International Purple-White Plate


Because of the heat of the day, the body of fat only, hot beyond control, from time to time out for a drive. He was wearing a pair of underpants, and his upper body was bare. He had just entered the house to hug the prostitute for a while before he came out to pee again. He suddenly saw the King Lu approaching him with a sword in his hand. He was shocked. Knowing that the situation was not good, he was not afraid at all. He angrily rushed forward. He thought that King Lu was one person and wanted to grab him with his bare hands.

Suddenly, he saw the Second and Third Hero appearing behind the King Lu, and there were more and more people. Fatty was flustered. He took a few steps back and shouted, "The enemy is here!" Unfortunately, no one could hear the singing and dancing in the rooms. Seeing him scream in panic, the King Lu stepped forward and thrusted his sword forward.

Fat One was unarmed. He flashed to the wall, took off the broom that was hanging there, and swung it wildly to ward off the hero's sword. The Cold Light monk angrily rushed forward, his sword stabbing into Fatty's groin.

When the waves in the room heard the noise, they immediately stopped singing and dancing, and all of them rushed out of the houses. The experts of the various families began a fierce battle with the Prodigy Tower's upper and lower floors.

Yama Takashi, Tabata Takashi saw that there were a lot of people, and anxiously shouted: "Block it for me! They're all shipbuilders, not really. " Prostitutes, random people, etc. also screamed in panic, looking for a way out. Some hid under the table under the bed. Those waves, no matter who, cut down the Chinese whenever they saw them, each one very fierce.

The experts each caught one of the wavemen and began to fight. The horde of people were being slaughtered by the Daoist Master, Hierarch Guangfa, He Lihai, Master Tuotuo, Monk Cold Light, Three Heroes, Master Shifu and Lord Destiny. They were fleeing in all directions, and everywhere they went was a mess. They were in a very sorry state.

It frightened Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi, and they shouted continuously: "Retreat! "Quickly retreat!" The two hurriedly entered the house and prepared to jump off the building to escape. King Lu led Leng Guang and Tuo, and then rushed into the house to capture them.

Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi jumped out of the window and escaped. The Tuo took a step forward and almost slashed at Yama Takashi. Just as he was about to jump out the window to give chase, three more wave people came in and tried to jump out as well.

The chivalrous hero shouted, "Quick, intercept them!" Tuo Meng turned around and saw that he blocked the window.

King Lu, Gleam and Tuotuo trapped the three trolls inside the house. The three of them wanted to jump out of the window and escape, but each of them brandished their swords and fiercely hacked down. They fought with the chivalrous hero, Leng Han, and Tuotuo.

These waves had never suffered a great loss before, nor had they experienced such a powerful battle formation today. All of them began to panic. Taking advantage of the fight between Leng Ning and Lu Jianping, Tuotuo stabbed one of them in the back. When the two saw that they were being attacked from both sides, they became even more afraid. A pervert quickly flipped over the bed to block Tuo.

In that moment, King Lu stabbed another person. Han Shanyue turned back to face the remaining Brawlers. This fellow leaped onto the bed, and with a look of superiority, he swung his sword to block the blow.

Tuo Duo saw that the woman who was hiding under the bed had been exposed and was curled up on the ground, blocking his way. Tuotuo reached out and grabbed her, sending her out the door. The cold light seized the opportunity to flip the bed over, causing the lackey to stumble over, as the King Lu struck him. The three of them once again went out of their rooms to fight. At this moment, the sound of internal and external killing was heard.

Moreover, outside, Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi had just landed on the ground and were surrounded by Shao Deguang and the others, who were guarding outside. Tabata Takashi panicked, and ran for his life. He was stopped again by the angry boatman.

Yama Takashi unleashed all his martial arts to protect Tabata Takashi from fighting against the three of them. Just as Yama Takashi was in a crisis, another two vagabonds jumped out. Shao Deguang and his subordinates tried to intercept them again. Outside the house, in front of and behind the house, there was a fierce battle going on. The clashing of swords and sabers was deafening.

