International Purple-White Plate


It was late at night when Rufeng told the story of the shoes and Yuan Ming. The four little Daoist people hadn't come back yet from the Jade Cloud Temple. "So the estrangement between you two master and disciple is not a great contradiction," he said to Rufeng. They were so eager to make money for you that they ended up in a stealer's boat and were plotted against by the stealers. You misunderstood them and blamed them too much. "When Yuan Ming and the four little Spiritual Masters come back, I will have him apologize and apologize to you. From now on, you and his disciples will make peace."

Ru Feng laughed. "A human is not a saint. It's not something that can be surpassed." As long as he knows his wrongs, he doesn't have to compensate me with any gifts. At that time, my master's words were too harsh, and he held too much of a responsibility towards them. I also have a problem with their education. "

"Yes, sir." Looking at the sky, he said, "The fourth young Daoist has already arrived at the Jade Cloud Temple. If they did not return tonight, they would definitely be able to bring Yuan Ming along with them. The two of you are about to meet. "

"I hope so," he replied with a smile. Farmer said, "If Yuan Ming is not coming back, Pu Xian will definitely have a way to bring him back. If necessary, they will carry him back. "Junior Apprentice Brother Ruo Feng can dispel his previous grudge and wait for Master and disciple to reunite with each other."

You Feng knew that Yuan Ming had a bad temper. He was worried and happy inside. Farmer continued, "I see that your disciple is a very good person. How much temper does he have like you? A man dares to barge into a mosque. If he was taught seriously for a few more years, a second person from the top of the mountain would be born alive again.

After a few banter, Ruifeng took out another photo and said, "This is the brother of the woman I saved in Japan. His name is Nobuyasu. Mr. Sun had asked for him. I didn't expect that the lives of these people would be short, and that they would have died long ago. " When the little Daoist heard that the person in the photo had lost an ear, he also went over to take a look. When he saw the person, he was shocked and said, "It's him? I know this person. " Then he said to Fa Ming, "Master, take a closer look." "He knew there was something wrong with that. He took the photo and looked at it closely. He was also surprised and did not say anything."

When Rufeng heard that the little Taoist knew the person in the photo, he couldn't believe it. He said, "How did you know the person in the photo? He was dead. When President Sun came to him that year, he heard from the Japanese Consul Feng Tian, how could this be false? You must be mistaken. " On the side, Farmer shook his head and said, "What the little Daoist said might be true."

When the young Daoist heard this, he could not help but feel gloomy. He said bitterly, "This man has been skinned, and I still recognize his bones. I think he's the fake monk that Master Farmer and I killed in the Devil's Lair in Liaodong. I often hear the old Taoist sneering and calling him Mr. Ono. He ruined those women in Liaodong. He is truly wicked and wicked! "

Farmer also said, "That fake monk is missing an ear and has good kung fu skills. I think that's the guy. They look very much alike. "

The little Daoist continued, "His swordsmanship and kung fu skills are very high. Aside from the old Daoist, no one else can beat him in the devil nest. None of those Japanese soldiers dared to provoke him. "

Everything in the world is so fair and unfair," he said. He did evil in China, he defiled our girls, and his sister was humiliated in Japan. "This is what is called the law of heaven, and what is called the law. What is good is good, and what is evil is evil is evil.

"I thought the Japanese were bullying people in China, and their own country must be very good," said Rufeng. The people are suffering, and they are not qualified to come to China to bully people. "

"These acts of aggression by Japan in North Korea and China were the result of a few ambitious individuals in their government holding power," he said. It is they who advocate expansion outwards. The ones who benefited from it were the few of them. Japanese people are also victims. When they wantonly expanded their aggression, it was unavoidable that they would go on a rampage against the people. They would inevitably cause families to have their wives and wives scattered and suffer excruciatingly. Since ancient times, forcing an invasion was not a long-term path. Once Japan failed, those ambitious people would inevitably suffer the consequences. "As long as it's a small island nation, how much power can it possibly have?"

