Infinite Evolution

Chapter 444

The blonde did not completely resist the burning of the purple flame, as was expected at the auction.

At this moment, as the fire dissipated, the blonde's body, which had been burned to a black by the fire, also appeared in front of everyone. The coke like body was totally different from the white and tender body before, which made the audience have a strong visual impact and felt extremely uncomfortable for a while.

At the same time, a faint smell of scorching also escaped in the auction field, making people want to vomit.

"Is this the function of Nuwa No. 1? I don't see what's remarkable?"

"May be the power of the disillusioned Yan of Ziyan adults is too strong!"

"Ah, such a beautiful woman will look like this in the blink of an eye. I'm afraid that she will not die and will not be interesting..."

"What a tragedy!"


After the initial shock and silence, the auction ground also continued to hear some voices, and the eyes of the people looking at the "coke" were full of sympathy.

However, in the face of people's questions and comments, shishao still keeps a slightly frivolous and confident smile, as if he has a plan in mind.

Thirteen little smile has a strong persuasive force, even if he didn't say a word, the voice of the audience also weakened. Because people have responded, shishao is not a fool. Since he dares to do so, he must have full confidence.

So what happens next?

Click! Click!

Just when the hearts of the people were full of doubts and expectations, the sound of a slight crack suddenly sounded from the coke of the human shape on the stage. Then, a small crack appeared on the surface of the coke and quickly spread to the whole coke.

At the next moment, in the eyes of everyone's expectation, the surface layer of the coke is also crashing to pieces and falling like molting shells. Then a beautiful woman without wisps, white skin, slim and plump figure appeared from the broken coke, completely showing her beautiful and attractive body in front of everyone.


Seeing this scene, the bear child who was drinking the drink couldn't help spraying the drink out directly, spilling Yang Ling and Zhang Xie. For her who has not yet been human, the scene in front of her is too visual impact.

And several other people have also grown up. They haven't seen a woman's body, but they didn't expect that there would be such a scene at the auction. It's really surprising.

"Children don't look at this!" However, the bear child only saw a glimpse, because at the next moment, angel blocked the bear child's vision.

Although Xiongzi and chuxun are not brothers, their relationship is better than that of their own, so angel, as the eldest sister-in-law, naturally pays special attention to Xiongzi, and stops in front of him at the first time when he sees the forbidden picture.

"If you don't look, you don't look. What's the big deal?" The bear child is still very respectful of the sister-in-law angel, so when he heard angel's words, he also turned his mouth away and looked away.

But soon, as if he had found a new continent, he said to angel in a loud voice, "look, sister-in-law. He's looking at it too, and he's really serious!"

"What?" Hearing the words of the bear child, angel's pretty eyebrows suddenly stood up, then turned his head and looked at Chu ten.

Sure enough, Chu Xun was staring at the woman on the auction platform dead at the moment, and his brow was slightly wrinkled at the same time.

Seeing this scene, angel's heart flew into a rage.

She is simple and kind, but jealous is a girl's nature, so when she saw Chu Xun staring at other girls naked, her heart was full of acerbity, anger and disappointment.

How could he do that!

"Strong defense and resilience!" However, at this time, Chu Xun frowned and said to himself, "if I'm not mistaken, just now she just used that layer of exoskeleton armor to block Ziyan's attack. This kind of defense is really terrible!"

Speaking of this, Chu seemed to think of something else, and then frowned more tightly: "and the temperature of the flame is obviously not low. It's reasonable to say that even if the exoskeleton armor can resist, the body under the armor will be scalded by high temperature. But this guy's body is not damaged at all, even the hair burned by the fire grows in a few seconds Come on, this kind of resilience is terrible. "

Finish saying, Chu ten day just then take back the vision, then say to Angel: "Qi Er, we are in this all-purpose medicine auction, only afraid to meet the strong enemy!"

"Ah Yeah, yeah... " It was found that Chu Xun was only analyzing the role of Nuwa No. 1, not looking at the beauty. Angel's face turned red and then nodded stutteringly.

"It's so dangerous. I almost got killed by him. Fortunately, I have a quick reaction!"

Seeing angel's performance, Chu Xun was also slightly relieved. If he didn't react quickly and angel was simple enough, I'm afraid he would be miserable this time.

"As you can see, this is the defense and resilience of Nuwa 1!"

