Infinite Evolution

Chapter 861


The light smile on the emperor's face suddenly froze, and then his eyes became more solemn and cold.

He never thought that he had just recovered his body and strength, and would meet such a terrible enemy!

"Hum, those who hide their heads and show their tail!"

But the emperor is the emperor after all. Although he felt the terrible power contained in the blood and evil spirit, he didn't have any fear and retreat. Instead, he snorted heavily and coldly. Then he waved his right hand and said in a deep voice, "come out to me!"


With the sound of Huang Leng, a blue, cold, strange but flaming flame came out of his right hand, and then turned into a sea of fire, which came from afar and stopped like a blood cloud.

He wants to see how strong this man is!

"The breath of Jiuyou ice flame? It's a little interesting! '

In the face of the sky blue flame, there was a sound of surprise in the blood color evil spirit. Then the blood color evil spirit like a blood cloud accelerated abruptly and collided with the sky blue flame severely.


In an instant, a loud roar rose from the sky. At the same time, the huge blue flame also exploded after hitting the bloody evil spirit, and then swept the whole "blood cloud" into the sky at a very fast speed.

The next moment, the blue flame freezes, turns into ice crystal, and freezes the blood cloud completely!

"Humph, vulnerable!"

Looking at the blood cloud frozen by blue flame in the blink of an eye, the emperor's eyes also showed a trace of disdain.

His flame is called the cold ice flame. It is one of the three abilities he has. It not only has the explosive ability comparable to the fire power, but also has the freezing ability belonging to the ice power. Few people can defeat him. Especially after he experienced the adventure in the endless void, his ice flame has also evolved, becoming more powerful and pure.

So in his opinion, no matter who is in the blood cloud, frozen by his cold flame at the moment, there is only one way to die!

Because, after the evolution of ice flame, it has the power to freeze and burn even the soul!


However, just when the emperor thought that the victory was in hand, the ice crystals frozen in the outer layer of the blood cloud and the flame of the ice on the outer layer seemed to be eroded and assimilated by some force, which gradually turned into the color of blood red, and finally melted into a part of the blood cloud completely.

And in the fusion of the flame of ice, the blood cloud also accelerated again, toward the emperor's side to cover!

"Thunder of explosion!"

Seeing that the blood cloud had broken through the ice flame, the emperor's eyes became more serious and dignified. Then he gave a cold drink and used his second ability, that is, the powerful ability that contains the destructive power of the fire power and the speed of the thunder power - explosive fire thunder!


In an instant, there was a loud thundering sound in the sky, and then there was a blazing fire, and the rapid fire and thunder came out of the emperor's hands at a very fast speed, breaking through the void and pounding heavily in the blood cloud.

"The power of thunder and fire? What a nuisance! "

Maybe the power of thunder and fire system has some restraint to this blood cloud, so under the bombardment of the endless thunder and fire light, there was a grumble of some annoyance and disgust in the blood cloud. Then the blood cloud exploded and turned into a blood light and went towards four weeks.

Under the bombardment of the blood light, the thunder and fire light from Huang's agitation dissipated and collapsed. At the same time, because of the terrible impact, Huang himself stepped back a little and his face became more dignified.

In the sky, with the explosion and collapse of the blood cloud, a well-balanced, handsome young man with long hair like blood, wearing a red robe and a pair of red eyes also appeared in the eyes of all Atlanteans.

At the moment, he suffered the terrible blow of the emperor, but the strange man apparently did not receive any harm, but still gently waved the six wings behind him, which were as thin as cicada wings, suspended in the air, with a sneer and a disdainful smile, looking down at the emperor and a group of Atlantis.

To the amazement of these Atlantis, there was a enchanting and beautiful woman behind the enchanting man. The reason why they were surprised was not because of the woman's appearance, but because of her identity.

Because this seemingly delicate and powerless woman is the ruler of the whole sea area, who was once called the most powerful emperor after the catastrophe!

But now, the sea emperor is as honest as a servant and a valet following behind the strange man. So, who is this monstrous man, and how terrible is his strength, so that the emperor can be so respectful, even scared?

"Emperor, the man behind him is the emperor of the sea and the ruler of the sea. Be careful, this man can accept the emperor. It's not easy! " Aware of this, the left king also came to the emperor's side, whispered a reminder.

"You are the so-called Atlantis?" This monstrous man is naturally the prince of insect world, mosquito and blood demon. The hearing of mosquito blood evil spirit is excellent, so at the same time of King zuoyang, he also heard the words of King zuoyang, and then the corner of his mouth slightly tilted, asking: "I heard xiao'ao say, you people, have just mastered a bit of scientific and technological civilization, and even have not contacted the god evil civilization, they think that they are the higher civilization in the universe, or even take God as their own?"

At this point, the mosquito's bloody face also appeared a thick color of sarcasm, and asked, "don't you think it's very funny?"

Xiao'ao refers to the emperor of the sea. Because the emperor's body is otwa, in order to call him conveniently, mosquito blood Sha also directly takes the nickname of xiao'ao.

In this period of time, while treating the wounds left by the immortal sand, the mosquito blood Sha also learned a lot about the earth from the sea emperor's mouth, so naturally he also knew about the Atlantis civilization that caused the catastrophe. But his view is the same as that of falling dragon. In his eyes, Atlantis who dare to call themselves the civilization of God without even contacting the civilization of gods and demons are just a group of clowns.

Only until just fight with the emperor, he found something wrong.

"Civilization of gods and demons, what is that?"

"Are there really gods and demons?"

"No way. We have destroyed and occupied so many planets. Have we ever seen so-called gods and demons?"


Hearing the words of mosquito blood, Zuo Wang and a group of Atlantis also showed surprise and talked about it. Obviously, they didn't accept the words of gods and demons.

You know, Atlantis civilization is a real atheist civilization. After destroying many planets and possessing powerful power, they are probably the only ones who can be called gods in their eyes.

"You're right. We used to be frogs at the bottom of the well. It's too appropriate to describe them with funny words."

However, just as Zuo Wang and others were talking about it, the emperor on the other side suddenly opened his mouth. What he said, however, surprised everyone on the scene: "God devil civilization, that is the end of all civilizations, and whether it can become the only benchmark of higher civilization. However, we are not qualified to touch this benchmark before, but it does not mean that we are not now! "

Speaking of this, Huang's eyes suddenly became more fierce, and his breath rose again. Even as his breath rose, there was a strange twist in the surrounding space, as if to be torn apart completely.

At the same time, the emperor's cold voice also sounded again: "the previous Atlantis civilization, there is no God, so it is not qualified to be called the God civilization. But now it's different. I, the emperor, will be the first God of Atlantis. And from this moment on, Atlantis civilization will become the real civilization of God! "


As the emperor's voice sounded like an oath, bursts of fierce thunder also appeared strangely. At the same time, a ray of thunder also appeared out of the sky, falling from the sky and exploding beside him.

In that sky thunder light, as well as the endless thunder under the background, now the emperor, like a real God!

Omnipotent, invincible God!