Infinite Evolution

Chapter 445

There are many smart people in the world. With the continuous rise of the auction price, some people finally began to notice the abnormality of the compartments where the five major families are located.

Shendun city and Doucheng naturally have reasons not to participate in the auction. After all, they are the makers of Nuwa No. 1. But why hasn't there been any movement in magic city, Longbao and Gemini city? You should know that there are many 8-level strong people like Ziyan and the entomologist among the three great families!

Are they still waiting for an offer, or for any other reason?

For a while, a little doubt rose in everyone's heart. However, the doubt came from the doubt. The failure of the five heroes also gave them a glimmer of hope, and then the bidding became more intense.

This may be the most intense auction in the history of sky auction. In less than one minute, the price of Nuwa I was raised to more than 500 million, and there was no stopping trend.

After all, life and strength are far more precious than crystal core for those old and powerful people!

"I will give out one billion yuan and make a commitment as the head of the Tianhuang family. The Tianhuang family will unconditionally build equipment for shendun city and Doucheng city in the next hundred years. No labor is needed, just as long as you provide materials!" However, when the price was raised to 500 million yuan, an old man with grey hair, big body, strong back and muscles suddenly walked into the auction house. Then he took a deep breath and said loudly: "similarly, as long as you don't compete with me, Tianhuo family will build a set of high-level equipment for you, and even store it in the family Our high-grade ore materials can also be sold at 30% below the market price. I hope you can give me a thin surface. "

Speaking of this, the white haired old man's eyes suddenly snapped, and his momentum became more terrible. Then he said in a deep voice: "of course, if you don't give me face, you must fight for it Hum, I'm 187 years old this year. I don't know what I'm going to do for a long time, so Nuwa No. 1 is my last chance. Who wants to fight with me? That's to take my life. From then on, the family of Tianhuo will never die with those who fight! "

"It's Andres!"

"Damn it, this guy is famous for his fierce hatred and selfishness. Others may not dare to do too much because they are afraid of the survival of the family. But this old guy is afraid that he can really do what he says and do. He will let everything go and die with the contenders!"

"Tianhuo family is a famous forging family in the city of sky. I don't know how much wealth and contacts they have accumulated through years of forging. If I really fall out with them, I'm afraid it will be troublesome!"

"Well, since Doucheng and shendun city can produce Nuwa No. 1, there will certainly be one in the future. There's no need to fight with this crazy old man!"


It has to be said that although the Tianhuo family suffered some losses in chuxun at the beginning, in fact, the relationship and strength of the Tianhuo family can be ranked in the top ten in the city of sky, otherwise Andre won't have so many supporters.

What's more, the temperament of Andres, the head of the Tianhuang family, is almost well known in the senior ranks, so no one is willing to offend the selfish old man who may die at any time, but is more likely to go crazy before he dies.

So, after Andres's voice fell, the price call in the field finally stopped, and Andres, who was already nervous, felt a little relieved and a little proud at the same time.

Everyone thought he was a hot, angry old man, but few people knew that he was in fact disguised. The reason why he just behaved so crazily was to frighten other competitive giants. After all, in addition to the five major families in the sky city, some of the most powerful families and the strength of the Tianhuang family are also between Bozhong. If the Tianhuang family retaliates with all its strength, the other side will surely lose a lot, or even decline completely.

As for the free work with fallen city and shendun City, this is his pride. Others only saw him suffer losses, but he saw clearly that with the appearance of Nuwa No. 1, the pattern of the Supreme Council which had not changed for many years would change, and Doucheng and shenduncheng would become the biggest winners.

Isn't it silly not to find a chance to hold the winner's thigh tightly at this time?

When he thought of it, there was a flash of joy and excitement in Andres's eyes.

"Looks like the winner of this auction has already appeared, hasn't it?" For now, shishao is also very satisfied with this result. After all, Tianhuo family is one of the top ten families in the city of sky besides the five, and is good at building high-level equipment. If they can accept Tianhuo family, it will also be of great help to their future plans.

So after a little smile, shishao waved to Andres and said, "congratulations to Nuwa 1, patriarch Andres. Please come on stage, we can inject you now, so that you can have a stronger strength and a longer life! "

"Thank you Andres put his posture very low, and when he heard shishao's words, he immediately nodded, then sprang up, turned into a streamer, appeared at shishao's side, and waited for the injection excitedly.

