Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 8: Persuade (1)

"What happened to that Lehman?"

   The father and son sat opposite each other, the afterglow spilled into the room, as if the furniture was covered with red gauze, and the aroma of brandy mixed with Janssen’s cigar.

   Hearing Yang Sen’s question, Yang Cheng couldn’t help but laughed out, "I really thought you didn’t care about Dad..."

"Nonsense, normal admiration is not a bad thing. It proves that your mother is attractive in disguise, and your father, I have foresight. Besides, I also walked over on the body of a rival in love back then, but what if it was for a purpose?" Yang Sen\'s gaze was at sunset The next became deep, and said meaningfully.

   "Do you suspect that Louis Lehman has something to ask for?" Yang Cheng put down the wine glass and asked.

   can immediately refute himself, "No, I asked him to be checked. Past records show that he is a pervert with special habit."

   Yang Sen shook his index finger with a chuckle, "You are still too young to look at things only on the surface..."

   got up and picked up a document from the desk, and when he came back, he threw it away in Yang Cheng’s arms, “Let’s see, this is what John found on my way back.”

   Yang Cheng was unconvinced, opened the information and read it.

   The information is not long, more than a page and a half, I quickly browsed through ten lines at a glance, and opened my mouth, not knowing what to say.

The text on these two A4 printing papers only said one thing. The same thing happened before Paul Lehman, the father of Louis Lehman, acquired many well-known companies such as Anheuser-Busch InBev, Burger King, Heinz Foods, etc. One of the members of the management team has a derailed woman at home, whether it is the chairman, CEO, or CFO. All are the most important position managers of the company.

   Sitting in that position, busy every day, no time to take care of the family, causing his wife to cheat, it seems not difficult to understand, but a coincidence is called a coincidence, twice? three times? If it\'s a coincidence, then you deserve to be ruined, lost your wife and broke down.

   Yang Cheng sighed in his heart that he was indeed too young, but at the same time he was puzzled. After all, this method is too obscure, and it is easy to cause anger and be attacked by groups. Does the Lehman family have this hobby?

If you have a problem, you can’t hide it. He is young, but the bigger problem is that his previous life experience is only limited to the middle and low class, and his vision is too small. The few news about the upper class are all hearsay, no The true basis can be said, which led him to view the problem too narrowly. If this problem is not solved, how can he accomplish his goal.

   talked out the doubts and asked dad for advice.

"Hehe, first, these cases alone will not attract people\'s suspicion; second, no man, especially successful men, will voluntarily admit that he is being cuckolded, 99% will choose to hide; third, people\'s eyes Forever chasing the winners, as for the losers who are kicked out by the acquisition, they even disdain for sympathy."

After a pause, he took a cigar and continued, "Furthermore, Paul Lehman did not necessarily instigate this matter. It is more likely that Louis Lehman made his own claim, and Paul Lehman knew it but did not stop it. With an attitude of tacit consent, what can\'t the capitalists do for profit?

Even if the Dongchuang incident happened one day, he could completely shift the responsibility to Louis Lehman, and come to a righteous extermination. After all, he is the most important investor in South America and exists on the same level as Buffett. I am afraid that no one is willing to touch his brows. get to the bottom. "

Yang Sen’s words gave Yang Cheng a sense of\'the city\'s routines are deep, I want to go back to the countryside\', but the brows that had just been smoothed frowned again and asked, "So Louis Lehman is staring at his mother, is it? The Lehman family wants to acquire Yuanshan? No, haven’t they been stirring up trouble in the food industry?"

"No, no, no, it\'s not to buy Yuanshan, they still lack good teeth if they want to swallow Yuanshan..." Yang Sen said domineeringly, he was not a pig with a scallion in his nose, but Yuanshan Capital had it. This is the strength and confidence to say this sentence, let alone Paul Lehman, even Buffett’s shot, can not guarantee 100% success, after all, Yuanshan Capital is a banner of the Chinese in the field of financial capital.

But before he could say everything, Yang Sen waved his hand, took the initiative to interrupt the topic, changed a comfortable sitting posture and looked at Yang Cheng, and said, "Leave aside this. I\'m not sure yet. More evidence is needed. Tell me about you, take the initiative to go home after a few months, must have something to ask me?"

   Yang Cheng\'s little heart slammed and almost reached her throat. If it hadn\'t been for the subconscious mind to tell him that he would not be found out, it is estimated that he would have taken the initiative to reveal itself.

After finishing his face, he said according to the pre-written draft, "Lin Qian’s story has been turned over a long time ago, and I am tired of playing. You know that I have been investing in it, but most of it is a small mess. I found the opportunity to do something big and need your help."

How can Yang Sen think too much, only when his son really wants to open up. Over the past four years, he and Liu Yun have seen what Yang Cheng has done in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts. They have spoken words of persuasion and comfort countless times, without a single point. As a result, both of them gradually gave up, thinking that this would be good too, at least they had no worries about food and clothing.

   Unexpectedly, Yang Cheng suddenly figured it out. When it comes to his own blood, the calm and calm and proud wisdom he used to be ruthlessly abandoned.

