguard was already following their every move on orders from the boss, afraid that they would escape. The bodyguard followed four people. The four of them continued to watch from the side. Seeing the two of them running towards the river side, two bodyguards stopped them: "Miss, it's getting late, we should go back."

The two of them were stunned and speechless. The bodyguard said to the man, "I'll consider it done. "Don't give me face, don't take it!" The two bodyguards grabbed the woman and practically walked over to the waiting car.

The woman turned her head to look at the man. Her heart felt like it was being stabbed with a knife. The man looked at the woman and felt his heart broken. Their four eyes were filled with love, and their two hearts were filled with incomparable grief. It was like a sharp sword that was about to sever the bond between the two of them. When the man saw his wife being carried into the car, he ran away like the wind. His thoughts were in a mess as he stamped his feet and said, "Sigh! Life and death are truly bitter! Whatever, I'll fight it out with you guys! " He ran after the car.

Farmer looked at his heart and said, "This couple is really rare. This was the concession, and the Chinese could not manage it. This couple really can't get back together. " The workers were filled with indignation and could not help but feel sad. Mr. Divination stared blankly, as if he was in a daze. His heart was filled with hatred and hatred.

Everyone was silent. That naughty guy said, "If you want to get rich, then I have my ways." A young man beside him was annoyed when he heard that and scolded, "What nonsense are you spouting? If you don't own a rich star, you're a far cry from being virtuous. Who would listen to your nonsense!?" "If you are not convinced, say it and let everyone hear it."

The naughty face reddened and said, "You have two empty eyes, and do not know the mechanism to make a fortune! I heard that someone stole a treasure from President Yuan. If anyone could help him find it, not only would they make a fortune, they would also become a high-ranking official. Isn't this a source of wealth with a sense of justice? "

The young man said angrily: "How about it? How about it? As expected, his bullsh * t words rang through the sky! That treasure was personally robbed by someone from the Ruo Peak at the Shaolin Temple of Mount Song. His martial arts were unparalleled, and he had great skills. If he didn't show up now, who would plot against him? How can you scheme against him when you don't even know how to hit him? What a load of nonsense! "

When the naughty one heard this, he panicked and scolded, "If it's me, stop interrupting!" The old man was afraid that the two would fall out, so he hastily tried to dissuade them. He deliberately changed the topic to lure the crowd, saying, "You youngsters are all very angry, do not fight over it. If we are to talk about making a fortune, this old one has quite a bit of skill. "

The naughty man did not know what was good for him and reprimanded the old man, "Your boasting of getting rich is boasting. It's not like you have the means to get rich. You are a scholar, full of literary talent, and you are actually a street fortune-teller. If it had been anyone else, they would have died of shame long ago. You still have the face to boast here. "If I had your talents, I would have made a fortune and become a high official in the central government."

When Mr. Divination heard this, he pointed at him angrily and said, "You're so naughty, so naughty! You really speak endlessly! "You think that I, as a righteous man, would not attach myself to others, would not flatter you, and would be able to keep my word, but walk with my chest puffed up with pride?" As soon as he heard, he nagged again, "You're a proper person, a proper person! I've seen you in front of the brothel every day, and it's hard to say if you'll be able to get in. " After saying that, he had a complacent look on his face. Everyone was angered to the point that they started laughing.

When the old man heard the laughter, he panicked and hurriedly said, "Young men and women, young men and women, don't argue, don't argue! Listen to me. All of you will fight for the will to save your country and go to the south to follow the revolution. If General Tsai was successful in the revolution, he would overthrow Yuan Shikai, rebuild the Republic, drive away the foreign devils, recover the lost land and regain the country's lost power. At that time, the pier was our own. The whole country was united by mountains and rivers, wouldn't it be easy to get rich? "

Some people immediately agreed, "So what if you're a soldier? Nothing is impossible. According to the monthly salary, his wife and children still had to be raised. With a gun in his hand, he would be the Grass King. Whoever dares to offend us, we will kill you! "

When Farmer heard this, he didn't find it interesting and got up to leave. The naughty monk shouted, "Monk, why did you leave? It would be more interesting if we, the monks and the mortals gather together. " Farmer ignored him and walked on without looking back. After walking for a distance, they arrived at the fish market. As Farmer walked in, he smelt foul. He saw remnants of fish and prawns strewn across the ground. The owners were guarding the stall, coaxing the flies and fretting over the goods. He covered his nose with his hand and quickly left the fish market, heading straight for the busy city.

When he walked into the busy city, he found it strange that no one was walking around. As he turned the corner, he looked forward and saw that there were many people surrounding him. Listening carefully, people are constantly giving out warm praises: "Good! Great! Another one! " Fa Ming said in his heart, "That is either a trick or a trick. Yuan Ming loves to watch the show, so he might be among them." Farmer hurried over again.

So it turned out that the crowd was currently watching and playing tricks on him. When Fa Ming approached, he ignored the crowd and first surrounded the crowd to look for Yuan Ming. After a week of searching, they saw Zhang Xiaoxiao, a man, woman, old, and young, but no Yuan Ming. Farmer squeezed into the crowd again to see: the two youths, male and female, both handsome and dashing, were practising martial arts against each other.

The two pretended to be fighting, but from the looks of it, it was an extremely intense fight. Farmer was attracted. He saw the girl use her Eight Trigrams Fist on eight sides, and the boy use his Six Paths Fist on all sides. The two of them moved about artfully. "The audience cheered and applauded non-stop." Good! Great! "So awesome!"

