International Purple-White Plate


They went up the river bank after chasing after him for about five to six miles, looking around. There was only a vast expanse of water rolling in, but Shao Deguang's boat was nowhere to be seen. At this time, Shao Deguang had already chased them for more than five kilometers.

After they had chased for a distance, the King Lu gathered more people and said, "You locals are familiar with the villages and roads here. I expect the Rangers to abandon the ship and land. " Hua Zhenjun agreed with King Lu's words and immediately gathered some manpower to guard the village entrance and the other major roads to the village.

"Don't worry King Lu. Don't you see that the prodigal has fled. It will be difficult for them to escape the boundaries of my Xuzhou. When the sun shines, they will have nowhere to hide. " Hua Zhenjun also sent people to gather more troops to increase the blockade, but there was no need to talk about that.

King Lu, the Second and Third Hero gathered together and said to Pu Xian: "Let's go back to the shop to check on the reason. If Master Ru Feng is not in the shop and no one takes care of him, he would be anxious. I wonder if his wounds have been bandaged. " The group left the riverbank and came back.

As for Ru Feng, he came out from the same building and walked far away, where there were no large groups of police officers. Ru Feng thought: "It's not Pu Xian's fault, they are really unreliable. He was just about to arrive, so he wasn't here yet. Could it be that they are lying to me? "

Ru Feng wanted to return and ignore the police, but he was worried that they would come here and say that he was lying. Ru Feng hesitated for a moment, then said in his heart: "I have never done anything without credibility, I should explain it to the police before coming back." A little further on, almost to the police station, he heard the sounds of a procession moving ahead. Ru Feng thought: "You aren't lying to me!" Zhang Xuan hurriedly stepped forward to welcome him.

It turned out that the second time Ru Feng came out of the Bureau was really settled by the Deputy Chief. He thought that Officer Long must have been unhappy and sleeping after being scolded that day. When he reached the door of Chief Officer Long's house, he saw that it was locked tight. He went to look for the head of the class again. As soon as he entered the room, he saw Chief Officer Long sitting with three policemen, smoking and playing cards. The four of them were too focused on playing that they didn't know he was coming.

The deputy director patiently looked around the room and said, "If there's an emergency, you guys hurry up and pack up. Gather a team to go with Pei-Lou to arrest them." Three people stopped playing, while the other one knew about it beforehand. He did not panic. He lit a cigarette for the Deputy Chief and deliberately asked, "Who are you going to capture there?"

The Vice Bureau Chief said: "A group of people who were involved in the assassination attempt on the General Feng Guozhang escaped back with Xuzhou. Now they were hiding in the same building. Just now, I received reliable information. "If we want to seize this group of people and send them to Nanjing, then the chance to be rewarded has come!"

The policeman said, "I know about them. They are a group of Japanese rogues, and are preparing to go to Shandong, to pass by us. During the day, they were all on the same side as the other three. In the evening, Shao Deguang gathered many people and even invited some Wulin Master s in preparation to take revenge for their actions during the day. Our Ah Sheng and Ah Cheng, who were sworn brothers with Shao Deguang, also participated. There's no need for us to do anything, none of them will be able to survive. We can also be rewarded for picking up the bodies and shipping them to Nanjing in the morning. " The three others also praised him, "That's a good idea."

The deputy director thought about it and said, "It's not right. It was impossible to go in the morning. We'll put off going for a while and let them fight, and then it'll be more advantageous for us to take the living to Nanjing in the name of maintaining law and order. There is someone called Yama Takashi in this group, we especially want to capture him alive. He is the murderer of the Elder Feng Commander. "

He sat down and smoked. The four of them played a circle of cards before gathering the team.

Ru Feng walked up to Chief Officer Long and said, "Sir, it's bad luck. You came too late. Just now, Shao Deguang's men had surrounded them and killed them. Shao Deguang brought his people to chase after them again. I wonder what the result will be. "

Officer Long replied, "Thank you, Master, for delivering the letter." I know everything. " Then he mounted the horse, urged the procession, and came to examine the body with Perseus without mentioning it.

Ru Feng returned to the shop, feeling happy while waiting for Pu Xian and the little monk to return. He thought to himself: "Shao Deguang's group of youths are really strong, they stole my lead. With Pu Xian helping them, these group of lackeys would not be able to survive. Even if someone fled to Shandong Province, they wouldn't be able to become a marquis of the atmosphere. I really didn't think that there would be someone other than us who would take the initiative to fight against an enemy. "It seems like our Chinese children all have a national spirit. They are not the kind of people who are willing to be bullied."

Ru Feng was anxiously waiting when he saw the little monk was brought back. Ru Feng was surprised, and quickly took it. The youth said, "Master, his arm is injured." After saying that, he hurriedly took his leave. The young monk groaned in pain.

Ru Feng looked at his arm and saw that a bullet had pierced through his brachial muscles and exited out. It did not hurt his bones. Ru Feng found some hot water to wash off the blood. The little monk was in so much pain that he grimaced and said, "This damned devil, he didn't hit his hair, but just hit this place." My arm feels like it's going to fall off. "

Ru Feng laughed: "Don't be afraid of the blade and avoid the sword, it is normal to be injured in battle. Humans were a world of strife. If you were timid, you were incompetent. You had to be bullied. It is a glorious death for the nation. I'll bandage it up and it won't hurt anymore. "

The young monk was greatly encouraged. With a glare of his eyes, he became resolute and hurriedly said, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt! The bullets from Japanese enemies are boring. " Ru Feng was very happy to see him acting so funny. She took out a pill from her body, opened it and stuffed it into the little monk's wound, then helped him wrap it up with a cloth band.

Soon, the little monk said, "Senior Brother, it really doesn't hurt here anymore."