Everyone followed suit and chatted for a while. "It's long past midnight, and the four young talents will not be coming back tonight," said the abbot. Let's rest. What happened in Japan wasn't the subject of our discussion. What was important was the case in the mosque. The police may come to us tomorrow. Get ready to deal with this lawsuit. " Everyone went to rest.

In the morning, after the monks had finished eating, the Fourth Young Daoist had not come back, and no police had come to look for him. The abbot called out to the little Daoist: "Go to your senior brother in the Guard Camp and find out what happened to the two murders in the city. Find out what attitude the police have towards the British. The police did not come to us, and I think there was some reason for it. "

The little Daoist nodded and said, "Don't worry, Master Fang. I will handle this." With that, he excitedly left.

"This little thing is very clever and adaptable. He will definitely be able to bring back all the information we need."

The Duty Monk entered the house again and said: "There is an outsider claiming to be Wang Yiping, and he brought a child with him. He requests an audience with the abbot." "Who is he?" How could I forget about him? "

He rose. "I know this man." He is a famous hero in Sichuan. He must have come to me. I'll fetch him in. "

Ruo Feng and the monk on duty hurried over to the entrance of the mountain. They saw a tall man in his forties. It was none other than Ru Feng's good friend, Wang Yiping. After a few words of pleasantries, Wang Yiping said, "I am here on behalf of General Cai Songpo and General Li Lijun. "I have something important to discuss with you, and would like to ask for your assistance. We will discuss it in detail."

Rufeng knew that General Cai and Li had something to tell them, so he brought Wang Yiping into his room, closed the door, and said, "There are no outsiders here, please speak." Wang Yiping sat down and said steadily: "Li Lijun sent me to help you, to kill Yuan Shikai as soon as possible and cooperate with the southern uprising. When I arrived, the two generals told me repeatedly. " He took out a letter written by Cai Songpo and handed it to Ru Feng. After reading the letter, the two men began to talk in detail.

It turned out that there was no problem to recruit troops and there was a serious shortage of arms when Li Liejun launched an uprising against Yuan in Kunming. As a result, Tang Jiyao and Lu Rongting, who are preparing to join the rebellion, are not strong enough. Both of them feared the great general Feng Guozhang, who was in charge of the heavy army, and Yuan Shikai, who was in command of Nanjing. Tang Jiyao holds a heavy army, Yunnan; Lu Rongting holds a heavy army, Guangxi. Without their support, the uprising would have been difficult to implement. Cai Li attached great importance to their words and deeds, and tried to keep their rebellious hearts as firm as possible so that they would not contradict each other.

During the discussion about the uprising, Tang Jiyao told Cai Songpo: "We are now able to participate in the uprising in all the combined forces, only to fight against Feng Guozhang's forces, there is no certainty that we will win. And the first thing we have to deal with are the areas controlled by the Feng Army; the first thing we have to fight are the troops of Feng Guozhang. In order to rebel, he had to first defeat Feng Guozhang's army. And Feng Guozhang had a million strong soldiers, a thousand war generals, and plenty of firearms. Ever since Yuan Shikai had brought his troops south, Feng Jun had been invincible, undefeated, and with high morale; the area under his control had been getting bigger and bigger. Feng Guozhang's status in Yuan Shikai's government is getting higher and higher. He was receiving more and more attention from Yuan Shikai. Compared with Feng Guozhang, we are short of troops and arms. If we go to war with it, there is no need to say who will eat who. If Feng Guozhang does not fight us quickly and deliberately for two or three months, we will be thrown into disarray by the lack of arms and food. If I want to defeat Feng Guozhang, I have a plan. He first sent people to assassinate Yuan Shikai, causing a situation where the government had no leader. Feng Guozhang must have fought for office in the government, and he must have fought on the front lines. He couldn't use both his heart and soul, but in the end, he couldn't use both. Feng Jun had to be the first to fall into disarray. We took the opportunity to launch an uprising and finish it quickly. Feng Jun can break it in one fell swoop. After breaking Feng Jun and receiving his arms supplies, the army then charged straight into Beijing. The restoration of a democratic republic is just around the corner. "