After the two of them finished practicing, they stopped their moves and bowed to the audience: "You did not practice well! Not good! "To make a fool of himself." The audience said, "Well done! Perfectly done! We got a kick out of watching this! " The two of them were all smiles when they heard this.

The girl raised her sword again and said to the crowd: "Thank you for your praise! I'll dance a few more times to cheer everyone up. " Finished speaking, he extended his sword and began his training. As soon as she made a move, the sword sparkled brightly. The girl jerked her head up, then probed the sea with her yaksha. Seeing that she was still practicing a little slower, the more observant people were still able to see through the sharpening and slashing of the sword; however, the moment the girl turned around, her movements abruptly sped up, leaving Fa Ming dazzled and dazzled.

Fa Ming said in his heart, "This girl's martial arts has been passed down to famous people!" This sword technique was extraordinary. The moves were ingenious and the changes were natural. His attack and defense skills were all flexible and perfect. Who was her master? The two of them had such high skills, how could they have landed and sold along the street? "What a pity!"

Before long, the girl finished her training. She stopped, her face unchanged, her breathing shallow. Everyone applauded. The girl saluted the audience and thanked them. The young man picked up his stick again and saluted the crowd: "Next, please watch us practice. "Everyone, please judge for us." Finished speaking, the two immediately began their training.

Seeing this, Farmer said in his heart, "The staff and the sword are short, but each is dangerous." This was the hardest part. If you practice it well, then it's worth watching. " Seeing that the girl was the first to reach out her sword and attack the stick, the boy held the stick in the middle and began to strike the sword from the side. The girl's move was quick and ingenious, forcing the stick to be unable to move forward.

The two of them suddenly turned around, their staffs pressing against each other as their weapons clashed. Suddenly, the stick missed and was attacked by the sword. The sword tip pressed tightly against the young man's chest. The audience immediately cheered and cheered. The two of them suddenly turned around and tightened their defenses with their sticks and swords. It seemed that if one side relaxed even a little, it would be a matter of life and death. Seeing that Farmer was in danger, the audience was on tenterhooks. Suddenly, their moves changed again. With the sword pressing down on the rod, the girl leaped up into the air and started swinging her sword. The stick dodged the sword, and the young man hurriedly rolled and dodged. After the two had practiced for a long time, they stopped and bowed to the audience. The audience burst into cheers of joy, with both men and women of all ages celebrating.

The young man smiled again and bowed to the audience, "I did not hear you say that I had a friend later on. Let me repeat: I am Lee Yanyi, my younger sister Li Qian. Thank you for your support! I have long heard that the precious land is rich in years, and that the streets are bustling with activity and business is flourishing. My brother and sister are here to seek refuge. To friends, dignitaries, officials, teachers, wives, a mouth of Jianghu rice. I do not ask for money for nothing. Please listen to me for convenience. As the saying goes, "When humans eat five grains, they suffer from six qi and become ill naturally". I wish you good health and early sickness. Preemption without illness, age and health. If everyone can buy me a plaster, I'll consider it as you admiring my brother and sister. " He turned around and took out a paste, and said, "This paste has been passed down through generations. Activating blood circulation to dispel blood stasis, chasing wind to dispel cold. Falling rheumatism, close to the stasis, waist acid leg pain, all do not ignore. Back and leg pain paste immediately relief, blood stasis and swelling pain can use it security. If you'll all look at the usage, I'll do the experiment in public. "

He unfurled the ointment and explained how to soften it, then pointed to the various acupuncture points and the areas it affected and showed it to everyone. Then he called out to the audience, "Which patient was there? "Let's see if you are willing to show us your face. Come in and put your face on the wall. We'll try it out on the spot." Everyone whispered to each other.

Some people believed that this was true, while others doubted it. The young man continued to spread the news. It turned out that the siblings were Lee Yanyi and Yuan Ming, who had learned martial arts from Ruo Feng at the National Reporting Temple in Chengdu. The two of them, who had been escorting the opium criminals for the foreigners since that day, were driven out of the temple in a fit of anger by Rufeng. The two of them arrived here.

When Li Qian saw that no one was going to test it on the inside, she told everyone again. "Then, she picked up the ointment on a round plate and said it to the male and female audience members one by one. Please buy it." Sir, please buy it. Please buy it, madam. Brother, please buy. "Sir, please buy …" Some of them immediately opened their bags, while others shook their heads, not wanting to buy it. Seeing that he did not buy well enough in the crowd, he came up with a plan, saying in his heart, "Let me help his brother and sister."

So he took out two pieces of silver and held them high, crying out, "Ouch! I've found you siblings. Your ointment is very effective. Last time I bought less, only bought a paste, I this old waist and leg pain is soon to paste good. This time, I bought it for two dollars, and the pain in my waist and legs can be removed. " As he pushed forward, he threw the money first into the round disk in Li Qian's hand.

As soon as the audience saw it, they were all excited to buy it. One by one, they took the money and rushed to buy it. The busy Lee Yanyi and Li Qian were exhausted to the point of sweating profusely as they paid for the ointment at the same time. In the time it took to drink a cup of tea, Lee Yanyi and Li Qian sold the ointment to the fullest extent of their ability and the plate was filled with silver taels. The two were very happy. Those who bought the ointment were all happy and those who did not had their heads hanging down. Some people surrounded Lee Yanyi and Li Qian and asked when they would return.

Lee Yanyi said to the crowd, "Since my ointment has been proven to be effective, there are many buyers and there are only a few left. Come back to Tianjin for at least a year. " When someone heard this, they were disappointed. They held on to Fa Ming and pleaded, "Master, you bought a lot. How about you let me paste some more?" Then Farmer sold the ointment.