International Purple-White Plate


After another night, he ate his breakfast in the morning. Then, he said to little Shami, "Let's not just focus on getting help from others. I will personally walk around the city and perhaps find Yuan Ming."

Little Shamei said, "Master is right. If you are fated, you may meet each other when you go out. However, whether or not someone finds you, you have to come back. I'll prepare dinner for you. " Little Shamei was timid. She always felt lonely in the temple, especially when it was night time. He walked Farmer out to the street and repeated his instructions.

For the time being, Fa Ming bade farewell to Little Shamei and strolled to the pier. He saw that the people in front of him were bustling with noise and excitement. He stopped under a tree by the side of the road, enjoying the cool air as he watched the bustling scene on the dock. The sound of the whistle could be heard as large and small boats shuttled back and forth on the water. Merchant ships, some anchoring, some in the shore, the people ship a small number of ocean-going ships.

As soon as a merchant ship was docked, a large group of stevedores swarmed forward, set up a gangplank, and began to carry loads and bags of goods from the ship to the shore. Some people were bent over from the weight of the goods on their shoulders, finding it difficult to walk! Some carried goods on their shoulders, but they were able to run forward. The overseer wore a cold hat, was dressed in white, and carried a whip in his hand as he patrolled the area. He saw the laborer struggling to walk under the weight of the goods and urged him to do so. He even casually lashed out with his whip. The workers were tired and kept wiping off their sweat with towels.

When he looked back, he saw that not far from him, by the side of the road, there was a stall. The old man was wearing a long gown and a small cap. The old man spoke with confidence, and the woman panicked. Around them sat more than a dozen dockworkers, also chatting and laughing merrily. Farmer also moved closer, sitting to the side and listening to their jokes. After a short while, the workers who were unloading the boats came over and sat down and joked around. The more people there were, the more they laughed. Some talked about work, some made fun of each other, and some talked about business and politics.

There was a sturdy young man in his twenties who was so tired that he was sweating. He was the last to enter the crowd. He took off a towel from his waist and wiped the sweat off his face. He smiled and said to Mr. Divination, "Sir, please give me a divination to see how the fortune is. I will give you 10 copper coins."

The old man looked at him and said, "You gave us quite a bit of money. We meet every day, I don't think you need to worry about that. Save a few copper coins. If you are willing to work like this, don't say that you have a vast source of wealth, you will definitely be very proud of yourself in the future, your ambition will always be as great as ever, and you will soon reach great heights. As long as you are sincere and able to persevere, everything will be fine. You are born with a natural destiny, and you have the help of a noble. "

A young man at the side hurriedly said: "I don't know if this old gentleman is making it up or if he is just acting, but he is really good at it!" Brother Mi, you should be the one counting here to make more money. For these auspicious words, you should also give the old man 10 copper coins. Brother Mi is going to be rich, aren't we? "

Many people immediately agreed, "Yes, you're right!" Brother Mi, pay up! " The young man took out the money and handed it over with a smile on his face. However, the old man shook his head and refused. He said, "I'll give you a few words. I don't want money, I don't want money."

The young man was happy in his heart, but he still asked, "Sir, do you believe what you said? Is it true?" It was unknown whether the old man was deliberately flattering him or if it was true, but at the same time, he spoke with confidence, "Rest assured! Although your life is filled with countless calamities, having good luck is fated by the heavens. Seeing your expression, I can already see Mai Kaixin. "

When the youth heard this, he was overjoyed. "In this life, I do not seek to become an outstanding individual. I only wish to gather 2,000 yuan as soon as possible."

The old man shook his head and said, "You can't have that much money here with your strength. If you work here and earn money, you can only live with your money. "

One of the people at the side immediately scolded the old man: "You, sir, were right when you said it, but why are you saying it in such a shabby way? Why aren't you continuing to flatter me? Do you know what Brother Mi is doing with all this money? The patient in the garden was in love with him, and he wanted to help him. How can you be cold? Can't speak! "Just take it."

When the old man heard this, he truly regretted it and said, "So you did it for the sake of a lover. This old man has, this old man has!"

A mischievous young man said, "Brother Mi was so single-minded about his illness that he was about to go crazy. What do you mean, Brother Mi is even crazier? He wants to go to brothels every day. You should say: before the tenth day, you can fly an ocean. "

There were also people who were whispering to each other, "Brother Mi is good at everything, but he loves entering brothels." The brothels in Tianjin are about to let him go through them all, so he won't be able to save money. " Someone teased him, "Stop bullshitting. Brother Mi doesn't go to brothels every day, but he didn't go yesterday." The crowd burst into laughter.

