Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 9: Persuade (2)

I have to say that Yang Cheng’s ideas are good, at least in Yang Sen’s view, they are good, but they are slightly immature, but he does not suspect that the man sitting opposite is not his son anymore, only when Yang Cheng is still young and does not have enough ideas. Mature and not comprehensive.

Can    be well-known when he is famous? Not always, being famous also means exposing yourself to the camera, but it is easier to be caught by the outside world, because it is difficult for a person to not make mistakes in his life, no matter how big or small a mistake is, as long as he makes a mistake, he will be caught by the enemy. , And give a fatal blow.

Looking at Yang Cheng with relief and waved his hand, "Okay, I probably know what you think. I support the purchase of Delta Air Lines. I control a physical company and expand its influence at the grassroots level. Which way to look, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so what do you want me to do?"

Yang Cheng’s thoughts were completely taken by Yang Sen. He felt happy and leaned forward and replied, “I think you secretly contact Delta’s minority shareholders and buy their stocks, plus jp Morgan or Berkshire. Among them, any holdings in the hands of any family, so that in the name of Yuanshan, I will start with the secondary market for those 7% of the shares, and the total shareholding will be about 13%."

Listening to Yang Cheng’s statement, Yang Sen took out his phone, searched for Delta’s stock price, and popped out a series of numbers. “The current stock price is around US$35 and the total share capital is about 710 million shares. If we want to win 13%, it’s also That is about 92 million shares, which requires US$3.2 billion. Considering the issue of premium, we have to prepare at least 3.5-4 billion in cash.

   Yuanshan needs to invest more than 2 billion. . . Ok. . . No problem, but where do you get 10 billions? "

   gave a thumbs up to Yang Sen’s mental arithmetic ability. Unexpectedly, he was beaten in the next second. Yang Sen raised his mobile phone and turned the screen towards Yang Cheng, "Don’t you know that the phone has a calculator function?"

   Yang Cheng was speechless, "You really can\'t help but boast, don\'t worry about the funds, I have a solution."

   "What can you do? You won\'t hit the attention of your front door?"

   "Why? I\'m still pointing to the store to eat my money, don\'t worry, you can just watch it."

   Mom urged them to go down to dinner through a beeper. The father and son were discussing the action plan as they walked. Yang Cheng also reported to Yang Sen the target he wanted to acquire.

   A family of three ate a long-lost harmonious and warm dinner, and watched a movie in the home audio-visual room. Family time is always short. Tomorrow the parents will have to go to work and go back to the bedroom to rest early.

On the first day after Yang Cheng’s rebirth, her heart rode on the roller coaster several times. She was not tired but she was very exhausted. She fell into a deep sleep for a few seconds. In her sleep, she dreamed that she was on the cover of a financial magazine. , Countless beautiful women fell for him. . .


   I was speechless for a night, and slept three poles the next day, until the phone rang like a urging ring, and then he crawled out of the bed unwillingly.

   "Jason, don\'t tell me you are still in bed, **** it, do you know that I didn\'t sleep all night for your plan?" Alan\'s drake\'s voice suddenly remembered in the quiet bedroom, and Yang Cheng was shocked.

   "Fuck, just say something, you scared me." Yang Cheng yelled angrily while holding the phone far away.

   "Haha, deserve it, allright, talk about business, short oil, I agree." Allen\'s voice was full of ‘are you surprised? Are you surprised? ’Means.

   "Oh, what then?" Yang Cheng\'s voice was calm.

   Alan\'s voice on the other end of the phone became sharp, "Then? Then what? Your best brother went crazy with you. Shouldn\'t you be happy?"

Yang Cheng didn’t change her face, her mouth imitated an excited voice, and she said without a trace of emotion, "Wow, happy, I\'m so happy, okay? You agree that as long as I expected, what\'s so exciting? Yes, act quickly. Remember, our goal is $55. If the oil price does not fall below this line, we must never close the position."

   "By the way, have those stocks cashed out? How much capital do we have in total." Yang Cheng then asked.

   Alan will not be lost either. He was amused with Yang Orange. They have known each other for 7 or 8 years. Who doesn\'t know who?

"Hmm, the most important thing on Wall Street is the rich, rich investment banks, rich funds. We are all high-quality stocks. They have no possibility of rejecting it. Cash out plus our own cash probably 500 million dollars, yes, this still doesn’t include Amazon’s stock, don’t you let it move."

   Yang Cheng changed his posture, and no matter whether he could see it or not, he nodded to himself, "Yes, I am very optimistic about the trend of Amazon, and I have to continue to increase holdings if I have spare money."

   "I see, let\'s talk about this, then do we need to borrow leverage?"

Yang Cheng pondered for a moment, but also a little undecided. After all, he couldn\'t remember the specific details and timing of the oil price. He only knew that it would plummet and the price would almost be cut in half. The use of leverage would naturally maximize profits, but the risk of liquidation would greatly increase. "What do you think? Allen."

