Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 91: Georgina Investment (2)

Yang Cheng almost sprayed Georgina\'s face with tea. Was it too fast?

   coughed twice to conceal his embarrassment, wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth with a napkin and said, "I am willing to serve you."

Georgina is not a roundabout person, holding a tea cup and drawing a circle on the table, she said, "I have idle funds on hand recently. I don\'t want to use it solely for financial management, but I still want to find a good project to invest. I don\'t know your company. Do you need financing?"

   Yang Cheng wondered, "Invest in my company? Forum Publishing Company?"

"And Lionsgate Pictures, I think you will merge these two companies to form a new media group?" Georgina said, and sure enough, the descendants of the rich are not willing to be mediocre, even if they will live Georgina who put most of her focus on horse racing.

   Yang Cheng did not question whether Georgina was investigating herself, and Ryze did not deliberately keep it secret when she contacted Lionsgate Antiques. The Bloomberg News Agency of Georgina’s family did a job of collecting market trends. It is not surprising to receive the news.

   "Of course, if you were willing to accept my investment at the current market value, I would be grateful." Georgina added a joke.

   Yang Cheng was in need of money, Georgina took the initiative to send it to the door, not only to solve the problem of funding defects, but also to bring a strong background, killing two birds with one stone, not to mention that he never thought that he would go on sole proprietorship forever.

   can\'t seem to find a reason for rejection, he thought about it and said, "Although I don\'t understand why you value my new company, it does no harm to me, why not?"

   "I do not value your company, but you. Before I came to the appointment, when chatting with my father, he said something that impressed me."

   At this time, Grandpa Wang came out to serve food and interrupted Georgina\'s words. They were all home-cooked Sichuan dishes, and they were not served on the plate. They were large in quantity, and the attractive color made the population fertile, but Yang Cheng didn\'t care about the dishes.

   "What did Uncle Michael say?"

   "He said that the young boy from the Yang family was reborn from Nirvana." Georgina did not sell her, and skillfully took a piece of chicken with chopsticks and put it on the plate in front of her.

   Yang Cheng still doesn\'t understand. It would be too trivial to invest in his company based on these words.

   did not ask any more questions. After eating a mouthful of food, the taste is really authentic. It is not the kind of improved Sichuan cuisine that meets the taste of Westerners. Of course, in order to take care of people who can\'t eat spicy food, I deliberately put less chili.

   "How much do you want to invest? How many shares do you account for?" After tasting a few mouthfuls of each dish, he put down his chopsticks and took a sip of tea and asked.

   "500 million, 20%." Georgina gave a calm offer, but Yang Cheng was shocked to vomit blood, 500 million idle funds? What about a liar? This is definitely not Georgina\'s own money.

There is also a one-fifth share of the shares that will be lost. It is really a big opening for the Lions. His acquisition of Lionsgate Films will cost 2 billion. With the Forum Publishing Company, the added value generated by the two will give 2.5 billion. U.S. dollar valuation?

   "This is impossible." Yang Cheng flatly refused.

   "Forum Publishing Company has billions of debts on its back." Georgina hit Yang Cheng\'s soft underbelly, and it is true that Forum Publishing Company\'s debt will lower its valuation.

"Don\'t worry about that, I have found a new profit point, and you will see it soon." Yang Orange explained, paused, and then said, "It\'s better to do this, don\'t worry about the investment, wait until I officially I have acquired Lionsgate and made a decision after the new project of the forum company goes live? You know I welcome you to be my partner."

   From the standpoint of a friend, Georgina understands Yang Cheng\'s dissatisfaction with the offer.

But now that she is an investor, she naturally has to give priority to her own interests. If according to Yang Cheng, the valuation of the new media company will not be low by then, which means that she spends the same amount of money, but she can only make enough money to shake Yang Cheng. The shares of this major shareholder.

   So she disagrees!

Just as Yang Cheng guessed, she only contributed 100 million of the money, and all the rest came from her father. She didn’t understand why her father suddenly made an investment decision after reading Yang Cheng’s recent information. , Just like playing house.

   I don’t understand. I don’t understand. My father never made a wrong choice in her impression, so the benefits that I should strive for must not be given up.

   "500 million, 17%" Georgina did not accept Yang Cheng\'s ‘good intention’, and offered another offer, which immediately raised the valuation to 3 billion.

   This is far from her bottom line, Yang Cheng guessed in her heart.

   In this case, Yang Cheng is not polite, "500 million, 10%". In his plan, this unformed media group is worth a valuation of 5 billion US dollars.

   Seeing Georgina\'s sullen face, Yang Cheng hurriedly raised her hand and said, "I want to tell the professional negotiating team below, so that you and I won\'t hurt your peace."

  A large investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, a decimal point is worth tens of millions of dollars, let alone Yang Cheng, Georgina is also playing drums.

   Get rid of the dignified atmosphere of business negotiations. This lunch was a good time for guests and hosts. Finally, Georgina stopped Yang Cheng from paying the bill. In her words, this is her home. There is no reason why guests should pay for dinner.