Two lackeys stabbed through two of the boat youths, saving Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi, who had just gained the upper hand and was trying to escape. Just then, Pu Xian and the little monk came over. Seeing that Shao Deguang and the rest were fighting with the pagans, Pu Xian immediately took out his sword and fought.

Pu Xian swung his sword to stab a sloppy-looking person. Then, he saw Yama Takashi and turned to run towards him. Yama Takashi quickly responded, and Pu Xian's sword pierced into his right arm. Yama Takashi ignored the pain and leaped backwards, thrusting his sword at Pu Xian in anger.

Just then, another man rushed towards Shao Deguang to kill him. He turned around and stabbed Pu Xian in the back. Meng Mei rushed over and shouted, "Watch my sword!" With a leap, he stabbed towards the horde of horsemen. Soon after, the four heroines arrived.

The four of them surrounded the lackey and began to stab him. The waves could not resist anymore and jumped out of the encirclement. Just as they were about to escape to the back, they were stopped by Pu Xian. At this moment, another pervert came running over. He was extremely powerful. He was fighting against four female Knights.

Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi were about to escape on the top of the wall. Pu Xian leaped up and stretched out his hand to grab Tabata Takashi, but was pulled down by Yama Takashi who was outside the wall. Pu Xian only grabbed a piece of Tabata Takashi's clothes. He leaped over the wall in pursuit.

Just as Pu Xian's feet landed on the ground, he was stopped by two newbies standing outside the wall. Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi took the chance to flee in panic. Pu Xian was busy fighting the two of them, Monk Cold Light, Tuotuo, Zhi Zun, Sky Sovereign Guangfa and Shao Deguang had also rushed over.

Seeing that there were a lot of people, the two scarecrows threw Pu Xian down, and with a feint, they ran. Pu Xian caught up from behind, and urgently struck out with his sword, piercing into someone, causing everyone to follow closely behind.

At this time, the battle in the building had already ended. There were still two of the most powerful people in the yard. They were surrounded by the Second and the Three Heroes and were in the middle of an intense battle. Seeing that the two could not escape, King Lu brought a few people to chase them and leave the hospital. At this time, he did not know how many Waves had run. He urged them as he ran: "Quickly chase them! Not a single one of them can escape. " The Xuzhou youth was familiar with the route, and all of them rushed forward enthusiastically.

Yama Takashi, Tabata Takashi and the prodigal Matsui were chased to the point that they had no choice but to flee in panic. Very quickly, they were caught by Shao Deguang and his men. Everyone shouted out, "Where are you running to!"

They scared Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi so much that they hurriedly opened fire to stop them, injured two of the crew, and ran away. Shao Deguang was so angry that he brought his men to chase closely after her. After running for a distance, the crowd began to surround them from the back. Yama Takashi, Tabata Takashi, Matsui were chased to the riverside.

Not long after, Pu Xian, Li La Nun, Tuo Tuo and the rest caught up to Yama Takashi, Matsui and his group. Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi then anxiously shot their arrows to the back. Seeing Yama Takashi right in front of him, ignoring the danger to his own body, Pu Xian flew into a rage and pounced forward to kill. They scared Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi so much that they wiped their bodies and ran.

The lackey, Matsui, was also enraged as he waved his sword to fight Pu Xian. He had only exchanged a few blows before he realized that there were many people chasing after him. He didn't dare to keep fighting, so he quickly made a feint and ran again.

Pu Xian chased closely, and reached out with his sword to stab the lackey's back. The horde leader panicked as if he had not been stabbed. He ran like his life depended on it. Seeing that they were following closely behind, Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi turned and shot at Pu Xian. Seeing the two of them twisting and turning, Pu Xian knew that he had to shoot, and flew out quickly. Unexpectedly, the bullet hit the little monk who was behind Pu Xian.

