International Purple-White Plate


After a long while, one of the servants came back and said, "The false priest said that he doesn't have much goods, and that three men are enough to escort him." Yuan Ming got up and said, "Since that's the case, the three of us will head out now. The money earned is more or less the same for everyone. "

Love Mountain smiled and said: "With your words, I know that you are a good friend." If you earn money, we won't take a single cent. "

Lianjiang said, "With those foreign devils, there will be plenty of opportunities to earn money. This money can be used as a promise for the three of you to warm your hands, then there will be more money in the future. " The evil slave that contacted them first took the three of them to the church.

When the three of them arrived at the church and saw the false priest, Lee Yanyi urged, "Mr. Priest, are your goods ready? We hope to leave as soon as possible. "

The priest shook his head, "No, no, no, don't be anxious." I've got some more to do. We can only set out at night. " The three of them had to sit in the church until nightfall.

It turned out that the false priest was also aware of the tight ban on opium imposed by the Government of the Republic. During the day, he did not dare to set off for the expedition and was afraid that the police would find out that he had been confiscated. Opium dealers in life had urged him to do so several times, and he had not dared to send them because he could not find a reliable escort. He let Love Stones send people, Love Stones want 1500 yuan from him. They never settled on it. He was very happy that the false priest had recommended the three to him.

It was getting dark. The priest then ordered his men to pack all the opium into a jar, pack it up and put it into a camouflage, put it in a carriage and covered it with a lid. He then went back to his room and said to Yuan Ming and Lee Yanyi, "Now I have the goods ready. You can leave now. When you get there, go to Mr. Liu Mingzhi, the police chief, and hand the goods over to him. If you arrive safely and the goods are handed over, I will give you six hundred ocean dollars. "I will keep my word."

The three men were delighted that they had earned six hundred dollars the first time they had heard of it. He then took out a piece of paper and wrote an agreement, "The goods will be delivered to your life as scheduled, and the employer will accuse the priest of paying you six hundred ocean. Once the goods are lost on the way, the escort team Yuan Ming, Li Yan, and Li Qian will compensate the employer for all the losses. Li Yanming signed the contract and made a pledge. The three of them came out of the house, looked at the tightly wrapped truck, and happily escorted it on its way.

The van left the church, crossed Royal Street, and went through the south gate. It was a very smooth ride, without encountering a single policeman. After exiting the city, the three of them felt relaxed and happy. Yuan Ming urged the coachman to ride his horse and drive straight to the stadium. Soon, they arrived at a field. It was pitch black in all directions, and there were bushes by the side of the road. As the three of them were escorting the carriage, thirty to twenty people suddenly appeared in front of them and blocked their path.

The three of them were shocked. Someone in front of him asked, "What are you doing?" Yuan Ming, Lee Yanyi and Li Qian all jumped off the car and looked ahead. In the darkness, he saw a large group of people coming to surround the car.

Lee Yanyi thought it was someone from the underworld and said loudly, "We are local people and we are here to deliver goods for others." "Please make way for us. Everyone has their money, so let's all get in the way." Someone said, "No! Only after seeing the goods can we let them go. " After he finished speaking, everyone gathered together, wanting to dismantle the car and look at the goods.

Yuan Ming and Lee Yanyi quickly stopped him and said, "The goods on the car are for sale. They can't stand looking around. Once the goods are damaged, we can't afford it. Please forgive me. " The leader of the group said, "We specialize in the interdiction of opium, the interdiction of private goods. We're just tearing the car down and checking. We don't damage the goods. "

Then he shouted, "Open it! Who would dare to stop them?! " The men at once untied the ropes, pulled down the lids of the lids, and removed the jars. Shine the light to see the opium inside. The leader took out his gun and said, "Trafficking in opium. "Tie him up for me!" Yuan Ming, Lee Yanyi and Li Qian were all shocked.

The men took out ropes and tied the three of them. Yuan Ming was quick-witted and shouted, "Run!" The three of them were caught off guard. They knocked down a few people and fled for their lives. Only then did the people shout out, "All of you, stop! We are the police! If you run any further, I'll shoot you! "

Knowing that they were tricked, the trio were so scared that they didn't even dare to look back as they ran around randomly in the bushes. The policemen then shouted and fired as they chased. Thanks to the cover of the night, the trees, and the grass, the three of them ran away. The coachman tried to take the opportunity to drive away, but the carriage wouldn't budge in the slightest. Two policemen had already pulled on the reins. The policeman went up to the coachman and slapped him a few times, saying, "You have long been reported to have colluded with the foreigners to smuggle opium. Do you still want to escape!? "

The coachman was securely bound. So this was what he had done, he had sent someone to report it to the police. He wanted to put Yuan Ming, Lee Yanyi and Li Qian to death.

Yuan Ming, Lee Yanyi and Lee Yanyi were still feeling anxious and anxious the next day, when they fled back to the Temple of State. Yuan Ming's shoes were all scratched. One of them had a cut, while the other was about to fall off. The three of them were afraid that others would find out about what they were doing, so they started practicing the quincuncial piles as if nothing had happened. Because he didn't meet any friends, Rufeng also returned to the Temple of National Reporting in advance. He was very happy to see that the three of them were still practicing. Taking a closer look, he saw Li Qian was a little distracted, so he stepped forward to give her a few words of guidance. Seeing that Yuan Ming's shoes were broken again, he shouted, "How did you break your shoes like this? "Why not?"

