Infinite Evolution

Chapter 860

"Report host, Babel is the most important heritage place of Atlantis civilization. It is very difficult to control Babel."

Hearing Chu Xun's words, the alien recalled the memory of Atlantis in his mind, and then said: "in fact, Babel Tower is not a simple building or an aircraft, but a special existence of semi mechanical and semi biological. His peripheral parts, including the whole tower body, as well as many settings and devices inside, are all mechanical creations, but its main control system is made of biotechnology, similar to the artificial intelligence of a Calamari animal. "

Here, the alien paused a little, and then continued: "if you want to control the infrastructure and some basic capabilities of Babel Tower, you just need to crack and control the corresponding facilities and buildings in Babel Tower one by one. But if you want to crack the core system of Babel Tower, there is only one way - that is to get the emperor's authorization! "


Hearing the strange man's words, Yang Ling's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

His ability can let him control some machines, but if the core of Babel Tower is not mechanical creation, but biological creation, then his ability has no use.

"Authorized by the emperor? What if the emperor died? Is there no one to inherit the Babel Tower? " At the same time, chuxun frowned slightly, and asked in a voice: "how could Atlantis put the whole heritage of civilization on the emperor alone?"

"According to the memory in my mind, Atlantis have absolute confidence and high respect for the emperor. They never thought that someone could defeat the emperor. What's more, the emperor is the strongest and ruler of Atlantis. If even the emperor falls, then the Atlantis civilization will not escape the fate of the fall, so naturally it is not necessary to place hope on other people. "

Hearing Chu Xun's words, the alien shook his head and said: "however, because the emperor has been in seclusion for many years, in order to avoid the Babel Tower being controlled by no one, the emperor also authorized the top authority of the Babel Tower to two people. These two men are the two strongest men in Atlantis, the left king and the right king

At this point, the alien paused a little, and then continued: "so if the owner wants to completely control the Babel Tower, he must be authorized by the emperor, or the left king and the right king. Of course, if the host catches them alive and merges them with aliens, it can also control Babel Tower through them! "

"Only through these three people can we control Babel Tower?" Hearing the words of the alien, Chu Xun's face became a little ugly.

"Not three, but two!" But at this time, angel shook her head and said, "I've heard that mother and doctor uncle told the story of the cataclysm. I remember the right king who was killed by their father before they attacked Babel."

"That is to say, only the emperor and the left king are left!"

Hearing angel's words, chuxun squinted slightly, then took a deep breath and said: "well, anyway, at least there is hope. And don't you mean the emperor has returned? At that time, there will only be a war between us and the emperor, and then we will find a way. "

Speaking of this, Chu Xun also turned his eyes to Yang Ling, and said: "as for Yang Ling, you should try to control the Babel Tower first, and at least restore part of its combat ability. At that time, if I really meet a god level strong man and start the war of the kingdom of God, I can at least borrow some of the defense power of Babel Tower. "

"OK, no problem!"

Hearing Chu ten's words, Yang Ling nodded, and then immediately took action.

At the same time, Chu Xun also turned his eyes to the alien people aside and said, "you are the first alien person born. In order to address you better, I will call you number one later."

"Thank you for your name!" Given the name of Chu Xun, the alien suddenly got excited.

Under the influence of heterozygous genes, Chu Xun is the supreme existence for him, so Chu Xun's name is also a great honor for him.

"One, I give you a task, that is to cooperate with the alien queen to parasitize all the Atlanteans here. I hope that when I need you, there will be a strong and loyal army fighting for me! " Looking at the excited look of No. 1, Chu ten day smiled and gave him a task with the alien queen!

"Yes, master, No. 1 must live up to the master's expectations!" No. 1 nodded hard, and his face was firm.

"Well, let's go!"

After distributing the tasks, Chu Xun was not interested in staying here for a long time. Then he said to Yang Ling and left Babel Tower with angel.

At the same time, Yang Ling is trying to crack and control all the mechanical devices and facilities in Babel Tower. And the alien queen is working with number one to start parasitizing the sleeping Atlantis one by one, creating new aliens!

Soon, a powerful and huge army began to take shape


At the same time, the sea, the eternal iceberg.

Click, click!

With a slight crack, a tiny crack appeared on the frozen giant blood pool. At the same time, a strong breath filled the crack.

"The emperor is going out!"

Aware of the familiar and powerful breath, the left king, who has been waiting beside the blood pool, suddenly appears a strong color of fervor and excitement.

After such a long time of fear, their emperor is finally going to pass the customs!


And almost at the same time that the left King's voice sounded, the blood pool full of cracks also exploded, and countless blood colored ice pieces frozen into ice shot out like shells and fell towards the surrounding. In the middle of the broken blood pool, a figure in a white robe with an ordinary face, cold eyes and a strong breath slowly floated.

The person who emerged from the blood pool was the emperor who had dived into the blood pool to heal. But different from the last time, the emperor has now recovered his body, not only left a head, but also the breath has become more powerful and terrible!

Looking at the emperor emerging from the blood pool, all the Atlantis present were excited and excited. In their view, the restoration of the emperor means that their Atlantis civilization will return to glory in the near future!

"Oh, it's finally recovered."

After loosening his muscles and bones in the middle of the air, the emperor fell directly beside the left king, and then a faint smile appeared on his face, saying: "these days, you have worked hard!"

"As long as the emperor can recover, our hard work is worth it!"

Feeling the horrible breath from the emperor, the left king was very excited, but at the same time, he could not help asking, "but, emperor, have you really recovered completely?"

You know, when the emperor came back from the endless void, the injury seemed to be quite serious. In principle, such a serious injury, even with the help of a blood pool, can't be cured so quickly?

"I get some benefits in the endless void, so the recovery speed of the injury will be faster than you think!"

The emperor smiled faintly, and a strong self-confidence appeared in his eyes: "now that I have recovered, no one on this planet can resist the progress and conquest of our Atlantis. Whether it's Zhou Yulong or those three eyes, I'll make them kneel down at my feet and become slaves to us Atlantis! "

At this point, the emperor's body also burst out a kind of unspeakable terrible pressure. Under this terrible pressure, it was originally frozen from the earth's nuclear energy, and the indestructible eternal ice was cracked inch by inch and exploded, as if it had been attacked by some extremely horrible force!


Seeing this horrible scene, all Atlantis present were stunned.

Then there was a wild cheer.

After such a long silence and forbearance, the Atlantis finally waited until they had a glorious day again!

Boom boom!

However, just as the cheers of the Atlanteans were loud, the sea in the distance suddenly burst out, and then a bloody spirit rose to the sky and swept towards the eternal iceberg at a very fast speed!

At the same time, a slightly ironic voice came.

"Ah, it's such a great prestige that even my prince should be ashamed of himself!"

"In that case, let my prince try your skill!"