The young man had difficulty speaking, but his laughter made him feel embarrassed. Some of them were a little older, but he knew something and got angry for the young man. He got up and said, "Keep some bitterness in your words and go home. Was he making fun of her in front of everyone? I explained for him that the two of them were originally husband and wife and had been separated. Brother Mi had to go through a lot to find his wife in the brothel. Whom would you do such a thing to? What's there to make fun of? "

Everyone immediately fell silent. That person said, "We have a lot of people here and we're all poor brothers. We should gather some money to help him out."

Many people immediately replied, "Not too many, it's easy to gather more people." If the salary is paid, we will each receive two pieces of oceanic support. " The sponsorship voices grew louder. The young man was moved to tears, bowing and saying: "Thank you, everyone! Thank you, everyone! My husband and wife have broken all ties and are relying on everyone to do so. "

Someone said, "Brother Mi, you don't have to be so polite. Give me your salary. I'll help you with that." The young man thanked him again.

As everyone was discussing when the boss of Daiwa Bank would be able to pay them, someone took the lead. Suddenly, everyone raised their heads and looked in front of them. Farmer also looked forward. Seeing that there was a car coming their way, a girl in gorgeous clothing got off the car. She walked for a few steps and stopped to look at the crowd. The girl had a slender figure, a rosy complexion, and a pretty face. When the naughty youth saw this, he pointed to the front and made a face. "Just as I was saying, the Sickie King has come looking for you."

Everyone glanced at him, but did not make a sound. That naughty girl looked carefully again, narrowed her eyes, and said in a low voice: "Aiya! This was too beautiful! No wonder Brother Mi couldn't bear to part with her. "

The older worker rolled his eyes and stopped being naughty. "That little mouth looks really good. I don't know how to get white on her body," he muttered. The young man with the family name Mi quickly walked out of the crowd and stepped forward.

"This young man must have been the one who was chased by the bodyguards the other night," thought Farmer to the two of them. If she can come from the brothel, why don't you run away with her? In this day and age, how can you afford to spend money to redeem someone? Where are you going to be reasonable in a lawsuit? You should have set up a plan to get her away. "

Fa Ming was secretly worried for the two of them. He couldn't wait to come up with an idea. It is: to see injustice full of anger, anxious to do chivalrous righteous people.

Farmer sat there watching the man and woman meet. At this time, the people sitting around them did not make a sound. They all wanted to hear the words of their love. Fa Ming was sitting on the edge of the crowd. He was the first to reach the water tower, so he wanted to understand their wishes.

Seeing the two of them getting closer, he wasn't shy nor was he shy. As there were many people around, it was inconvenient for the two of them to embrace and display their abilities to their heart's content. The two of them looked at each other, and the woman lowered her head to wipe away her tears. The man's tears flowed profusely. The man wiped away his tears. How did you get out? Are they letting me go? "

The woman's teary eyes said softly, "That night when you left, they pursued you relentlessly. I did not know that at the time. My sister told me this morning. I was worried that you would get beaten up, so I secretly gave a few Silver Coins to my bodyguards. They've all come with me. " The man said, "I won't eat this kind of loss. They caught up to me and I gave them some money. They had a negotiation with me, so I'm going back." I'm not being bothered. "

The woman said, "I can see that you haven't been there, so I keep thinking about it." The man said, "These few days, you have a lot of work to do, and it's late. I want to take this opportunity to make some money so that you can reunite with your family as soon as possible."

The woman took out a bag of some unknown items and gave it to the man. "Take it home and marry a girl who's better than me. Don't make things difficult for me again."

The man said in shock, "Why did you say that? My feelings for you will never change. "I don't hate you, and I don't blame you. I'm trying to get rid of you."

The woman shook her head and said, "Don't be silly, the boss is actually playing with you by asking you for so much ransom. You really gave him that money, no power, no redemption. You can make a few dollars by dying on the docks. You're too bitter for me. I can't stand it. "Listen to me."

Hearing that, the man advised her, "My body is sturdy, so you don't have to worry about me. With the help of my fellow workers, I can gather up those oceans. Just wait for me in peace. "

When the woman heard this, she was deeply moved and cried out, "Don't even dream about it. A broken flower like me isn't worth it for you to linger around. It was easy to live in the wind and dust, but hard to leave the wind and dust. You and I will not be able to go home and reunite in this life. " She had something to say, and was so aggrieved that she could not continue.

The man was stunned. "Why did you say that again? Why would I go through so much trouble to find you? These words of yours are like a steel knife that is about to sever our relationship. " The man cried.

The woman whimpered, "The bodyguard told me in secret that the boss sold me to the Japanese bank's boss, Taro Pinghiro, after seeing you pestering him. They had already agreed that they would pick him up in a few days. My life is in someone else's hands, what can I do? We were about to part again. I'm afraid it will be difficult to see you again in the future. " After he finished speaking, he threw himself onto the man's chest without a care. The workers turned their faces away, unable to look.