On the stand, shishao was obviously satisfied with the reaction of the audience at the moment. Then he smiled and took a suit of clothes from another beautiful woman and put it on the naked woman. Then he continued: "theoretically, nuwa-1 can provide the top powers of all levels with the ability to cross the level of combat, and the defense and resilience will be greatly improved Ascension. Of course, the strong of level 8 is not included. After all, the power of heaven and mortals can not be made up by just a few times of promotion! "

"Since Nuwa No. 1 is so magical, does he have any side effects?" Just then, someone asked a question.

"Nuwa-1 biological nano robot has certain exclusivity, which also leads to two shortcomings." Thirteen Shao nodded slightly, then said with serious expression: "the first defect is the service life of Nuwa 1. After one use, the theoretical service life of nuwa-1 can maintain more than one life cycle of users. But after a cycle, Nu Wa 1 will fail, and some of the remaining cell fragments will also lead to the failure of the second injection. "

Speaking of this, thirteen little slightly pause, and then said: "in short, if your life should be 100 years old, then the service life of Nuwa No.1 is more than 100 years. But when Nuwa No. 1 fails, you can't extend your life for the second time by injecting Nuwa No. 1. Of course, we are trying to overcome this difficulty. It may not take long for us to make up for this defect and bring you a longer life. "

After hearing the thirteen little words, the audience began to talk again. However, most people have maintained a positive view. After all, it's a big profit to live for decades or even hundreds of years. What's not enough. What's more, with the rapid development of science and technology, maybe there are new research breakthroughs in Langcheng and shendun city before we go to bed?

"And the second side effect?" Then someone continued to ask.

"The second side effect is relatively troublesome." This time, the expression of thirteen little became more dignified. He pondered for a moment, and then said: "because Nu Wa 1 will make a comprehensive transformation of the user's cells and even the whole body, and this transformation often leads to some special changes in the body, so the use of Nu Wa 1 will never make any breakthrough, and will stay in the current class forever."

Speaking of this, shishao also showed a helpless color: "of course, we are also studying this problem, hoping to solve it as soon as possible. But in other words, although nuwa-1 has these two shortcomings, it is equivalent to reconstruction for those who have been extremely difficult to break through, or whose life expectancy is near, isn't it? "

"What, can't be advanced after use? I'm still young. Now I'm not going to give up using this. "

"It depends on the situation. I'm 125 years old this year, and I don't think I'll live for many years, and I've been trapped for many years. The appearance of Nuwa No. 1 will undoubtedly enable me to live for more than 100 years, and my strength will become stronger. Wait for the magic medicine, I will make it! "

"Yes, for our powerful family, the strong of the town clan is the foundation of the family. Just as the strong of the town clan falls, the family power will be greatly reduced, and even may be swallowed up. And the appearance of Nuwa No. 1, at least, can make the strong people of our town exist for hundreds of years, and their strength will become stronger. With this period of buffer, how can we cultivate a new strong one! "

"This medicine must be taken!"

"Send a message to the ancestor quickly, and apply to improve the purchase authority!"


Although Nuwa No. 1 has a huge side effect that can't be advanced after use, it still has an irresistible attraction for the big and powerful. So after a short hesitation, people in the auction field also took action.

"Good results!" Looking at the excited appearance of the audience, thirteen shaos, who was a little uneasy because of Chu ten and the mysterious end of the auction, finally let go. Later, the confident and frivolous smile reappeared on his face, and then he said with a smile: "well, I think everyone is ready, then I will not delay your time. Now we have only produced one copy of Nuwa No. 1 for the time being. Now we are going to auction it. There is no limit to the base price. The higher one will get it! "

"Ten million yuan, Nuwa No. 1, our purple shirt family wants it!"

"Get out of the way. We're going to fix this medicine for Tu Yi family. 12 million yuan!"

"Please give our Kunshan family a face. Our ancestors are in urgent need of this medicine. If they want to be gracious, they will pay 15 million yuan in the future!"

"Ha ha, does Kunshan family have a big face? Less nonsense, the higher price, 18 million! "


Nuwa No. 1 is indeed a rare magic drug. Almost in an instant, it ignited the enthusiasm of the whole audience. People began to raise prices, shouting astronomical figures one after another.

"Yes, according to this, the transaction price of Nuwa No. 1 is only afraid to set a new auction record!" Looking at the scene of people competing for bids, even swearing at each other, there was also a look of excitement and excitement in shishao's eyes.

Nuwa I's auction is just the beginning