Infinite Evolution

Chapter 405

Chu Xun didn't know what happened on the ground. At the moment, he was shuttling through the huge hole made by the giant worm, chasing the enemy in front at a very fast speed.

The pursuit in the channel is faster than the development of its own channel, and more importantly, the channel is all the way down, so Chu Xun can further speed up its pursuit with the help of gravity.

Soon, there was a loud roar in front of Chu Xun, and along with his progress, some pieces of earth and stone that had just been torn and had not yet landed hit him head-on, making a dense and dull crash.

Obviously, he is getting closer to the giant worm now!

Sure enough, before long, a huge dark body appeared in front of Chu ten.


Seeing that he finally catches up with the prey, Chu Xun immediately sends out a burst of excitement and violent roar. Then he kicks his feet on the edge of the passage, and with the aid of the assistant waving eight wings behind him, he speeds up. Like a black lightning bolt, he chases the giant worm behind him, and then he blows his fists at the giant worm.

Poop! Laugh!

After two muffled sounds, Chu Xun's sharp claws finally tore the thick and tough skin at the end of the giant worm again, stabbed deeply into its muscles and splashed out a lot of foul blood.


But before Chu could do any further damage to the giant worm, the giant worm had fought back. With a loud roar, the muscles at the tail of the giant worm began to wriggle violently and made a dull sound.

At the next moment, the tiny anus at the end of the tail of the giant worm suddenly expanded. Then, countless sand and gravel, mixed with a large amount of green mucus, gushed out of the giant worm's anus like a fountain, which inevitably hit chuxun hard and made a dull crash.

The violent impact made Chu Xun feel as if he had been hit hard. He was shaking all over. The sharp claw that his left hand stabbed into the giant worm was also released because of the violent impact. Only his right hand was still firmly stabbed into the tough muscle of the giant worm.

What's more shocking is that the gravel and sand gushing from the anus of the giant worm seems to be endless. At this moment, Zhengyuan source is constantly attacking chuxun.

At the same time, the huge mouthparts of giant worms are constantly tearing up and devouring the rock and soil in front of them, and then transporting them to their own back. Because of this, they are inexhaustible.

This giant worm It's a straight heart!


After being sprayed with the mucus and sand and gravel in the body of the giant worm, Chu Xun suddenly became more manic. With a roar, eight tentacles beside him burst out. They not only broke the sand and stones, but also continued to move forward, directly stabbed into the open anus of the giant worm, and tore and bit the edge of the anus, thoroughly killing Chu Xun It's fixed.

Aung Aung Aung!

**The pain, no matter for human beings or giant worms, is unspeakable and intense. The next moment, he heard the giant worm start to scream loudly, and frantically twist his body, trying to throw Chu Xun out.

However, because he is deep in the cave and surrounded by rocks at the moment, no matter how he struggles, the swing range of his body is limited, and he can't get rid of Chu Xun at all. As for the continuous gushing of sand and gravel, Chu Xun, who has been holding his body in place with his tentacles, is no longer a threat.

After fixing her body, Chu Xun also made an amazing act. His eight tentacles, fixed in the anus of the giant worm, suddenly pulled him closer to the anus of the giant worm. Later, his free left hand also suddenly extended, hard into the anus of the giant worm, and forced a stab, firmly fixed. Then, his right hand, which had been stabbed in the tail of the giant worm, suddenly released and also stabbed into the anus of the giant worm.

At the next moment, Chu Xun is like climbing a cave, twisting his whole body and crawling towards the anus of a giant worm.

For him who has lost his sense, what disgust and shame no longer exist. As long as he can kill the enemy, he can do what disgusts him. And now it's the best chance for him to get into the body of the giant worm from its anus and destroy it!

At least there are no teeth in the anus of this giant worm!

Later, Chu Xun, who had completely penetrated into the giant worms, began to destroy them. He used his claws and tails together to tear up the relatively soft muscles of the giant worm, which caused untold and severe pain to the giant worm, making it emit more shrill screams.

