Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 88: The first fire (large

"Boss, there are results. Focus Films has a small reputation in the industry. Its predecessor was Goodmachine. It was established in 1991. The new company was established in 2004. It is now part of Universal Pictures. The company’s most valuable copyright is two. The masterpiece, Pride and Prejudice, and Jane Eyre, has a library of more than 60 films. It has a good relationship with Chinese director Li Yu. He almost arranged the production and distribution of all Li Yu’s films. The actual assets are worth about 30-40 million US dollars."

Yang Cheng, Ryze, and Eddie chatted with red wine in the top office, from Wall Street to Hollywood, from Country Z to the United States, unknowingly night fell, and Xing Chu called a chef from a nearby hotel , In the small kitchen next to Yang Cheng’s office, a table of delicious food was cooked on the spot, and the master and servant had a good time.

  Ritz reported the results of the investigation to Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng only drank two glasses of wine. His head was very clear. He didn\'t open his mouth to buy because of the price of RMB 34 million. He heard the point, and Focus Pictures was in Universal\'s hands.

  MMP, he finally understands the reason why Li Yu can gain prestige in the discriminatory environment of Hollywood.

This matter is difficult to handle. The two films of Fifty Shades of Grey have nearly $1 billion at the global box office. The production cost of the first film is $40 million for publicity. In fact, the total cost of publicity is only $40 million. The first one knows that there are no big scenes in the whole movie that require special burning. It can cost a few dollars to set up an SM secret room.

   Wealth is touching, a net profit of more than 9 digits is enough for Yang Cheng to take some risks, such as offending the world?

   "Does Universal Focus Pictures hold a controlling stake?" Yang Cheng sipped the red wine, his eyes filled with greedy desire.

   "No, the founder of Focus Pictures will not be willing to work for others. It should only be a global shareholding." Ryze Khan is different from other Indians. It may be related to mixed race, and there is a radical factor in his bones.

Eddie also put down the literati\'s shelf, his suit jacket disappeared, holding a plate of French fries specially fried for him by the chef and stuffing it with mayonnaise in his mouth one by one, and said vaguely, "I and the focus shadow The CEO of the industry, James Shammers, has been in contact. This person is extremely arrogant. If he was forced to be helpless, he would not accept Universal\'s Zhaoan."

   Yang Cheng and Ryze were curious, "How do you say?"

"James Shammers is a typical Hollywood fascist character. He is stubborn and proud. He often engages in the red sofa set during auditions. In this era, not every actress is obedient to it. There was an incident in the East Window and he was mastered. After the evidence was given, he wanted to sue him. In the end, Universal came forward to help him settle the matter. For this, he paid some shares of Focus Pictures and the position of chairman." Eddie recalled the scene of the meeting with James Deserts.

  Ritz thoughtfully suggested to Yang Cheng, "So this person has a lot of weaknesses, boss, should you check it out? First get the shares in his hand and talk about it."

   "Well, look it up carefully. It\'s best to take the Focus Films before Fifty Shades of Gray is finished filming." Yang Cheng nodded affirming Ryze\'s suggestion.

   Eddie sipped French fries, "Boss, are you so optimistic about Fifty Shades of Gray? You know, there are many cases of adaptation of popular novels in Hollywood."

Yang Cheng smiled, "No project is 100% profitable, but the selling point of this novel is different. This is a novel that can stimulate people\'s original desires. If you put it on the big screen, the text becomes an image. Large-scale passion drama will definitely drive young men and women crazy."

   "I agree with the boss\' point of view, and I add that this novel is more than one novel, but a whole series. As long as we give enough profit, we can entice the author to write it down forever."

Ritz paused, with a slightly mocking smile, and said to Eddie, "And Eddie, you should know better than me as a writer. Even a layman can see that this novel has no literary art at all. The vocabulary is not obscure. It is the most common vernacular that middle school students can write. If the author dares to speak loudly, we can even get rid of him, find someone to write a rumor, and hold the film adaptation right firmly in our hands. The golden rooster that placed the order."

  Ryze\'s words almost penetrated into Yang Cheng\'s stomach, and he sounded very comfortable. I like this kind of person who is serious about pursuing money in his arms, which is too appetizing.

   Eddie also responded with a lustful smile, "That\'s right, those who like this kind of movie don\'t care about the plot. The confrontation between the whip and the flesh is the key point. The plot is acceptable as long as it is not too bad."

   Is this old man drinking too much? Is it really a second spring?

"OK, that\'s it. Ryze will be handled by you, and I will settle the acquisition funds. Eddie, you know many acquaintances in Los Angeles. If Ryze needs it, please cooperate with me." Yang Cheng finally The decision was made and a plan to grab food from the tiger\'s mouth was set.

