International Purple-White Plate


Not too long after, Jiang Jiao Long led the eighty soldiers on a run and arrived first. Jiang Jiao Long was also very domineering. He walked up to the soldiers and shouted, "Surround them all!" The soldiers scattered with a run, quickly surrounding Deputy Xu and his soldiers. Deputy Xu was enraged: "What are you doing? Are they using force!? "

Jiang Jiao Long said, "So what if we use force!" The two began to argue. Wang Zhanyuan was very afraid of fighting, so he went over to Jiang Jiao Long and stopped him. "Don't cause any trouble, the old marshal is surrounded in the middle, and he has to think for his safety." The Deputy Xu threatened again, "If you don't get her out of the way, I'm going to attack!"

Wang Zhanyuan anxiously said: "Don't be like this, don't be like this!" He then ordered the soldiers to withdraw half of the distance. Only then did Deputy Xu stop talking.

At this moment, he saw a cloud of dust billowing in the distance. Zhang Biao was leading another troop of cavalry soldiers as they rushed over to rescue him. Zhang Biao jumped down from his horse and stopped the convoy. He glared angrily at Zhang Xun as he passed by the group of Deputy Xu: "Reporting to the Governor: The person has been brought over. Should we take care of them?! " Zhang Xun said with a depressed look on his face, "Forget it, forget it. "Quickly return that person to them."

Zhang Biao angrily rushed out of the crowd and came outside, pulling Yuan Keding down from the horse's collar, and brought him in front of Deputy Xu, and said: "Here you go!" With all his might, he pushed Yuan Keding until he tumbled and fell to the ground.

Deputy Xu stared at Zhang Biao, and anxiously helped Yuan Keding up, releasing the bindings, and said: "Eldest Young Master, I have let you suffer a grievance. This official has failed in his duties! "

Yuan Keding lowered his head: "This is not your fault. Blame myself for miscalculating. " He had difficulty to speak, and thought: "I was tricked by Yama Takashi. He said that Feng Guozhang would not come today. Otherwise, how could I let them catch me! "

Deputy Xu saw that Yuan Keding was beaten black and blue, and shouted angrily: "Eldest Young Master, what do we do now? Do you want to take revenge on them!? " Yuan Keding said in a low voice: "The strong dragons don't crush the snake. We have too few people, so we can't win against them." Yuan Keding pointed at Zhang Xun again, gnashed his teeth, and scolded: "Old fool, I won't forgive you!"

Zhang Biao looked at Zhang Xun and said, "Regional Commander, please give the order for us to take care of them!" Zhang Xun only shook his head: "Forget it, forget it. Let him curse. We lost face today. Tell them to hurry up. "

Just then, De Sheng brought another hundred soldiers and rushed over. Zhang Xun was afraid that Yue Yang would cause trouble in front of him, hence he walked out of the circle to stop him. Unexpectedly, Yuan Keding said to the Deputy Xu: Capture this old fogey and let him send us out of Henan Province.

Deputy Xu stretched out his hand to grab Zhang Xun and said, "Young Master has orders for you to send us out of Henan Province. Tell all your men to back off. " Seeing that, De Sheng was furious, he stepped forward to snatch Zhang Xun back.

Zhang Xun anxiously said: "Let me send them off!" Zhang Biao and De Sheng had no choice but to dodge the gap. The Deputy Xu held Zhang Xun, protecting Yuan Keding, and only then did the group leave.

Feng Guozhang quickly ordered his subordinates to quickly drive the carriage forward. When they arrived at the train station, Feng Guozhang hurriedly got on the carriage. Feng Guozhang ordered again: "Drive!" The car immediately started up and sped away before it could get out of the station. Feng Guozhang returned to Nanjing safely. Returning back to the Nanjing Capital City Governor's Mansion, Feng Guozhang felt relieved. He touched his head and thanked Ru Feng profusely. He said: "If it were not for Master saving me in time, I would not have survived. Thank you, thank you! "

Ru Feng said: "This is teacher Hong Fu Tian. This allowed Ru Feng to know of their scheme beforehand. No need to thank me, no need to thank me. " It was so enjoyable that Feng Guozhang entertained Ru Feng with banquets all day long. There was no need to elaborate on the hospitality.