This giant worm is also unlucky. If you encounter anyone, you will encounter Chu Xun, an enemy who is not afraid of acid corrosion. Otherwise, he would have been completely corroded by the super corrosive green mucus in his body.

But now, because the corrosion of green mucus is not effective for chuxun, he is really helpless. No matter how hard he struggles, he can't throw out chuxun who has gone deep into his body like a poisonous insect.

However, the giant worm is also a bit smart. After finding that Chu Xun, who cannot get out of his body, started to drill to the ground quickly, trying to find the help of the death knight.

But it didn't know that the death knight was in danger.


"Grass, it's really tight!" Looking at the black robed man who has stepped on the blue staff at his feet and chased him like a flying sword, the death knight's face suddenly becomes more ugly.

If the speed of light, this guy is even three points faster than the black armor devil just now!

"Hey, it's about the same distance!" However, at this time, the black devil chasing after the death knight suddenly chuckled, and then said lightly: "the void flashes!"


With the sound of the black devil, a bright blue light suddenly came out of the staff under his feet and swallowed his body.

But when the blue light disappeared, the black devil had disappeared.

At the same time, in front of the death knight, there was also a bright blue light. In the blue light, the black devil holding the golden staff and stepping on the blue staff suddenly appeared, and sneered: "you can't run away!"

"Death breathes!" Looking at the black devil suddenly appeared in front of him, the death knight's face changed dramatically. After all, he is a strong man who has experienced many battles, so he almost immediately made a response, opened his mouth, and suddenly spewed out a strong corrosive gray fog, and went toward the black devil.

At the same time, he waved his right hand, aimed at the black devil, and shouted coldly, "five fingers of death!"

Then, the five gray lights came out of his right fingers, turned into five black skulls, and attacked the black devil with a loud roar.

Use the gray fog caused by death breath to block the enemy's perspective, and then use the five death fingers to raid the enemy, which is the death knight's best close-up tactics.

He doesn't believe it. This black devil also has the anti sky vitality just like that black armor devil!

"Shining shield - breaking evil!"

However, just when he thought he could make a surprise attack, a cold drink suddenly sounded in front of him. Then, a bright golden light also suddenly flashed, tearing the gray fog in front.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, the five fingers of death also hit hard on the golden light, making a loud roar, and the shadow in the golden light flew out.

"Successful?" Seeing this scene, the death knight's eyes flashed a glimmer of expectation.

The next moment, however, the expectation in his eyes turned into despair.

Because the flying figure quickly stopped at a place less than 20 meters away from him, and then the golden shield made up of bright golden light was completely cracked and broken.

But to the death knight's despair, although the light shield has been broken, the black devil behind the light shield is undamaged, and even his clothes are intact.

"If you were in your prime, there might be a war between you and me, but unfortunately, your energy consumption is too much, even the most powerful area of death has been broken. In this case, what do you want to fight with me? " Looking at the desperate death knight in front of him, the black devil suddenly sneered.

"Damn it, you forced me!" Looking at the black devil standing in front of him, playing with him like a cat playing with a mouse, the death knight seemed to make a decision. Then he bit his teeth, took a piece of black scales out of the broken armor, and then pinched them.


With a slight sound, the black scales also suddenly broke.

"This is?" Looking at the broken black scales and the twisted expression on the death knight's face, the black devil suddenly felt a sense of foreboding.

It seems that something bad is going to happen.


At this time, a sharp buzzing suddenly sounded from the sky, then, a little black light emerged from the sky, and quickly turned into a black vortex, and began to expand gradually.

And in the black whirlpool, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "it's such a useless waste that even this little thing can't be solved. Death, you really let me down! "

And as the cold voice sounded, an irresistible cold pressure suddenly fell on everyone.

In a flash, all the zombies on the battlefield, including those intelligent ones, suddenly stopped. Then Qi Qi fell to the ground, trembling, even ignoring the aliens who were killing them.


Seeing the vision on the battlefield and associating with the cold voice just now, the heart of the black devil suddenly became cold.

In the whole new holy country, only one person dare to call himself "I"!

That's the only emperor of the new holy Kingdom, the corpse emperor!

Emperor, come!