"I am inclined to use it. According to your analysis yesterday, I have called up the price changes of crude oil in the past 10 years, as well as the current fuel consumption levels and reserves of various countries, and the conclusions are consistent with your opinion. The plunge in oil prices can be expected. Yes, but there is no way to judge when it falls. It is better to use 5 times low leverage, so that even the loss is within our acceptable range." Allen analysis suggested.

   "Yes, I agree. Hurry up and enter the layout. I have a hunch that the oil price plunge will be close at hand, I am afraid it will be in the past one or two months." Yang Cheng mysteriously became a prophet.

   At this time, Allen only listened to Yang Cheng\'s words as a joke, and laughed at him for bragging.

   "Haha, I hope so, but don\'t you plan to come over and take a look?" Allen asked after laughing.

   Yang Cheng stood by the bed and used the remote control to separate the heavy curtains to the sides. The sky outside the window was a little gloomy, and the huge cumulonimbus cloud pressed above his head. Obviously, this was a sign of rain.

   "No, leave it to you and I can rest assured, I still have a lot of things." Yang Cheng stretched out and rejected Allen\'s proposal.

It\'s not that he doesn\'t want to go, but his half-skilled level. Even with the original experience of Yang Cheng, he is afraid of showing his feet, but he will not show his eyes. Moreover, compared to Yang Cheng, Alan is a professional trader. It doesn\'t matter whether he has him or not. .

   "Asshole, you will die on a woman sooner or later." Allen obviously misunderstood that Yang Cheng was going to pick up girls.

   Yang Cheng was too lazy to explain, and shot back casually, "That\'s better than eating a hamburger!"

After fighting each other a few words, he hung up the phone. Yang Cheng checked the time, went to the bathroom without delay, and soaked in the spa bath for more than half an hour, changed into a rather business outfit, and took it. Go out with an Audi key.

   Before going to bed last night, I received a text message from the owner of the tenant of his store, wanting to talk about renewing the lease, and made an appointment for lunch today.

It is estimated that 20 minutes later, an olive-green Audi S8 stopped at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 46th Street. This is not only a place for tourists to gather, but also a shopping center that Manhattan people love, clothing, food and other goods are available here. .

Yang Cheng’s store is at the corner of the crossroads. There is a dense flow of people. The signboards are hung here, so there is no worry that no one will come in. Therefore, his store rent is always more than 10% more expensive than other stores. As far as the bosses are concerned, 10% more costs can always be earned back from customers.

  Of course, there are exceptions. This artist-like and retro-style audio-video store owner cannot support it. If he wants to negotiate with Yang Cheng to reduce the rent, it is inconvenient to maintain the status quo.

   The boss\'s name is Johnny Yuta, a lucky guy, why do you say that?

He was once the winner of the American Powerball lottery. About five years ago, he received a total of more than 200 million US dollars in prize money. It was a sensation in the United States that year. He became a billionaire and a representative of the typical American dream. .

Johnny is also considered business-minded. After receiving the bonus, he came to Fifth Avenue to find a store as soon as possible. He was ready to fulfill his childhood dream of opening a video store, which specializes in vinyl records, and not only hired famous street graffiti. The master designed the store decoration for him, and he also knows how to play a celebrity effect. The store opened by the winner of the Powerball lottery makes those old beauties who dream of the American dream every day want to be happy. They often come to his store to spend. Over time, UU reads books. The sign of Utah Video Store was just like that.

Yang Cheng, who had just lost Lin Qian at the time, was unhappy, and everyone was upset. When Johnny found him, he looked like I was a nouveau riche and I didn’t need money. The angry Yang Cheng smashed him severely. The rent is not a fixed contract, but a model of 5% increase every year. One sign is five years. You must know that the initial rent is 25 million US dollars a year.

At first Johnny Uta really made some money, but in the past two years, his popularity has declined, and people also advocate fast consumption. There are fewer and fewer people who like vinyl music. Young people are more willing to download music to IPOD or On smartphones, you can listen at any time. Although there are old customers\' support, the rental cost has increased year after year with the same income. Naturally, it is his interests that are compressed, and it will be a loss next year.

"Hey, Johnny, are you okay?" Yang Cheng stepped into the video store. At this time, there was not much traffic in the store. There were only more than 10 people in twos and threes. The well-known Yang Cheng looked at the person sitting behind the cashier. Brawny.

  Johnny is from Minnesota. The severe cold weather can always exercise one\'s physique. Johnny\'s burly body like a brown bear can always bring people the most exciting visual impact.

"Look, who is this, jason, it\'s been a long time since I saw you become handsome again." Johnny Uta is in his 50s this year, but he has a loud voice and steady steps. He walked around the cash register, dressed in a punk jacket and denim. It is trendy.

Yang Cheng stepped forward, raised his hand to punch Johnny, looked up at Johnny\'s bald head that was as bright as a light bulb, jokingly, "Johnny, what about your turban that lasts forever?" Before, Johnny always used a turban to bald his head. Wrapped, and his fierce face, like a pirate, many timid female customers walked down.

   "I was too hot, so I picked it." Johnny pouted and explained vaguely.