Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 90: Georgina Investment (1)

At noon, Yang Cheng drove alone to the restaurant with Georgina, a Chinese restaurant on Sixth Avenue. If Georgina had not sent the address, Yang Cheng had lived in Manhattan for so many years and had not found a hidden Chinese restaurant here. , I still make Sichuan food.

   "Good day, Georgina, it\'s such a coincidence." When Yang Cheng parked the car and closed the door, a red Bentley Continental sports car was inserted in front, it was Georgina\'s car.

   "Good day, jason, you look very handsome today." Georgina got out of the car and hugged Yang Cheng, threw the car key to the bodyguard, and looked up and down Yang Cheng and admired Yang Cheng.

   Yang Cheng also looked at Georgina’s dress today, denim hot pants, purple short-sleeved shirt and knotted corners, revealing a **** belly and belly button, blond hair casually draped behind his head, looking youthful and beautiful.

   "Am I not handsome before?" asked narcissistically.

  Georgina covered her mouth and smiled, "Hehe, handsome is handsome, but he is a little bit naive. Today I found a temperament similar to my father from you."

Yang Cheng froze for a moment, and then thought of an\'old saying\' that money is the guts of men, and money is the face of women. This is quite right, but the money is also divided into how it comes from, what you want from home and the confidence you earn It\'s all different.

   "Well, thank you for your compliment, I will continue to work hard in the future." Xin comfortably accepted Georgina\'s appreciation.

"Go up first? Let\'s talk while eating. In the words of your Chinese, if you don\'t have anything to do, you will steal if you don\'t be rape." Georgina is different from other celebrities. In addition to necessary occasions, she needs to show her daughters and ladies. Very casual, neither deliberately pursuing famous brands nor applying too much chemical substances on his face. I came out to see Yang Cheng today. I guess I would wake up and take a shower. I didn’t even carry a bag, and I spoke straightforwardly. Go, without kneading.

"You guessed it, I do have something to ask for." Yang Cheng shrugged, and also did not evade. Sometimes this is good. Ask someone for help and say it openly. If they don\'t agree, they will give you a certainty. Then, do not delay their time.

   This restaurant is located above a hardware store. There is a signboard with Chinese characters on the glass. There is not even a signboard downstairs. It seems that the restaurant owner is convinced that the aroma of wine is not afraid of the deep alley.

Go up to the second floor, open the door to enter the restaurant, and find that it is no different from other overseas Chinese restaurants. The theme color is still mainly red. The ceiling is hung with red lanterns and Fu character stickers are everywhere. Perhaps the only difference from other Chinese restaurants It is because this store does not put too many tables, but uses a semi-covered cubicle to ensure the privacy of the dining guests.

   It was past noon, and there were no guests in the restaurant, which made Yang Cheng worry about the taste of the food.

   "Where did you find this shop? I don\'t even know about me as a Chinese." Yang Cheng asked curiously, looking at the layout of the restaurant. The furniture looked slightly old, which proved that this shop has been in business for a long time.

Georgina poked her head and looked in the direction of the back kitchen, glanced back at Yang Cheng, and said with a chuckle, "You don’t know, it’s not surprising that the owner of this restaurant used to be our chef, but she became older and unwilling to worry about it. , I opened this restaurant with the support of my father, so that our family can come whenever they want to eat Chinese food, so except for my family and friends brought by the family, almost no other customers come here."

   Yang Cheng nodded suddenly, "The chef who can be valued by your family must have great craftsmanship."

   "Yes, look okay." Georgina blinked her eyes and tongue out like a little girl, just like when children took out their favorite toys to show off to their friends.

   enthusiastically shouted to the back kitchen, "Grandpa Wang, Georgina is bringing friends."

"Oh? Georgina is here?" Georgina said that Grandpa Wang is the owner of this shop and the only chef, a thin old man who speaks fluent English, but how does this accent sound like this? Like SC words.

   Yang Cheng couldn’t help but interrupted in Chinese, "Hello grandpa, I’m Georgina’s friend, take the liberty to ask, are you from SC?"

   "Oh, or a fellow?" Grandpa Wang was smoking a pipe, and he found Yang Cheng, a familiar face with yellow skin, dark eyes and black hair, and exclaimed with joy.

   Yang Cheng hasn’t seen anyone smoke a cigarette in many years. Grandpa Wang’s joy seems to have infected him, "They are all from the Z country, but my hometown is not SC."

   "Heyhey, you are not allowed to say Z text, there is a lady present, you want gentlemen, OK?" Georgina joked, pretending to be unhappy.

After chatting with each other for a few words, Grandpa Wang took the initiative to retreat to the back kitchen to prepare lunch for Yang Cheng and Georgina, and the two found a cubicle by the window and sat across from each other. While waiting for the dishes, Georgina asked Yang. The orange thing.

   "Jason, talk about it, what can I do for you." Georgina has always taken good care of her friends, which gave her a reputation for loyalty in the circle.

"Did you read the Los Angeles Times this morning?" Yang Cheng was puzzled. After Elizabeth Holmes\' public relations conference, Theranos fraud was already on the In Georgina’s background, even if she didn’t want to know it. Someone will take the initiative to tell her.

   "Hehe, after reading it, I know you are here for this. It\'s really boring." Georgina held her cheek, with an expression that I had already seen everything.

   Yang Cheng was speechless, with sweat at the corners of her eyes, just listening to Georgina sternly, "Well, no kidding, how do you want me to help you?"

   "It\'s very simple, as long as the Jewish Mutual Aid Society stands by." Yang Cheng said bluntly.

  Georgina was surprised. "It\'s really simple. I thought you needed me to contact the group of former state officials on the theranos board. If that\'s the case, I can\'t do anything."

   "I know, I won\'t make a request that is difficult for you." Yang Cheng waved her hand, understanding Georgina\'s concerns.

   "Do you have tangible evidence in your hands?" Georgina raised the key to the question after a little consideration.

   Yang Cheng spread his hands on the table, "Yes, otherwise, why should I take so much trouble."

"Then it will be easier. You will seize the time to take the time to take the counterfeit incidents into reality, causing an irreversible trend. I will try my best to help you hold the Mutual Aid Association. No one will come out for Elizabeth. The Mutual Aid Association is not as united as the outside world thinks. ."

  Georgina’s words seemed to feed Yang Cheng a reassurance. He didn’t doubt Georgina’s ability. Her surname was Bloomberg, and she was Michael Bloomberg’s most beloved little daughter.

"Thank you, I will toast you with a cup of tea instead of wine. In the future, you can speak up if you find me useful, cheers." Yang Cheng raised the teacup and thanked him solemnly. Georgina agreed to help without saying anything, which was beyond Yang Cheng\'s expectations. .

   Georgina held up her teacup without drinking, and watched Yang Cheng drunk playfully, "I really need you."