  Georgina’s kindness, Yang Cheng declined but had to accept, and the two of them drove away separately downstairs in the restaurant.


On August 7, because of yesterday’s explosive news, the public’s attention to the Los Angeles Times was rekindled. As its parent company’s Forum Publishing Company, it gave the outside world no respite at all and set a second fire. A bit more ferocious.

The Los Angeles Times, which went on sale this morning, not only continued to attack Elizabeth Holmes on the front page, but also responded to her remarks at the press conference yesterday. It also cited a series of evidence that completely killed the theranos company. Engage in rhythm.

   The colleagues who are watching this tearing battle are stunned. Is the Los Angeles Times taking chun medicine? The combat power is bursting.

The colleagues love to think and think. Eddie only knows that he is going crazy. He hasn\'t closed his mouth since he got up in the morning. His smile almost crushed his cheekbones. He waited for the noon press conference in the office. While watching the sales of newspapers.

   Unsurprisingly, we made persistent efforts on the basis of the 700,000 copies sold yesterday, breaking through 800,000 copies in one fell swoop. The Chicago Tribune, which was sold to the east and reprinted the same content, also followed, and sold more than 200,000 copies.

  In the industry, today, when this giant is competing to reduce the share of paper printing, is the newspaper going to rejuvenate?

   Obviously not, I can only say that the timing of this report was very clever:

  First, Elizabeth Holmes is well-known and regarded as an idol by countless young people, especially women, and is a typical representative of the American dream;

  Second, the products sold by theranos company are related to people\'s livelihood and are closely related to the lives of ordinary people. Whenever an incident affects ordinary people, the backbone of society, it can always cause an uproar;

Third, recently, the World Cup has just passed. Whether it’s business, politics, or cultural and entertainment circles, they have been quietly silent. People have no money to talk after dinner, and life is about to fade out. At this time, a major event suddenly broke out, which is the favorite of mankind. It’s strange that the emotions don’t burst out all of a sudden, like a gunshot from a silent dark forest. Can it attract the attention of the “insomniac” crowd;

Fourth, human beings are born with the bad habit of following the trend, which has nothing to do with nationality or race. When you go to work, other colleagues are discussing gossip, and you have never heard of it, you will subconsciously feel that you are out, no I got together, so I couldn’t take care of my work. I hurriedly bought a newspaper to see what happened. After I learned something, I joined the discussion army and joined a certain camp for a debate.

   To sum up, the Los Angeles Times broke out suddenly, but it was just a meal of dumplings during the New Year, and the right time and place were on Yang Cheng\'s side.

   Regardless of whether it is Yang Cheng or Eddie, they have never thought how long the sales of 1 million will last. As long as they pave the way for the debut of the "Toutiao" app, the mission will be completed.

   At 11 o\'clock, the press conference in the name of Forum Publishing Company was held on time in the multifunctional hall on the first floor of 7 BryantPark Building.

10 minutes ago, in the office on the top floor of the building, Yang Cheng and Ryze ridiculed Eddie’s strict wife management. Assistant Lin Susu walked in on high heels and reported respectfully, "Boss, Mr. Ryze, Mr. Eddie, the press conference will begin 10 minutes later. , Reporters from various media are already in place."

   Yang Cheng calmly got up and put on the whole said to Ritz and Eddie, "You two get down first, and I will arrive later."

   "Yes, boss."

   "Susu, come and help me see if the tie is crooked?" When the two of them took the first step, Yang Cheng beckoned to the assistant.

Since taking the post of Assistant Yang Cheng, Lin Susu has changed a lot. He used to be shy and introverted. He no longer blushes cheeks at every turn. When conveying Yang Cheng instructions downwards, he appears generous and capable. He is proficient in collating reports for Yang Cheng every day. , I haven\'t made a mistake, where can I find such an assistant?

   What made Yang Cheng even more gratified was that Susu\'s cute face with baby fat that had not yet faded, and the occasional cute expression, could always inadvertently lift up Yang Cheng\'s desire to conquer.

   Susu bent down and put the folder in his hand on the coffee table, stepped forward two steps to Yang Cheng, and strenuously raised his head and raised his arm to adjust the tie for Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng lowered his head and looked down at Susu\'s concentrated expression. She was obviously dressed in an old-fashioned black-and-white costume. She was confused by the two heavy objects on her chest. She smirked and teased, "Susu, you used to Have you had a boyfriend?"

   The motion on his hand was stagnant, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he did not dare to look directly at Yang Cheng\'s compelling eyes, "No."

   "Come with me after get off work in the evening, and take you to eat delicious food." Yang Cheng pinched the soft white jade hand, and commanded in a tone that could not be denied.

In the multifunctional hall, reporters from various media in New York sat in the venue whispering to each other. They were also very curious that this newspaper leader, which has been silent for many years, did not publish the news exclusively, but called all colleagues to inform. The world.

   But as everyone in Eddie walked into the venue, the reporters unexpectedly looked at Yang Cheng\'s strange and familiar face, instinctively raised the guy who was eating in his hand, kept pressing the shutter, and desperately taking pictures.