Cai Songpo thought it was an ingenious plan, and after the meeting he discussed it with Li Liejun alone. Li Liangjun said: "First get rid of Yuan Zui, I have thought about it. I have told the people of Ru Feng to kill him first, and I don't know why, but there was never any news of Yuan Zhai being stabbed to death. I expect because Yuan Shikai is heavily guarded, he can't do it alone. "Why don't we send another martial arts master to assist Ruo Feng."

Cai Songpo thought for a long time and then said, "It is not easy to find someone here who can cooperate with Rufeng. What should I do? "

Li Lijun said: "There are a lot of things in Sichuan that we need to go to. Why don't we go back to Famen Temple in Sichuan and tell the elders there that he must have a way to find the right person. Then we organized an uprising in Sichuan there. "

Cai Songpo agreed, and the two returned to the temple from Kunming in secret. When the two of them saw an elder of the Buddhist temple, they informed him of their intention to assassinate Yuan Shikai. The elder thought for a moment and then said to the two of them, "To do such a thing, only Wang Yiping can do it. Not only was he skilled in all sorts of martial arts, he was also a friend of Ru Feng. If we get his help, we will definitely succeed in assassinating Yuan Zui. " Li Liejun said: "I ask for Elder's help, please invite Hero Wang to come quickly."

The Elder immediately nodded in agreement, and in a few days, he had sent someone to invite Wang Yiping. Elder Tsai and Li praised, "Hero Wang is a well-known figure in Sichuan. His achievements are well-known throughout the country, and he has always treated people with sincerity and justice. If there is anything you two generals need, just tell him. "He came to Beijing to work with Rufeng and get rid of Yuan Zhe before the tenth day."

Seeing Wang Yiping, both Cai Li and Feng Jianxue looked at him with respect. The two secretly instructed Wang Yiping and wrote a letter for him to bring. Only then did Wang Yiping arrive at the Temple of National Protection in Beijing.

As for Rufeng, he said to Wang Yiping: "I think the plan to assassinate Yuan Zhai is inappropriate. The consequences of killing Yuan Thief were unimaginable. With the death of Yuan Zhe, the country would definitely be torn apart. The war for power and power was a chaotic one for the warlords. With foreigners involved, it would be difficult to unify. At that time, when we rebelled, we didn't even know who we should fight against. Intifada will also deliberately think of the difficulty of infidelity. I don't think we can do such a stupid thing. If I was sincere enough to kill Yuan Shikai, I would have killed a few of them. That day, Yuan Shikai and I walked across each other when we were robbing treasures in the Great White Tower. At that time, killing him was as easy as lifting a finger. "

Wang Yiping said, "The reason the general sent me was to assist you, so I followed your instructions. If you want me to kill Yuan Shikai, I can kill him tonight. I'm a military man, and I don't think as much as you do. "

"That day, I robbed Yuan Shikai's treasure, and I gave it to him so he wouldn't know his name," said Rufeng. It would be better to interrupt his beautiful affairs than to kill him. "

Wang Yiping said, "This matter has a great impact on the general's actions. You have to think it over before you make a final decision. I have been entrusted with the service of others. You and I should not have failed the general. "

"Right now, Yuan Shikai is secretly directing a group of people to advocate that China is suitable for the imperial system, and he is going to change his name to Emperor," said Rufeng. Let us first find out his background and report it to the General, so that the two Generals may expose his plot to restore the Republic to the Chinese people in time. This way, they would definitely call upon the knowledgeable among the common people, setting off an anti-Yuan orgasm. This was more advantageous than killing Yuan Shikai. As soon as the anti-climax came, we started an uprising. "In the future, we should capture Yuan Shikai's crime of selling his country and stealing it from us, and chase after him relentlessly. It would be best if we could get the people and wise people to join the rebellion."