   "Okay, okay, your mother must be very happy if she knows..." Yang Sen was a little choked. The man who once led Yuanshan Capital through the thorns and thorns to take a **** road without shed a single tear, for his son\'s eyes flushed.

   Yang Cheng lowered his eyelids, afraid to look at Yang Sen. . .

   After a long while, Yang Sen cleaned up his emotions better and chuckled lightly, "Okay, the two elders are posing as daughters, and they will tell people to laugh and tell me if there is anything I can do for help."

   Yang Cheng rubbed his eyes, squeezed a smile, and took a deep breath, "I want to invest in Delta Air Lines..."

   Suddenly, Yang Sen\'s pupils shrank, and Erlang\'s legs were lifted, restoring the wise qualities of an entrepreneur, "Tell me carefully."

Yang Sen drank the remaining foreign wine in the cup, suppressed the messy emotions, and talked freely, "Whether it is our Yuanshan Capital or other emerging forces, we are trying to break through the heavy cages set by old families or consortia. Find a new way out.

   The resource areas, heavy industry, and manufacturing, where combat effectiveness is most likely to be formed, don’t need to be considered. They are divided, and the cake has been allocated long ago. The earth is so big and there are so many resources, and it is impossible to make a big cake.

As far as I know, the emerging technology Internet hegemons in Silicon Valley, headed by Apple, Google, and Oracle, have plans to build their own exchanges in the west. Once they succeed, there is no doubt that the road ahead will be bright, which is equivalent to a knife inserted in the bones of Wall Street. Up, immobile.

   What about us? What about the Chinese in North America? Is it to re-choose one side? Or should they take advantage of their snipe and clam quarrel, be a fisherman to profit from it, so that they can stand on top of the hill and dominate one side?

  Of course, I am not so ambitious to unify the Chinese world, nor am I so great, working hard for the future of others, I don\'t want to be a Virgin.

   But if we don\'t want to stand in a team, we must have the ability to protect ourselves and let the two sides default to our neutral position.

   At present, the aviation industry, which is in chaos, is the best opportunity for us fishermen to profit.

Now our Yuanshan Capital is no different from the sky garden. It seems to be aloft and beautiful, but a hurricane can wipe us out. If you want to be safe, you must have a foundation and must fall to the ground. Even if you lose a battle, you will have to escape. If there is another financial crisis like that in 2008, are you confident that you will get through it again? "

Yang Cheng’s long talk is a bit far-reaching and the topic is a bit big, but it can’t be said wrong. Yuanshan Capital was born out of a real estate group, and its operation method is simply to acquire those bad assets, and then modify, build or sell. The self-employed way to make money is easy to say when no one is targeting, but once someone is looking at you, what about deliberately attacking you?

   Yuanshan Capital is rich, but after all, not all of them belong to the Yang family. Most of them are external funds. When there is a crisis, even if there is a turmoil, the owner of the capital will withdraw the funds. At that time, Yuanshan Capital was vulnerable.

   The above is what Yang Cheng said after careful consideration, because a war must have a high-sounding excuse. You cannot start a war without a reason. Please refer to the fascists for the fate of that.

He wants to buy a stake in one of the three largest airlines in North America, the most profitable airline, and even become the largest shareholder. The difficulty is the same as if you can climb Mount Everest independently without help. If there is no good reason, Yang Sen would not agree, but Yang Sen did not agree. On his own, who is the Delta Air Lines director and shareholder knowing him?

   Yang Cheng understands this, but Yang Sen doesn’t understand it. In fact, Yang Cheng didn’t take it too seriously. UU read www.uukanshu. On the contrary, com used his brain, constantly calculating the possibility of taking Delta Air Lines, and he always felt that Yang Cheng\'s plan was more than that.

"What about Delta Air Lines? You want to run it yourself? We don\'t have experience in managing an airline. What else do you have to say." Yang Sen leaned back on the back of his chair, staring with piercing eyes. Yang Cheng.

Yang Sen’s question made Yang Cheng a little guilty, because his basic idea was to make some achievements and get a nickname, and then to be a son brother, heir, bubble actress, supermodel, etc., of course, if you can get far Mountain Capital couldn\'t have been better.

   But that remark just now was almost emptying out the old bottom, if it weren\'t for the memory blessing left by Yang Cheng, it would have been a long time ago.

It’s not the time to sigh, and I rushed to wit, pondered for a moment and replied, “Now is the age of information words, since the media age, everyone has a pair of eyes to see through the secrets, especially we are in the West, the Internet environment is relatively open. In such an era, there is no secret to true heart. If it weren\'t for those old-fashioned families who started hiding their wealth decades earlier, there would be no Bill Gates.

   And low-key should be divided into times. In the era of poor information, deliberately keeping a low-key and reducing outside attention is a good way to protect yourself.

But now we need to be famous, we need fame to protect us, so that people who want to touch our fat are scrupulous, and dare not discredit us at will. To give a simple example, Michael Jackson, the little RB wants to tie this firmly A cash cow, as well as his huge music rights, including Elvis and The Beatles, made him a **** animal, but Michael\'s status as the king of heaven has not been shaken in the slightest.

   So investing in Delta Air Lines is just the first step. . . "