Infinite Evolution

Chapter 406

"I'm a scumbag, but I can't beat him. He's such a pervert!"

After the initial shock, the black devil immediately responded, and then couldn't help swearing.

If the death knight's helper is another knight, even if the four knights get together, he is confident that he can escape.

But now he calls the corpse Emperor

It seems that I haven't heard of any non holy region strongman who can escape the pursuit of holy region strongman!


At this moment, a loud roar suddenly sounded, then the ground near the death knight suddenly burst open, and the huge and terrible body of the giant worm appeared again in front of the death knight and the black devil.

"Hahaha, God help me!" Seeing the appearance of giant worms, the death knight's face suddenly appeared a little surprise.

Although the corpse emperor is powerful, no matter how powerful he is, he can't cross most corpse regions and appear in front of him. So at this moment, the corpse emperor is not coming to the body, but the energy part he projected. Because only the ubiquitous energy can cross such an amazing distance and reach the battlefield in such a short time.

Of course, if you want to do this, you must first reach the state of the unity of man and nature to manipulate the omnipresent energy. Therefore, energy sharing is also the unique ability of the Ninth level strong, and it will pay a huge price to condense an energy sharing.

However, although the cost is high, the combat power of energy separation is also extremely strong. For the 9th level strong, energy separation is actually a new element of their own. Although their combat power is not as good as that of the noumenon, they have reached the 9th level at least. It is more than enough to kill those enemies below the 9th level.

The only drawback is that the longer the distance, the slower the energy component condenses. So the death knight has just been worried that if the black devil kills himself before the corpse emperor's energy separation and formation, he will die unjustly.

Fortunately, now that the giant worms have arrived, how can they drag the corpse emperor's energy to come


However, the next moment, accompanied by a dull tearing sound, the surprise color on the death knight's face also stiffened instantly.

In a burst of bloody shooting, the huge body of the giant worm suddenly stabbed a few sharp sharp claws. Then the claws were cut quickly on the huge body of the giant worm, just like the clothes cutter tearing the cloth.

Just a stupefied effort, the huge worm's huge and incomparable body was completely torn, and then turned into two parts, struggling and twisting violently.

As the giant worm's broken body continues to twist, a large amount of green mucus and dark red blood also continue to gush out of its cut body. In the gushing blood and mucus, a huge body emerged from the broken body of the giant worm and appeared in front of the death knight and the black devil.

The man who tore up the giant worm was Chu Xun who got into the body of the giant worm and caused havoc!


After tearing up the giant worm, Chu Xun also let out a roar again, then raised his head abruptly and focused his eyes on the expanding black vortex in the sky.

He was in the whirlpool, and felt the terrorist power that was enough to cause a huge threat to his life!

On! Ang!

While Chu Xun focused all his attention on the black whirlpool, the blood of the giant worm that had been torn into two sections became less and less. Of course, this is not because the blood of the giant worm has flowed in, but because the wounds on his two severed bodies have started to heal rapidly.

Then, two roars also suddenly sounded from those two bodies.

Hearing Qi Qi's roar, all three of them were stunned except the death knight. Then I saw that the fracture of the lower half of the giant worm had rapidly turned into a new giant mouthpiece, which looked no different from that of the upper half. At the same time, the end of the upper body has healed and a new anus has grown.

This guy, unexpectedly broken body rebirth, became two!

Although the body length of these two giant worms is only about half of that before, they can still pose a huge threat to Chu Xun and black devil!

No wonder the corpse emperor said that this guy was invincible under level 9. No wonder the four knights had to pay a heavy price to kill him. Such a monster is really terrible!

"Hahaha, do you think this giant worm is so easy to kill? I tell you that unless his body is burned completely, no matter how many pieces you cut it, it will be able to be reborn in pieces! " Seeing this scene, the death knight burst out laughing.

"Laugh at your mother!" Looking at the proud appearance of the death knight, the black devil suddenly flashed a thread of killing machine in his eyes, and then said coldly in his voice: "I admit that I am not the opponent of the corpse emperor, and I can't even escape from his hands. But don't forget, he hasn't come yet! "

Speaking of this, the black devil slowly raised his left hand, and then said in a deep voice, "although I can't do the corpse emperor, it's OK to kill your old dog under the corpse emperor - come out, wind, fire, earth, three magic wands!"