After two consecutive days, Feng Guozhang finally recovered from the shock. It was only then that he remembered to send a telegram to Zhang Xun informing him of his safety and inquire about Zhang Xun's safety. As soon as the words left his mouth, the staff officer took out the telegram from two days ago and said, "Old Marshal, we have not dared to disturb your rest. The night you returned, I sent a safe telegraph message to the General of Zhang Xun. Zhang Du also returned to the Xuzhou safely. And here's a message from him asking after you. "

Feng Guozhang said with relief: "I misjudged Zhang Xun. Yuan Keding and the Japanese did not know about what happened to me. " After saying that, he took the message and skimmed through it, throwing it to the side, and said: "I'm really sorry, Zhang Xun."

Wang Zhanyuan listened to how he kept blaming himself, and said, "Old Marshal, you don't have to blame yourself. In the future, I will explain it to you in Xuzhou. This is a misunderstanding caused by the Eldest Young Master, Zhang Du Du will not blame you. This incident was something that only the Eldest Young Master knew how to do. The President is at the point of service, and he will not exonerate you. "

Feng Guozhang nodded: "This Japanese enemies is hateful! Intense and provocative. Yuan Keding, this beast, had almost done something. I can't help but have a lingering grudge! "

Wang Zhanyuan intentionally pulled Duan Qirui down, and said: "We cannot ignore another person in this matter. I expect he's involved. "

Feng Guozhang immediately said: "Are you saying that Duan Qirui played a role in this?" Wang Zhanyuan said: "That's right. In the past, he had repeatedly weakened the armed forces in our area on the pretext of preventing rebellion in the south. Now, the Japanese and Yuan Keding have done even more for him. " Feng Guozhang nodded in conviction.

Wang Zhanyuan continued: "We cannot let Duan Qirui control the Li Li alone, if not, we will have to succeed in the Japanese plot. We also need to deploy our armed forces to control the Central Plains, and we can't let the Japanese gain power there. I intend to transfer a brigade from the south to Zhengzhou. Thus, Cao Kun, Wu Peifu and I ended up with Zhang Xun in the middle. Zhang Xun is a two-sided sect, so he can only lean towards us. Our power only surpasses Duan Qirui. "

Feng Guozhang muttered to himself, "What you say makes sense. We should control them and make Zhang Xun unable to turn around. However, Cai Songpo was organizing a rebellion in the south, and the frontline was for servants. It's hard for us to find an excuse to send troops back to Zhengzhou. Zhang Xun anxiously informed us to steal your territory, this is also very difficult. "

Wang Zhanyuan laughed: "How did the old marshal forget? Didn't the President urge us to move our troops into Zhengzhou? This time, we will use it as an excuse to go against the rules and seize Zhengzhou. If Zhang Xun denounces us to the President, we will say that the troops should go to Zhengzhou to take a short rest and deal with him. " Feng Guozhang was overjoyed: "This plan is good, it will be completed soon."

Wang Zhanyuan said happily, and then said, "Let's not overthink the matters of the south, and focus our attention on the Central Plains. Cai Songpo was outnumbered, he could not become someone powerful. Let them bluff in a corner. "

After the two of them came to an agreement, they began analyzing the foreigners. Feng Guozhang said: "Now that the West is at war, the United Kingdom and the United States have no time to look around. Japan wants to take this opportunity to monopolize China. "His ambitions are not small."

Wang Zhanyuan said: "The foreigners are not good people. And don't listen to English or American rhetoric. They are friendly with us because they want to use us to consolidate their influence in China. Their conflict with Japan is to compete with each other for power in China. They treat us like meat, and everyone wants to eat more. In a word, they all want to take advantage of us forever. "

Feng Guozhang said: "Right now, compared to the other empires, the small Japanese enemies is still the most ambitious for us."

Wang Zhanyuan said: "The small Japanese enemies has experienced frequent economic crises, his national power is not good, he has big ambitions, but right now, he cannot do anything to us." Their entire plan was to gain control of the country.

At this time, Ru Feng wanted to leave so he came to see Feng Guozhang. The sentry asked about Ru Feng's purpose for coming here, and went in to report: "Reporting to the old marshal, Master Ru Feng has requested an audience."

Feng Guozhang immediately ended his conversation with Wang Zhanyuan and said: "Quickly, invite him in. These few days, I've been feeling unwell and have neglected him. "

Ru Feng came in and said, "Old Marshal, thanks for entertaining us for so many days. I've been here for a few days, and I still have things to attend to, so I'll be taking my leave now. "

Feng Guozhang said: "I asked you to stay by my side time and time again, and you still insisted on leaving."