Yuan Ming stuttered, "It was cut by accident. No shoes to change. "

Seeing that his shoes couldn't be worn anymore, Ru Feng looked at his feet, led him back into the house, took out the pair of shoes sent by Gardenia in Japan, and said, "You can try wearing these shoes."

Yuan Ming threw away his old shoes, put on his new shoes and walked on the ground for a while before happily saying, "Master, I don't think these shoes are suitable for me." "It was given to me by someone else," he replied. There is embroidery on it, so it is not suitable for me to wear. You're old enough to wear it. This shoe is for you. "Don't miss the practice." Yuan Ming rejoiced and thanked Ru Feng. Master and disciple returned to the training grounds.

The four of them were practicing martial arts when a monk ran up to them and said, "Master Ruo Feng, it's bad!" There's a group of armed police in front, they're here to arrest your disciple. Your three disciples helped the foreign devils with opium last night. Said they hurt some cops. The abbot is in front of us, dealing with the police. " "What's going on?" Li Qian did not dare to hide it from Ru Feng.

Angry, Rufeng asked the three of them, "Don't you know that the British have already harmed us with opium? Because of opium, a country in good shape was torn apart by foreign devils, paid for and lost its sovereignty. This is a national grudge, this is a national humiliation, how could you have forgotten! Now that our country has just improved, the foreign devils will do the same thing again! You actually helped a foreign devil in this business, you have become a scum of the nation overnight! Have you lost your ethos completely, or are you Chinese? They were all animals! I want to break your legs! " When the other monks heard about the teaching of Rufeng, they all ran over to persuade him. Lee Yanyi and Li Qian both ran away in fright.

It turned out that the police had taken the driver and the opium driver back to the police station last night and interrogated them all through the night. The escort were Yuan Ming, Li Yan, and Li Qian. The three of them were from the National Reporting Temple. The police arrested the false priest in the middle of the night, and the next day, the police came to arrest Yuan Ming, Lee Yanyi and Lee Yanyi on horseback.

When the abbot heard the police talk about the three men's crimes, he was also secretly shocked. He calmly said, "You found the wrong temple. Yuan Ming, Lee Yanyi, and Li Qian are not people from this temple. There are no female cultivators in this temple. If you don't believe me, please read the book. " He took out the book and showed it to the police. As expected, the police didn't have three names on their books. They all suspected that the coachman's confession was false, so they all mounted their horses and went back to interrogate the coachman.

The abbot hurried to the back to discuss the method with Rufeng, and saw that he was still shouting for the disciples to be reprimanded. "Stop talking." The police let me go for a while. "Hurry up and think of a way."

"Hand them over to the police and punish them for their crimes!"

"You beat up the police and helped the foreigners, and I can see that you're angry," he said to Yuan Ming, who was kneeling at the side. As long as you are meditating in the Buddhist Sangha and do not understand the affairs of the world, you will have the authority to forgive this time. Go out and hide! "

"We can't let him go!" The police must be the ones to punish us. " In a dilemma, Reverend Fang asked Yuan Ming, "Why aren't you apologizing to Master and begging for forgiveness?" Yuan Ming repeatedly kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"For the sake of our abbot, all of you better scram!" Don't come back to see me in the future! I also don't want to see these three scum who have lost their national pride to bully their teacher to exterminate their ancestors! "

Yuan Ming kneeled on the ground motionlessly as he deeply regretted in his heart. He really wanted the forgiveness of Rufeng. He wanted to continue learning martial arts from him. Seeing that he was not moving, Ruo Feng became even angrier. "Animal!" Are you still trying to piss me off? From now on, we have no relationship as master and disciple, and I will never teach you martial arts, never letting you see me again! Otherwise, I will break your legs! " The more he spoke, the angrier he got.

"You go ahead and hide, I'll help you get through slowly," he reminded Yuan Ming. Once your master has calmed down, you can practice martial arts with him. " I will never teach this beast martial arts. Today he had helped the British, learned his skills, and tomorrow he would help the Japanese. I have seen through him. I have forgotten about benefits and am inferior to a beast! "

Yuan Ming was annoyed by the scolding and thought to himself, "Since you've scolded me like this and hated me so much, I will not forgive you. You have really lost your master's and disciple's relationship." Then I will break off all ties with you! Watch me steal your treasure, The Sect Leader's Secret Decree. Your martial arts are taught by that teacher. "Three years later, I've learnt it. I can surpass you!"

Yuan Ming made up his mind and took advantage of the time when the abbot was conversing with Rufeng to return to his room, opening Rufeng's package, taking out the book《 Sect Leader's secret edict》, taking the money from Rufeng as well as a pair of old shoes left behind by Lee Yanyi and wrapping them up in his bag. It was true: Master hated the disciple for not being able to meet his expectations. Disciple was frustrated from being scolded by Master.