   It\'s not too much to say that the tiger\'s mouth grabs food, and the global side is by no means friendly.

In the next two days, Yang Cheng\'s life was like the weather in New York. It was sunny and windless. He left for morning exercises in Central Park every morning and arrived at the company on time at 9 o\'clock. He successively met with the management of the network department of Forum Publishing Company and the project leader of the "Toutiao" app project. People express the importance the head office attaches to the project.

   He also promised a lot of money to encourage the staff of the project team to complete R&D and market as quickly as possible under the premise of ensuring quality and quantity, striving to catch up with the upcoming GC of Forum Publishing Company, and seizing the market in one fell swoop.

Yang Cheng is really worried. There is no difficulty in the development of this type of app. If you can’t land on the beach in the first time, you can set up a large base and wait for the technology giants like Google to smell the ink of the dollar bill. Wei brought a large sum of money into the venue, how could there be room for Yang Cheng and the others to play?

  . . . . . .

   Until August 6, the headline of the latest issue of the Los Angeles Times ran a news headline, "Is this woman a genius? Or a liar?"

   Under the title, I borrowed a photo of Elizabeth Holmes on the cover of the magazine.

   At the beginning of the article, the exclamatory sentence caught the reader\'s attention, "Zhongxingpengyue\'s star unicorn company is really a scam group that everyone can punish!"

The article reads, “The female CEO of Theranos, Holmes, created a blood drop instead of blood test technology. It was once thought to disrupt the blood test industry of nearly 80 billion U.S. dollars, and was valued at 9 billion U.S. dollars. Favored by ten venture capital companies, at that time, the world was reporting the news of this self-made talented woman.

   Even the former Secretary of State Kissinger, who has read countless people, praised Holmes as synonymous with elegance and beauty many times in public speeches, but her beauty is still inferior to her wisdom.

   Indeed, Holmes’s wisdom is far beyond ordinary people. She used her wisdom to compile a story that even lied to herself to deceive the world.

   In fact, the blood test technology claimed by Holmes is simply empty talk, without any scientific basis.

   This so-called blood test technology is miniaturized, painless, and non-invasive. Patients do not need to go to the hospital. They only need to purchase a theranos instrument and collect a few drops of blood at their fingertips. The test results can be obtained within 4 hours.

   What does this mean?

   means that if all levels of medical systems and insurance companies in the United States fully adopt this technology, it will save hundreds of billions of dollars in at least the next ten years. It also means that this is a project with a return on investment of more than 100 times.

   How can Wall Street not be crazy about it?

   However, no one has thought about this. The official information shows that this company was founded in 2003. Since it holds such a subversive technology, why has it remained unknown for more than a decade? "

Yang Cheng arrived at the company early this morning. The freshly baked Los Angeles Times was already placed on the desk of the office, and the jacket was not taken off. Lin Susu\'s carefully brewed tea for him was thrown aside. He held the newspaper and read it. The more obvious the smile on my face, when I read this question, I couldn\'t help but read it out, "Right? Why is this?"

   Continue to look down, "The editor of this article was professionally sensitive, upholding the responsibility of exposing the facts to the public, conducting open and unannounced visits, and finally learned a disturbing fact from the mouths of several employees of theranos company with a conscience.

  Theranos has been in a regulatory gray area for more than ten years, because the company’s self-made testing equipment can escape FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) inspections as long as they are not in circulation on the market.

The results of its blood testing technology not only have problems in stable, accurate and accurate testing, but also a large number of tests in the experiment were carried out on traditional equipment purchased from outside companies such as Siemens, which is not independent innovation at all. .

   One of the anonymous employees told the editor that theranos technology can only detect 15 blood results, instead of the more than 240 in the promotion. "

The following article questioned the authenticity of the original blood test technology created by Theranos from all aspects, but the cunning Eddie did not directly show the relevant evidence, but used a series of question marks and teasing vocabulary, which created an illusion to the outside world. We don’t have any evidence, so come and sue us?

   is like in a movie, the bad guy always knocks the protagonist down and then turns on the taunt mode, and moves his face to provoke the protagonist, "Hit me? Come hit me?"

The expressions are so low that they don’t end up in the end, but it’s a movie after all. Yang Cheng doesn’t think Eddie’s character will be defeated by doing so. This battle is already doomed. The two armies are facing each other, and one of them learned of the enemy’s military deployment in advance. , Isn\'t that accurate?