Ru Feng said: "To be honest, Old Marshal, I am a monk that roamed the mountains and water. Please let me go. "

Feng Guozhang said: "Master is unwilling to stay, I will not force you. Just for a few more days. "

Ru Feng said: "Please do not keep me here anymore. I have important things to do in Shandong. There is still a disciple waiting for me. "

Feng Guozhang suddenly thought about the matter of "International purple-white plate" and said, "Please stay for another day Master, I have something to ask you." Ru Feng became anxious and said: "If you have something to ask me, Old Marshal, you can ask it right now. I'm leaving."

Feng Guozhang said: "Alright, Master, don't mind me, let me explain in detail." Ru Feng nodded: "Please speak, Old Marshal. my humble self will listen respectfully. "

Feng Guozhang continued: "It's only because you stole the President's treasure that you've committed such an unpardonable crime. The government has been looking for you everywhere. That day, when Zhang Xun saw that you insisted on grabbing him, it was I who blocked him, so he gave up on that idea. I also promised to buy that treasure for him. Zhang Xun had already promised to pay. Can the master give me face? Even though it was a treasure, it could not be used as money. Why do you keep it? If he gives you money and I work for you, wouldn't that be a good thing? " Feng Guozhang laughed as he finished speaking.

Ru Feng said: "I originally did not take that item back for value. Because it is our national treasure, there is a map of the country, how can you give it to the Japanese! I snatched it back in a fit of rage. I myself have no intention of taking it personally. If Old Marshal wants to keep it, I will not take any money, and just offer it up with my hands. "

Feng Guozhang was ecstatic in his heart, and praised: "Master is indeed generous, justice is commendable. This Feng is absolutely selfless and will to be forced, I must use money to redeem it from Master. "

Ru Feng continued: "I am ashamed to say this. The treasure is not in my hands now. I went to a lot of trouble to find it, and I'm still on the run. "

Feng Guozhang asked in shock: "Master, this thing is really not in your hands?" Ru Feng said: "my humble self vows to the sky, I will not lie."

Afraid that he did not believe him, Ru Feng continued: "If Old Marshal does not believe me, in the future, you can go and understand Yuan Keding. This was because this treasure had a lot of implications. Guard Battalion Commander Guo Chengliang was dragged into this and is still imprisoned. The Japanese and the British were now involved. I am suffering for the treasure. "

Feng Guozhang said: "I believe Master's words. In the future, there will be no time limit. If you are in trouble over this matter, you can come to me. " He continued, "I'll give you a hand order. Bring it with you. No one will dare to capture you no matter where you are from now on." Wang Zhanyuan got up and went to the secretary's side to get a copy of the document.

Feng Guozhang once again entered the official seat and wrote a hand order. He said to Ru Feng: "Bring these two. If you have anything to do in my jurisdiction, show me my warrant. If you have anything to do outside my jurisdiction, show me my document. No matter where you go from now on, you will be safe. "

Ru Feng kept the two protective talismans properly, feeling secretly happy in his heart, he thought to himself: "This is what you call convenient for others, convenient for yourself. If I don't save her life, where would I get two amulets? "

Ru Feng was so happy that he clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha! Thank you for protecting me, Old Marshal. Ru Feng is truly terrified. " Wang Zhanyuan took out a bag of silver and gave it to Ru Feng: "Master, please take it, it's just a fare." Ru Feng did not hold back and gladly accepted it.

Feng Guozhang said: "Money is useless if you have too much. You can't do it without it. I gave you too little, too much, I'm afraid it's inconvenient for you to carry. "If you need money from now on, come find me anytime."

Ru Feng thought: "You really know how to give empty-headed favors." So he laughed and said, "The outlaws are all empty-handed. It's even more useless if I have more money. The old marshal has given us quite a bit. "

Feng Guozhang suddenly thought back to that dangerous scene in the Open Seal, and immediately gnashed his teeth in hatred: "Master, I'll entrust you with another matter. These Japanese people, even if they failed to ambush me this time, sooner or later, they would still have to plot against me. I hate them to the bone too! No matter what, when you go back, you must catch the mastermind Yama Takashi who plotted to kill me. You know what kind of power he has, come and tell me. I want to kill them all! "