Ru Feng patted him and said, "You must be stronger in the future, don't become a person who lusts for pleasure. For the sake of the nation, there must be heroism. "We have the spirit of struggle, the ability of our nation and nation to thrive and not to be bullied by others."

The little monk opened his eyes wide and said, "Senior Brother, I will be respectful and engrave my heart. Today was the first time I was injured, so I was a little flustered. The next time I lose my head, I promise not to make a sound. "

Ru Feng then asked him: How did you two participate in this battle?

The little monk said, "When the two of us got there, we saw that there was a fight going on in the courtyard. When he got closer, he saw that Shao Deguang and his subordinates were fighting with the lackey.

Pu Xian said, "That's great! Shao Deguang brought people to take revenge on them. We'll help out in the past. " He drew his sword and rushed forward. In a few moves, he had already killed a pervert. When the people saw that I was also carrying a sword, none of them came over. I held my sword tightly and prepared to help Pu Xian. "I don't want to. Those waves of people aren't allowed to fight, they always want to run away." Then he really ran over the wall. Pu Xian, I, and the others chased him all the way to the riverbank. Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi turned around and shot, and I was injured. I don't know what will happen in the future. "

Ru Feng encouraged him. "You're very brave, quickly lie down and rest. I'll go out and see Pu Xian."

The little monk said, "Senior Brother, you don't have to go. They had chased him too far. Don't look at the guns in Yama Takashi and the rest's hands, they should be caught by now. King Lu and the rest are also among them. "

Ru Feng said: "You are a treasure of the Open Seal, and Pu Xian is a treasure of the State Protecting Temple of Beijing, the darling of Reverend. I was the one who brought him out, how can I sit? "

The young monk said, "He's even more of a pride level expert than me in the temple?"

Ru Feng laughed: "You guys are about the same."

The young monk said, "I can't remember chasing after him to that place. If no one tells you, how do you think we should go find him?"

Ru Feng said: "You can rest assured. I have my ways. "

Ru Feng walked out of his room. Not far from his house, he heard a group of people conversing. "These devils, if they are not completely destroyed, there will only be a few left."

Another person said: "If it wasn't for Shao Deguang neglecting the boat, none of them would have escaped." So it was Pu Xian and King Lu who had returned. Ru Feng heard Pu Xian's voice and waited there.

When they got closer, Pu Xian saw that Ru Feng had welcomed them and introduced them to everyone. King Lu and Ru Feng were acquainted.

The chivalrous hero said, "I heard during the day that the Grand Master used his ultimate technique at the train station to cripple a ferocious vagabond. We were all very satisfied. When we heard that you had been taken away, we were all worried about you. We were just about to rescue you when we learned that you had become a guest of the Commissioner. "

Ru Feng said: "Thank you everyone for worrying about me. In fact, I never fawn over officials. When I saved Feng Guozhang at Open Seal, he was so happy that he gave me two protective talismans, so he used them today. "

When they arrived at the inn, King Lu first went to see the little monk. Seeing that the bandages on his wounds had been healed, he asked: "Is it still painful?"

The little monk said, "It doesn't hurt anymore. Senior Brother Ru Feng helped me apply the medicine, the medicine is really effective. "Noble Hero, don't worry. My injuries will be fine."

Everyone sat down, and Ru Feng said to the chivalrous hero: "I heard Destiny Tong say that the chivalrous hero participated in this matter while in Open Seal, I haven't seen you since. How did you participate in tonight's battle?"

King Lu said: "To be honest, the masterminds for this battle are the three of us. When we were in Open Seal, we got to know from the prostitutes that Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi were going to bring this group of lackeys back to Shandong and use them to commit murder in Shandong. I decided to eliminate this group of lackeys at Xuzhou. When the three of us arrived at Xuzhou, we wrote an invitation card and made people ride their horses and invite the Wulin Master in. Most of the Wulin Master who participated in the battle tonight were invited by us. Tonight's battle was not ideal. Empyrean Transmogrification and I had overestimated the prodigal race. We hadn't expected them to run away at the last moment. I only thought that they would be tenacious enough to fight us to the end. Therefore, the manpower of the people stationed outside was weak. They were all local youths. None of their martial arts is a match for a wanderer. If Pu Xian did not arrive in time, even more people would have escaped. " Ru Feng felt even more respect for the Three Heroes.

The King Lu told the entire process of the battle to Ru Feng and the little monk. Everyone felt a wave of joy in their hearts. Pu Xian began to know the reason why the three Masters had not revealed themselves.

Pu Xian said: "I've heard news about the three great warriors from the Immeasurable Temple. Master Hua said that you guys are busy, but I still can't guess what you guys are busy with. "

The King Lu said: "When we met the Lord of Fate, we caught him and made an appointment with him. He had not been told at the time that he was going to destroy the Rangers. We were afraid that if we let the news leak out beforehand, we would scare the refugees away. "

After a long discussion, the chivalrous hero said, "This incident has caused a storm in the city. At dawn, when Chief Suo went to work, he had to maintain law and order and arrest people everywhere. First, he has to arrest us outsiders. If we were captured by him, even if we didn't punish him, we would still be required to pay five hundred yuan for our ransom. I don't have the money for him. He wants fifty dollars, and neither do I. Things are always done by humans, things are always done by the heavens. We have to leave the Xuzhou before the sun shines. "

Ru Feng said: "The chivalrous hero is right, let's go together."

The chivalrous hero smiled and said, "You don't have to be afraid of having a protective talisman. You can sleep soundly until the sun rises. Then, you can leave in a relaxed manner."

Pu Xian said: "We will also leave. It was better to just leave. I request the three chivalrous men to bring Yun Che back to the Open Seal. " The chivalrous hero readily agreed.