"Please relax yourself, patriarch Andres. We will inject you now. In addition, there will be severe pain when Nuwa No. 1 is in effect. Please bear with it. After all, this is a transformation of your life." When Andres came to the stage, shishishao nodded and said to the others, "now, everyone, is the time to witness the miracle!"

As the thirteen little words fell, the three beauties around him took out a tube of silver liquid respectively, and then went to Andres and said in unison, "Lord Andres, I'm offended!"

Hiss! Hiss!

Then, the three beauties started to stab the three syringes on Andres' carotid artery, heart and spine.

These three beauties are all strong at the top of the 7th level, and they have also been strengthened by nvwa-1. The strength is infinite. In addition, Andres has relaxed completely. So soon, the injection head made of super alloy stabbed into Andres' body, and the silver liquid in the syringe also poured into Andres' carotid artery, heart and spine along the needle Medium.

"Ah ah ah ah!"

The transformation on the cell level is always extremely painful. With the injection of the three tubes of silver liquid, Andres's meridians and collaterals are also bulging and squirming, just like a living giant centipede, which is extremely frightening.

At the same time, Andres could not help but utter a series of shrill screams, and then his body began to shake violently. Even if it wasn't for those three beauties to hold him, he would have fallen to the ground now.

And to see Andres's tragedy, all the people on the scene also changed their colors.

Andres is also an old-fashioned strong man at the top of the eighth level. He has experienced countless battles, and his willpower and endurance are incomparable. But even so, this guy has become a dog like

How painful it should be!

And in the midst of the horrified watching, Andres's pain lasted for five minutes. Five minutes later, Andres's scream gradually stopped. At the same time, the sweat on his body began to turn black, and finally it became like melted rubber. It was dark and thick, and sent out a lot of stench.

But with the outflow of this large amount of black glue, Andres's breath suddenly changed, not as old and decadent as before, but as vibrant. At the same time, his gray hair began to turn from white to black. At the same time, the wrinkles on his face also decreased a lot, as if he was decades younger in an instant.


Seeing this scene, all the people on the scene changed their colors.

They never thought that the effect of Nuwa No. 1 was so strong! If we can really rejuvenate ourselves, and live for hundreds of years and have strong strength, then what is the severe pain that Andres just suffered?

"Hahaha, is this the feeling of returning to youth? Hahaha, it's really wonderful, it's wonderful!" At the same time, Andres also opened his eyes, and then he was shocked. The thick black gel on his body was suddenly shattered and evaporated by the huge power in his body, and disappeared.

Andres laughed wildly when he felt the distinct, vibrant feeling in his body.

He is a selfish person, and selfish people are often afraid of death, so with the approaching of the shadow of death, Andres eyebrows also live in fear of death, and bear great mental pressure.

At this moment, he can finally get rid of the threat of death and live for another hundred years, which fills his heart with ecstasy. At the same time, he also believes that the fallen city and shendun City, which developed nuwa-1, are worth following.

So at the next moment, he took a deep breath, then bowed his hand to shishaoshao and said, "thank you for the reconstruction of Doucheng and shenduncheng. I promise that henceforth, the Tianhuo family will look forward to Doucheng and shenduncheng and never betray!"

"The patriarch Andres is very serious!" After receiving Andres's loyalty, shishao's smile became more brilliant. Then he turned to the audience and said, "you should see the real effect of Nuwa No. 1 now, but don't be disappointed. Now we are working hard to produce Nuwa No. 1. Of course, our production capacity is limited, so it can only be provided to our real friends, which I believe you will understand. "

"Of course!"

"Nuwa No. 1 was developed by fallen city and shendun city. It can be said that it has great contribution to human beings. We will support you!"

"Our Kunshan family decided to be loyal to fallen city and shendun City, and to contribute to the great cause of mankind!"


Everyone was not a fool, so after hearing the thirteen little words, some anxious people began to be loyal. And seeing these people's flattery and loyalty, the mood of thirteen less people has become better.

Everything is going according to the plan!

Except for the last auction!

Thinking of this, shishao turned his head and said to Ziyan, "Lord Ziyan, my auction is over. Please continue with the auction of the last finale. I'm really curious. What can be more mysterious than Nuwa No. 1? "

He is now