Hum! Buzz! Buzz!

As the words of the black devil fell, three red, green and yellow lights shone from his left hand, and finally turned into three equally simple wands, which were carved with different magical patterns, and hung beside him.

"Pestilence and war say you can use multiple powers. I didn't believe it. Now it seems true!" Looking at the three magic wands that appear beside the black devil, the death knight's expression suddenly becomes extremely dignified.

"Less fucking crap!" The black devil didn't give the other side the chance to delay. After gathering five magic wands, he rushed to the death knight again.

On! Ang!

Seeing the black devil attacking the death knight, the two miniature giant worms roared at each other, and then they were in a straight line, just like two poisonous snakes rushing towards the black devil.

"Dragon strike!" However, when he saw the two giant worms shooting at him, the black devil didn't change his face. He stretched out his left hand, grabbed the suspended red staff, and aimed at the two giant worms, which made him roar.


At the next moment, two huge fire dragons burst out from the end of the staff, one on the left and one on the right.

But at this time, the black devil suddenly let go of the red wand in his hand, then grabbed the green wand with the wind power, and said in a cold voice, "the wind helps the fire rise - the hurricane helps the fire!"

Whoo! Hoo!

With the voice of the black devil falling, two green energies burst out, turning into two whirling hurricanes, twining on the two fire dragons. In a flash, the fiery dragon, which had already been fierce, suddenly became more violent and terrifying. With the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, it attacked the two giant worms.

Boom! Boom!

With two loud noises, the two fire dragons exploded at the moment of hitting the giant worms. The huge force caused by the combination of wind and fire forces blew the two giant worms out in an instant, and then they fell heavily on the ground, blacked out.

Although limb regeneration seems to be powerful, it is not without side effects. At least after restructuring the body, both the strength, speed and attack range of these two giant worms are at least half lower than before. Otherwise, they will not be so easily blown away by the black devil!

On! Ang!

However, although the speed, strength and attack range have all declined a lot, the defense and vitality of giant worms are still strong. After they bear such a heavy blow, they are only skin scorched, and then they immediately recover, emit two loud roars, and then jump up and fall towards the ground.

Obviously, these two guys are ready to use their best ground penetrating attack against the black devil!

"Want to drill? It's not that easy! " However, the black devil seems to have been prepared for this. Almost at the moment when the two giant worms jumped up, he also released the green wand in his hand again, grabbed the last yellow wand, pointed it at the ground, and said in a deep voice, "seal the soil and turn it into steel!"


As his voice fell, a yellow glow came out of the end of the staff and fell into the ground. With the yellow light of the earth, the original earth ground sparkled a metallic luster, which obviously has become extremely hard.

Bang! Pong!

After two loud noises, the two giant worms also hit the ground which has been toughened severely, and then made two loud metal impact roars, and burst out bright sparks. Although they finally bit the ground and got their heads in, they couldn't get into the ground as quickly as they just did. They could only twist their bodies and speed up their drilling, making the whole picture look extremely funny.

Of course, giant worms are still trying to drill down, no matter how funny or not. But at this time, a sharp pain and huge force suddenly came from behind them. At last, they were pulled out from the ground like radishes, and then they were severely brushed on the ground.


After two loud noises, two giant worms also fell on the hardened ground. The sharp impact sound, even two deep dents on the toughened ground, looks extremely terrible.

After these two giant worms, Chu Xun also stared at them with blood red eyes, and his hands, once again, stabbed the giant worms.

Although he had no sense, his keen instinct made him clear the attitude and danger of all the people present. Finally, depending on the degree of danger and attitude, he decided to kill the giant worms that had caused him a lot of damage before the terrible existence in the sky came, and then deal with other enemies.

"Hey, we're two now!" Seeing that the giant worm was stopped by Chu Xun, a ferocious killing machine appeared on the black devil's face, then his body shape flashed, disappeared in a blue light, and finally appeared directly in front of the death knight. He waved the gold staff of his left hand, smashed it towards the death knight, and shouted: "holy hammer!"


With the voice of the black devil falling, the end of his Scepter also bloomed with bright golden light, and condensed into a hammer shape, hitting the death knight heavily. Suddenly, with a loud roar, the death knight flew out like a ball being kicked with all his strength, and his heavy black armor cracked inch by inch,