The little monk rolled on the ground and shouted: "Pu Xian! I was hit, it hurts so bad! "

Pu Xian did not know that he was still behind her, and anxiously recalled. Yama Takashi and Tabata Takashi took the chance and ran again. Seeing the little monk rolling on the ground, Pu Xian did not know the severity of his injuries, and thought: "This is bad! How could I let him get shot, this hateful vagabond! " He hurried over to help the young monk take a look. At this time, King Lu and Huanzheng Jun also brought their men over.

Pu Xian quickly changed into a monarch and said, "Master, my little monk is injured. "Quick, take a look." When he looked closer, he found that a bullet had hit Ye Tong's right arm, but it was not a bone wound.

Huizhi said, "He came in a hurry. I didn't bring any medicine. Send him back to bandage his wounds." He then distributed the items to the young crew member beside him, "Quick, take him back." The young man carried the young monk on his back and ran back. Pu Xian and the others continued to chase after him.

They continued their chase until they reached the river bank. Someone shouted: "All of you gather here, Yama Takashi has entered the forest! There's a big river in front of us blocking our way, and we've surrounded the forest, so they won't be able to get away. " When Pu Xian and the others got closer, they saw that it was a pitch black alvar. Yama Takashi, Tabata Takashi and the sloppy-looking man had long went inside the cave. Shao Deguang said to everyone: "This forest is not big, and there are no people hidden here. We surrounded it on three sides and went inside. None of them will be able to escape. " They pulled apart the distance and surrounded the forest. King Lu and Shao Deguang brought their men to search inside.

Pu Xian thought: "In the dark, this place is easy to hide from, hard to find. We have to use the method of alerting the snake to its danger in order to catch them. " Forget it, Pu Xian took out his sword and went deeper into the forest. That's right: he only cared about the dense forest and trees, he did not want to escape Yama Takashi on the water.

Pu Xian entered deep into the forest and saw that the grass and trees there were all kinds of things mixed in, all of them were completely dark, and there were no people everywhere. King Lu, Shao Deguang and the rest were shouting, slashing the swords and cutting the vegetation. Pu Xian swept his sword across the vegetation as he continued his search.

Before long, everyone met in the middle. No one could find any trace of the pervert.

King Lu thought for a bit, then reminded Shao Deguang: "Watch your boat, don't let the waves steal it. "Let's go through it again." Only then did Shao Deguang remember that there was another row of boats by the river. He called out to his companions, "The chivalrous hero is right. Take someone to see our boat. " The crew hurriedly led the two out of the forest and to the river. The King Lu called for everyone to start searching.

They were raiding the forest, shouting to search, when they heard the people on the riverside scream in panic, "Not good! Someone come quickly! We have one ship missing. " Everyone stopped searching and ran towards the river.

It turned out that Shan Qi, Duo Ha, and Song Chuan saw that the river in front of them was blocking their way, so they didn't dare to stop. The three of them rushed out of the jungle, intending to swim across the river to their deaths. When the three of them reached the river, they saw the surging waves and the roaring waves. He couldn't see the other side. The three of them were panicking when they suddenly saw a boat not far away. They hurriedly ran over.

Yama Takashi said happily, "There is no such thing as a dead end for the heavens! The three of them jumped onto a boat, Yama Takashi used his sword to cut the rope, Matsui shook the boat and escaped down the river.

The group rushed to the river bank, but no one knew in which direction the wavemen had fled. Shao Deguang immediately assigned his subordinates, and went on a boat ride to catch up with them. Shao Deguang brought his group down the river, and chased after Yama Takashi. Everyone was filled with regret. King Lu said, "The cooked duck has flown away again."

He calmly analyzed the situation and continued, "Since the time we got on the ship, the wave men have been following us from the front and back. If they escape by the water, they will be overtaken. A rogue is cunning, he should be able to analyze it. We have to prevent them from abandoning the ship on the way out. I predicted that they would not be able to escape and would not be able to go against the current. They must have gone with the flow. We must split up again and pursue along the banks. "Then we'll have a chance of catching them." Some people immediately went aboard the boats to row to the other side, while the King Lu and his men followed along the shore to chase after them.