   Hansen used a lot of means to get the factual evidence of the theranos company\'s fraud and the certification issued by relevant departments. It is undoubtedly defeated by Elizabeth Holmes in the court, and he also helped the Los Angeles Times for free.

   Putting down the newspaper, Yang Cheng leisurely sipped the green tea. I don\'t know if it was because of the good mood. Today, the tea is particularly fragrant and the aftertaste is particularly long.

   was about to call Eddie to inquire about the sales volume of the Los Angeles Times today, but the phone rang first.

   "Hello, this is Jason Yang." I didn\'t even look at the electric display, and stared straight at the angelic face of Elizabeth Holmes in the newspaper. I didn\'t know that Yang Cheng had a crush on her.

   "Jason, it\'s me!" With a familiar voice, Yang Orange raised his eyebrows and took the phone away from his ear, and glanced at the name on the screen, David Ellison.

   "Oh, David, won\'t you call me so early to play with me?" Yang Cheng joked.

  Who knows that David Ellison did not accept, but said solemnly, "Jason, withdraw today\'s report."

   Yang Cheng frowned in dissatisfaction, "What report did you say?"

   "Comeon, man, don\'t pretend to be stupid, who didn\'t know that you bought Forum Publishing Company. The Los Angeles Times belongs to you, right?"

   Yang Cheng frowned and tightened, and her voice became colder, "Are you teaching me how to do things? David!"

   "Jason, I am not discussing with you, but informing you to take down the report of Elizabeth Holmes." David\'s almost commanding tone made Yang Cheng angry.

Tengdi stood up and yelled at the phone, "fuck, David, are you tumbling on drugs? This is a newspaper with a sales volume of more than one million copies. It’s not Yahoo News that you can withdraw it, and even if you can withdraw me. Will not withdraw."

The other side was silent for a few seconds, "Jason, calm down, okay, I apologize to you for my tone, but I must tell you that there is someone else who asked me to make this call, and I sincerely advise you, The newspaper can’t be collected. It’s good for you to find a way to use other news to divert the public’s attention."

   Yang Cheng was not dazzled by the victory. He was sober. From the first words David Ellison said, he realized that this incident might have touched the beard of a certain gangster.

Supporting the table, focusing on the pattern of the carpet, I quickly weighed the pros and cons in my heart, and asked, "David, thank you for your reminder. If possible, can you tell me who made this call? "

There seemed to be a whispering voice on the other side. It is estimated that he covered the phone\'s microphone and Yang Cheng did not hear clearly. It took more than a minute for David Ellison to give an answer that disappointed Yang Cheng. Sorry jason, I can only tell you that Elizabeth once attended the most mysterious party in Silicon Valley, and Theranos company also has my father\'s shares in it."

   Yang Cheng bit his posterior molar and said, "Okay, thank you, I will consider it seriously."

Hanging up the phone, the phone rang again before it cooled down. Undoubtedly, the call at this time gave Yang Cheng an ominous premonition. UU read the book www.uukā hesitated or connected the phone, put it in his ear, and waited. The other party speaks first.

   "jason? This is Jerry Kushler."

   "Hey, Jerry, what\'s the matter with the phone?" Yang Cheng\'s heart sank to the bottom instantly, just like sitting on a jumper.

   "It\'s okay, I just want to congratulate you, the Los Angeles Times is selling crazy today, right?" Jerry\'s voice sounds normal. Does Yang Cheng think too much?

  How could this be possible? Yang Cheng\'s hunch was still quite accurate. As expected, Jerry didn\'t wait for Yang Cheng to reply, "but the front page report is foul."

   "What do you mean?" Yang Cheng wondered what Jerry\'s foul was referring to.

   "Hehe, once the Los Angeles Times news is confirmed, it is not Elizabeth\'s job." Jerry chuckled lightly, not seeming to be ashamed of Yang Cheng\'s report on his friend\'s scandal.

   Yang Cheng scratched his scalp, letting the blood unclog, "Damn, theranos is just a company valued at 9 billion U.S. dollars. As for such a big fight?"

   Jerry snorted and asked, "Is anyone else calling you?"

   "Well, the phone from Silicon Valley." Yang Cheng did not hide it, but he did not reveal David Ellison\'s name.

   "Oh, no wonder, jason, if needed, I can help you. By the way, we can talk about the campaign." If it wasn\'t the last sentence, Yang Cheng would almost be grateful.

   After a long time talking bullshit, the last sentence is the point.

Yang Cheng was not fooled. Just a few seconds after Jerry was speaking, a message flashed in his mind about the family background of Elizabeth Holmes. He made a bend at the corner of his mouth and said relaxedly, "Thank you Jie Rui, I think I can solve this by myself."